Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1549 1556. Thunderbolt (2)

It was early spring. Although there was a poem saying that the wind blowing on the face was not cold, it was not like that on the sea. The wind was whistling, the waves were rolling, and the small-tonnage fishing boat was jumping with the waves, which was so bumpy that it made people crazy.

Ao Mudong sat for a while with the dart gun and stood up again. He explained: "I'm afraid that my internal hemorrhoids will come out."

"Don't talk." Ao Muyang stared at the sea not far away, and then swept his hands to the south.

Several shadows appeared on the water one after another, and then a big swordfish showed its black back.


Old Ao whistled, the horse was as fast as Lu, the bow was like thunder and the string was shocked, and the dart gun shot out like lightning, tearing through the air and breaking the sea surface with a whoosh and piercing into it.

The swordfish swam very fast, and its smooth figure flashed on the sea surface and then dived again. The dart gun did not hit it, but shot in front of it.

Ao Mudong was about to sigh in disappointment when the dart stopped the swordfish. The swordfish's forward movement paused. At this moment, another dart flew out!

The sharp dart was inserted into the water like an arrow. The front tip of the dart was like a hot knife cutting butter. It shot into the back of the swordfish's head with almost no hindrance and inserted diagonally.

All of a sudden, the thin iron chain on the tail of the dart was pulled straight.

Once the brain of a mammal is damaged, it will die immediately. The vitality of fish is more tenacious. The swordfish was shot in the vitals, but it still drilled down with all its strength. The thin iron chain of more than ten meters was pulled out at once, and it was pulled until it was straight.

Ao Mudong put on gloves and began to pull the thin iron chain back, dragging the big swordfish up.

The swordfish was not completely dead after being dragged onto the boat. The gills were opening and closing slightly with great difficulty. It was not until Ao Mudong pulled out the dart that it was completely dead.

The sea fishing boat was equipped with an ice cabin, and there were ice blocks in the cabin. Compared with the size of the swordfish, the ice cabin was too small and could not even accommodate it, so Ao Daguo put the fish on the boat and dug out the liquid ice from the ice cabin to cover it.

The liquid ice in the ice cabin was made from the newly purchased ice maker, which uses seawater as raw material and has a strong ability to preserve freshness.

Ao Muyang had no time to watch the details of the harvest. He held another dart gun in his hand, scanned the sea surface with his eyes, and continued to look for the remaining swordfish.

Like sailfish, swordfish also like to swim close to the sea surface with their backs exposed, because this has less resistance, and air resistance is much smaller than seawater resistance. So once they are frightened and close to the sea surface again, they will emerge half of their bodies to swim at high speed.

Ao Muyang took advantage of their habit. The tiger drove them underwater, and another swordfish appeared. Seeing this, he waited for the swordfish's body to come out of the water, and threw the dart gun out again!

Although he could not succeed every time, he had excellent eyesight and strength, and his wrist was stable. He often used a harpoon to spear fish. With these advantages, his chances of hunting swordfish were quite high.

He shot 25 swordfish in one morning, all of which were big. The space on both sides of the sea fishing boat was full, and then he sailed back.

Swordfish are big, and 25 is not a lot. He did not plan to sell them, but wanted to clean them up and give them away.

So after lunch, he hung these fish in front of the house, which attracted many tourists to take photos, and even more attracted the fishermen in the village.

There was an endless stream of fishermen who came to inquire about swordfish. Ao Muyang did not hide anything. He explained everything to anyone who asked.

After hearing about the dart shooting swordfish, some fishermen shook their heads and said that the reward-effort ratio was too small and it was not worth it. Some people had other ideas: they took tourists out to sea to shoot fish, which was definitely an activity that tourists had never experienced.

In the afternoon, several fishing boats on the dock began to be remodeled, and they were all busy welding the dart platform to the bow of the motorized fishing boats.

After learning the news, Ao Muyang went to remind the fishermen to be careful. It is not a joke to drive a small boat to the deep sea. Although there are no storms and tides in spring, there are still waves. If you are not careful, the boat will capsize!

He requires that fishing boats must be paired when going out to sea, at least two boats go out to sea together to take care of each other.

Some people think he is too cautious, but his prestige is high, and fishing boats going out to sea still have to follow his guidance.

This matter is very necessary. After the fishing boats in Longtou Village started the business of taking tourists out to sea to shoot swordfish, other villages followed suit and welded a dart platform in front of the fishing boats to take tourists out to sea.

Tourists must not stay on the boat and watch honestly, they also have to participate. A boat in Zhongjiashuigou Village had an accident.

At that time, the fishing boat was hit hard by the waves. One tourist was timid. After he got on the escort platform, his legs became weak. Just then, a big wave hit him. He ran back in panic and subconsciously threw the dart gun out. As a result, the dart gun pierced the belly of the captain who was maintaining safety behind him!

The captain was responsible for driving the boat. He was seriously injured and naturally could not drive the boat. Although there were fishermen on the boat, they did not have a driver's license. They only knew how to operate the boat and could not operate the fishing boat at high speed and safely to return.

The matter was serious. Fortunately, after the establishment of the Fishery Association, a new marine information digital safety broadcasting system was installed for all the fishing boats in the association.

In this way, although the fishing boat entered the ocean far away, the distress signal was sent to the service desk of the association in time. The service desk quickly contacted the coast guard. Su Jinnan personally led the team to pick up the captain of the boat and sent him to the city on the speedboat.

Although the rescue was timely and the captain saved his life, rescue at sea is not as good as on land after all, and it still takes some time. In addition, the conditions on the ship are not good. The captain's wound is seriously infected and he will probably have to stay in the hospital for a long time.

At this time, another problem was exposed. Fishermen do not have special insurance. At most, they can apply for personal accident insurance, and this is not an item that all fishermen can apply for: domestic insurance is like that. Fishermen do not trust insurance companies. Insurance companies happen to think that fishermen are engaged in high-risk occupations and are unwilling to contract them. Therefore, once fishermen have an accident at sea, they have to rely on themselves.

The fisherman in Zhongjiashuigou did not buy personal accident insurance. The responsibility is easy to determine. It belongs to the tourist, but the tourist is a girl who likes to travel on a budget. She doesn't have much money. In this way, the injured captain's family is worried about the hospital.

Fortunately, the captain has joined the Fishery Association. Ao Muyang went to see it on behalf of the association. He first borrowed 200,000 from the association's fund account to pay for the medical expenses and let the captain see a doctor first.

After this incident, Ao Muyang quickly contacted Zhu Changrong, Pi Yuyan, Yuan Meijing, and Shen Zhilu. The leaders of the association gathered together to discuss how to deal with this matter.

After sitting down, Zhu Changrong said: "How to deal with this matter? Don't let fishermen take tourists out to sea to play these dangerous activities. Isn't this irresponsible for each other's safety?"

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