Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1565 1572. Coming one after another (3)

The night was beautiful, the moonlight was hazy, and the sky was full of stars.

The courtyard was very quiet. The chickens and ducks had returned to the breeding beds obediently. Only some night birds would occasionally fly by the foot of the mountain and make a few cries.

Ao Muyang and Heilong sat opposite each other at a small table, drinking wine slowly. There were many snail shells scattered on the table. Heilong picked up a drunken crab and put it into his mouth, chewing it with wine juice.

Occasionally, there were a few sea breezes blowing. It was not cold at all in May. The night breeze at this time was very comfortable on people. The generals, the brothers of the Wolf family, and the heads of state surrounded Ao Muyang's chair, snoring.

When he was drunk, Ao Muyang stood up and patted Heilong on the shoulder to let him drink by himself, and he staggered back to rest first.

Heilong could not speak, and Ao Muyang did not say anything. This meal was eaten quietly.

Under the clear starry sky, with the gentle night breeze blowing, eating and drinking to one's heart's content, and then having a good sleep after getting tipsy, Lao Ao felt that there was nothing more comfortable than this.

When he woke up the next day, the wedding was getting closer, and he had more things to do.

The wedding was on May 14th, but he had to set up a three-day buffet, so he started the wedding banquet from May 13th.

It wasn't that he wanted to make a big fuss. In fact, his wedding was an orthodox fisherman's wedding. When Ao Wenchang, Ao Fugui and Ao Mudong got married, they would hold a wedding soup meal the night before. In fact, this wedding soup meal came from the three-day buffet.

In the past, fishermen valued rebirth more than death. In red and white weddings, they had to make a big fuss, but when it came to funerals, they kept everything simple. This came from the fact that ancient fishermen had to put their heads on their waistbands to work at sea, and lived one day at a time, so they attached great importance to weddings and childbirth.

At that time, if conditions allowed, whether it was a wedding or a birth, the host family would hold a three-day banquet to invite relatives, friends, and villagers to have fun.

But from the late Qing Dynasty to the reform and opening up, China was poor for a long time. How could the fishermen have the spare money to hold a three-day banquet?

So the custom of the banquet was simplified, and it was changed to hold a wedding soup meal on the first day to thank the relatives and friends who came to help, hold a wedding banquet on the same day, and invite the bride's relatives to have a meal the next day.

Ao Muyang held the banquet to create topics, mainly for tourists.

The banquet is lunch and dinner. In the morning, the drying yard behind the village began to be lively. Tables were put up one by one, and each table was surrounded by a circle of stools. Tu Yishao directed the invited chefs to get busy. At noon, tourists and villagers could sit and eat as they pleased.

Lu Zhizi went to a hotel in the city to prepare to be a bride. Ao Muyang stayed at home to count the tools and items he would need for the wedding tomorrow. At this time, Jiang Xiaoyu called him and said, "Come to the village committee. Someone from the city TV station is here."

Ao Muyang wondered why the city TV station came at this time?

He went to the village committee and saw a large van parked in the small square. It was indeed printed with the logo of the city TV station.

A group of people stood in front of the van. Ao Muyang found that they were all familiar faces: director Bi Xianjie, female host Yang Qiusha, etc.

Last winter, the TV station came to do a program about fish fry. The program group that came at that time was led by Bi Xianjie. Now that the two sides met again, it was easy to communicate.

Ao Muyang shook hands with Bi Xianjie, Yang Qiusha and others one by one, and said with a smile: "Director Bi, Miss Yang, what brings you here? Come in, come in, why are you standing outside?"

Bi Xianjie smiled but said nothing, while Yang Qiusha said with a smile: "Director Ao, happy wedding, congratulations. We are here to do a program just like last time, this time it is about the wedding of a fisherman. In addition, don't blame us for coming uninvited, it was Director Dai Zongxi who arranged us to come."

Bi Xianjie, who had been silent, made a phone call and handed the phone to Ao Muyang.

When the call was connected, Ao Muyang heard Dai Zongxi's voice: "Handsome guy, how about the wedding gift I prepared for you? A promotional program, awesome, right?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Awesome, this is really awesome."

He has hired a photography and hosting team from the wedding company, but now it seems that they are not needed at all. Dai Zongxi found a professional team from the TV station to take charge of related matters.

In this way, his wedding can be fully recorded. Bi Xianjie also told him that the program will be broadcast after editing, but all the negatives will be given to him and Lu Zhizi.

Yang Qiusha said: "Let's meet in the evening. I will discuss with you the points to pay attention to when hosting the wedding tomorrow. You don't have to worry about us at other times. We will film it ourselves. You continue to be busy."

Ao Muyang bowed his hands and thanked: "I don't need to thank you for your great kindness. From now on, you will be my benefactors."

Just after arranging the program team, Du Tanzhi brought people here again.

After meeting, they followed the same routine. First, he congratulated him on his marriage, and then Du Tanzhi said, "I know you'll be busy tomorrow, so I came here today to give you a gift."

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Do you have to be so polite?"

Just as Du Tanzhi was about to speak, Old Ao continued to ask, "What did you give me, Mr. Du?"

The polite words that were about to come out were held back. Du Tanzhi pointed at the middle-aged man next to him and said angrily, "I gave you a person, that's it."

Ao Muyang took a breath and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"You're so busy right now, how can I tease you?" Du Tanzhi rolled his eyes at him, "Really, this is my gift to you."

Seeing him dumbfounded, Du Tanzhi smiled: "This is a talent for you, a fish training expert that I spent a lot of effort to dig out from the National Oceanarium. Doesn't the village lack attractions and tourism projects? I'll find someone to do a project for you!"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Hello, Mr. Ao, I know you are busy, so to make a long story short, have you seen the animal performances in the circus? In fact, marine animals can perform just like fish, and this is what I am good at."

This is indeed a talent, Ao Muyang said: "I know this, it's the dolphin heading the ball , seals do sit-ups and the like, right? "

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Not only that, there are so many performances for marine animals and fish. Porcupine fish can do arithmetic, snappers can distinguish scales and perform pushing balls uphill, coconut crabs can perform tree climbing and box opening, mullets can perform traffic rules, and there are fish drilling rings, fish volleyball games, etc. Give me time and resources, I can prepare hundreds of performances!"

Hearing this, Ao Muyang was surprised. He had never heard of these. Du Tanzhi really found a talent.

The most important thing is that this person's ability can complement the effect of the golden drop. With him, a fish troupe can really be trained in the village.

He was about to ask the middle-aged man in detail about the specific operability of the fish troupe, when someone came to him and said, "The navy leader is here, saying that he is here to give you a gift, village chief!"

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