Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1556 1563. To catch or not to catch?

Ao Muyang has put a lot of effort into the study of marine species, so he knows this knowledge very well, and he knows even better how to find squid and octopus.

So when he looked for octopus but didn't find it, he knew that his efforts were in vain, as there were only some squid in these bottles and jars.

If there is no octopus, then just catch squid, since the ink sac of squid contains a lot of ink anyway.

He surfaced and sent a signal to the black dragon who was driving the boat, and the black dragon drove the sea fishing boat to follow the signal.

Lu Wuyi leaned on the guardrail and asked, "Brother-in-law, you are so amazing. How long has it been? You have swum so far? If Phelps saw your ability, he would be embarrassed to call himself a flying fish."

Ao Muyang wiped his face and said disdainfully, "What's a flying fish? I am driving a killer whale underwater!"

He threw a little gold drop, and the tiger lurking in the sea below heard the news and swallowed the gold drop with interest and rushed out of the water half of its body, bringing huge waves and shaking the fishing boat.

Climbing on the fishing boat, Ao Muyang directed Lu Wuyi to use a coarse pottery jar to catch squid.

Large-scale squid capture is to find its tribe at night and then put down a trawl net to catch it. This trick is not effective for dealing with scattered squid, but fishermen have a traditional method that is very suitable for catching scattered squid.

This method is called "pot fishing" in the southern seas. The so-called pot is also called octopus pot. It is a kind of urn-shaped coarse pottery with a circular handle. It got this name because it looks like a pot for making soup.

Ao Muyang had Lu Wuyi tie up the octopus pot with a rope before. One rope can tie up 20 to 30 octopus pots. Now that the target sea area has been determined, Lu Wuyi carefully put the octopus pot tied with rope into the water, and then began to lower the rope continuously.

While working, he said, "Brother-in-law, when are we going to fish out these pots?"

Ao Muyang said, "Mollusks such as squid and octopus have the nature of burrowing holes, so one night is enough."

Lu Wuyi laughed and said, "It seems that all mollusks have the nature of burrowing holes?"

"You stinky hooligan." Old Ao laughed as well.

There were not many squids found here, and there were no octopuses. After putting down the octopus pot, he went into the water again and swam to another sea area.

He specifically looked for bottles and garbage and reef crevices on the seabed. After searching for a while, he saw a faint snake-like trace swaying in a reef on the seabed.

There were no sea snakes in Hongyang Bay itself, so when he saw these traces, he was moved and used his ability to swim in the water to quickly dive over.

When he got close to the seabed reef, he saw the appearance of these snake-like fish clearly. Rather than saying that they looked like sea snakes, they looked like eels, but their value was much greater than that of eels. This was the flower eel.

A rare marine treasure!

The flower eel has a peculiar nature. It is a downstream migratory fish. They lay eggs and reproduce in the ocean, and the fry grow in rivers, reservoirs and other fresh waters. They have to experience a completely different living environment throughout their lives.

There are flower eels in coastal areas of China, but due to the serious pollution of rivers by industrial toxic wastewater and overfishing, as well as the devastating damage to fish resources by poison and electric fishing, and the blocking of the normal migration channels of flower eels by building dams and reservoirs and hydropower stations, their resources have dropped sharply for various reasons, making it difficult to see them now.

Therefore, Ao Muyang was overjoyed when he recognized that the flower eels hidden in the cracks of the reefs were flower eels. He was getting married soon, and it would be perfect if he could catch these flower eels to cook.

You should know that flower eels are very outstanding marine delicacies. They have high nutritional value, good meat quality, and excellent taste. They are known as "ginseng in water" and "edible cosmetics."

However, he then remembered that because the number of flower eels is rare, it seems that they have been sent to the national species protection list, and he cannot touch them yet.

Sighing, Lao Ao released a few drops of gold in succession.

Then, because of his arrival, the flower eels hidden in the cracks of the rocks immediately swam out, scrambling to grab the golden drops floating in the water.

Lao Ao was jealous. It was not easy to encounter flower eels in the sea. It was a pity that he could not catch them.

Normally, flower eels are caught in fresh water. They can adapt to various environments in fresh water on land, such as estuaries, swamps, rivers, ponds, reservoirs, etc. They can forage in wet grasslands outside the water and bamboo forests and bushes after rain. They have to be admired in this aspect.

Even, they can leave the water for a long time, so sometimes they go to the river beach at night and prey on larger animals such as frogs and mice in the reeds.

After thinking about it, Lao Ao made a decision that he still had to catch these flower eels, but not to eat them, but to take them back and raise them.

He also made a decision to arrange a task for this year, to connect the Ambergris Lake and the offshore after marriage, and turn the lake into a migratory fish breeding base.

Although flower eels are not mollusks, they have the instinct to drill holes and can also be hunted with octopus pot.

Ao Muyang didn't want to go through so much trouble, so he used the golden drops to lure all the flower eels around him to gather in one place, and then rushed with the fishing net to catch them all.

It was a pleasant surprise to catch these flower eels, so he was motivated to continue searching on the seabed.

Finally, he found some traces of octopus again.

There are many fishermen who raise scallops and oysters in Hongyang Bay. Some seedlings escape from the farms and become wild species, so various shellfish can always be caught in Hongyang Bay.

The octopus that Ao Muyang encountered this time was related to shellfish. He found some scattered oysters, and there were octopuses trying to catch them.

It was here that Lao Ao saw the power of octopuses.

Oysters will open their shells to find food, and octopuses will wait by the side with stones wrapped in their tentacles. When the oysters around them open their shells, they will immediately throw the stones in.

The stones are stuck in the shells, and the oysters cannot close their shells, so they can only wait for the octopus to eat them.

This is the first time that Ao Muyang has seen an octopus preying on shellfish. The skills and abilities it has demonstrated amazed him. Compared with dolphins preying on squids, the wisdom used by this octopus to prey on shellfish is no less.

After watching the scene of octopuses preying on oysters for a while, Ao Muyang returned to the sea and sent a signal again, and Lu Wuyi released another batch of octopus pots.

Ao Muyang was determined to get this batch of octopuses. He had just looked at the seabed and found that there were no cracks, jars, or bottles around. The octopuses had nowhere to go. The octopus pots he put down could attract them to build nests.

After that, he searched in the sea for a while and put all the octopus pots on the seabed. It was getting late at this time. Lu Wuyi looked at his watch and asked, "Why go home when?"

Ao Muyang shook his head and said, "Why go home? Sleep on the boat at night, and go back after fishing the pots out tomorrow."

Lu Wuyi hurriedly got into the cabin to take a seat, but in fact, this was blind enthusiasm. Ao Muyang squeezed in afterwards, and Heilong also squeezed in after dropping anchor at night.

Lu Wuyi, who was sandwiched in the middle, looked bleak: "Brother-in-law, this is not good, right? What is this? A man on top of a man?"

Ao Muyang said, "What a mess, squeeze together to keep warm."

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