Golden Fishing Village

It's time to say goodbye again (* ̄︶ ̄)

It's time to say goodbye again ( ̄︶ ̄)

From "Golden Fishery" to "Golden Fishing Village", from March 7, 2015 to January 10, 2019, four books have been completed, and almost four years have passed.

Looking back, it feels like time has passed so fast, so fast that Danqie can't react. Day by day, the number of words gradually increases, and the results rise and fall, just like Danqie's weight, rising and falling, floating and sinking.

Some people have questioned that the fishing village is the capital of the fishing farm. Danqie can say from the bottom of my heart that it is really not the case - if everyone still doesn't believe it, Danqie can only show his sincerity by pulling out his crotch. The book "Fishing Village" was well prepared. The outline was even written a day in advance when I was writing "The Treasure King". Finally, I started the book with great confidence.

I won't talk about the result, anyway, it's not good.

The outline of the fishing village is well prepared. If I continue to write, it is no exaggeration to say that I can write 10 million words, but I really can't write anymore. I think many brothers and sisters can't read it anymore, so I'd better quit while I'm ahead and close the business early.

Some people also questioned that Dan Ke hired a ghostwriter to write the book - this was told by Dan Sao after reading the message. At that moment, Dan Ke really felt wronged. Since writing the book, Dan Ke has never hired a ghostwriter, not a single word.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether I say this or not. Talking about ghostwriters here may be that Dan Ke is used to being a water writer.

Speaking of water writing, this is really a bad habit. Dan Ke looked back at the content of the fishing village and found that many places were like a running account. No wonder everyone was dissatisfied. It was really badly written.

In short, Dan Ke tried his best to write the fishing village. He consulted a lot of information, racked his brains to think of some jokes, and found some jokes on the Internet to integrate into the content, hoping to make everyone laugh.

The only thing that makes Dan Ke feel regretful is that his persistence collapsed in this book. In the past, the three books were updated five times a day as long as they were put on the shelves. This book could not hold up in the last two months, so it was changed to 6,000 words a day.

In the future books, Dan Ke may slow down the update speed. Content is still king. Dan Ke has developed the habit of pursuing speed in the past, which is not a good habit, because Dan Ke gave up quality in pursuit of speed, and the content of the novel is really unbearable.

Having talked about this book, let's talk about the next one.

Dan Ke has always inherited the "three generations at the same time" development strategy of my country's military industry "planning one generation, producing one generation, and displaying one generation". It has always been "planning the brain hole of a book, making the outline of a book, and writing the content of a book" "three books at the same time" together.

In other words, when Dan Ke writes a book, he will make the outline of another book, and at the same time plan the brain hole of a future book, so as to ensure that the road of creation is connected, continuous, and endless from generation to generation.

Part of the outline of the new book has come out, and it is still a farming article. When I was writing "The Treasure King", Dan Ke's idea was to write a supernatural article, and I wanted to try it out. As a result, reality kept hitting Dan Ke's cheeks with a shoe horn, so Dan Ke decided to give up the idea of ​​transformation and study farming articles honestly.

It's not that Dan Ke is afraid of failure. In fact, failure doesn't matter. I'm not a genius player, let alone a great god. I just need to stand up and keep going after failure. The reason why Dan Ke finally decided to stick to farming articles is relatively simple, that is, Dan Ke feels that his farming articles are not good enough. Since he can't even write his best, why bother to climb high and look far to see too much?

The theme of the new book is farming, to be more specific, it is to go abroad to farm. The idea is different from the past. Of course, it's probably not the kind of super idea that can make people's eyes light up. Anyway, let's see how it works out. I hope everyone likes it. I hope Dan Ke's next book will be better.

As for the release time of the new book, I'm afraid we have to wait until after the New Year.

From March 2015 to today, Dan Ke has been writing almost all the time. In fact, creation should not be this kind of mandatory and streamlined work. It needs inspiration and the feeling of "wanting to write".

Therefore, Dan Ke decided to take a break first and start work after the New Year.

The specific upload time of the new book should be the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, February 11th of the Gregorian calendar. At that time, the editors of the website should be at work, which is convenient for mailing contracts and the like. This is the current tentative time. If there is any change, Dan Ke will explain it again. I hope brothers and sisters can pay attention to it. Thank you.

Well, let's talk about it here (* ̄︶ ̄)ヾ, goodbye, brothers and sisters, thank you for accompanying Dan Ke to build such a fishing village. The fishing village is closed first. Let's see you in the next book ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~.

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