Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 180 178. Coast Guard Relations (3)

Ao Zhiyi also wanted to use the old trick against Land Rover. He first introduced himself as the village chief and village party secretary, and then took Su Jinnan's hand and walked out more enthusiastically, and directly used a bully to force the bow.

He encountered Waterloo this time. Su Jinnan was not a smooth businessman like Land Rover. He was a tough coast guard. He was a little unhappy when Ao Zhiyi did this, so he turned around and winked at his subordinates.

Suddenly someone came up and put an arm around the old man's shoulders and led him out: "Hello, Village Chief Ao, hello. I just have something I want to talk to you about..."

Ao Muyang is determined to make friends with the Coast Guard, so he will not let it go when the opportunity comes.

He opened the table, invited everyone to sit down, and then placed snacks such as fruits, peanuts and melon seeds on the table and said, "Eat at my place tonight, and I'll cook you a table full of authentic fisherman's dishes!"

Su Jinnan was not polite and said, "Okay, then we'll eat at your place. You cook it for us at a price of one thousand yuan, and I'll give you the money first."

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said: "Hey, Brother Su, aren't you being polite? No need to pay, I'll treat you to food."

Su Jinnan said firmly: "No, it's not easy for me to hold on to my position today. If someone reports me for eating and drinking outside, my hat will probably be taken off."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "There are only a few of us here, how can such a thing happen?"

Su Jinnan approached mysteriously and whispered: "Have you seen the brothers I brought with me? They all want to take my seat, so I have to be on guard. Okay, don't say more. For one thousand yuan, you follow this Standard, otherwise we’ll go to another place.”

Seeing his serious expression, Ao Muyang became rude and had no choice but to accept the money.

Su Jinnan had a lot of people in his group, and most of the coast guard were retired soldiers from the army, so they had a lot of food, so he called Ao Xiaoniu and asked his mother Song Qiumin to help.

The two of them were busy when someone suddenly ran in from behind and said, "Brother Yang, come out and take a look. Someone is sailing a boat to catch baby killer whales."

Ao Muyang's expression changed: "Are they raised by those dogs in Wangjiacun again?"

After exposing the killer whale to the outside, he was prepared to be poached, but he didn't expect that the other party would dare to take action so soon. It was not yet dark.

The villager who came to report the news shook his head: "No, he looks like a fisherman from the county."

Ao Muyang was about to go out with a sullen expression, but Su Jinnan stopped him and said, "You have to give me a 20% discount on today's dinner. Leave this matter to us. Killer whales are nationally protected animals. I'll see who dares to catch them." "

This is the benefit of being on the line with the Coast Guard.

Su Jinnan took two of his men to the pier. Not far away, there were two fishing boats dragging nets and wandering in the sea.

Taking a sea fishing boat, Su Jinnan and his party approached the fishing boat, and then a coast guard frowned and asked, "What are you doing here?"

There was a small boat from the village next to the fishing boat. The people on the small boat shouted: "Magobi, they want to use fishing nets to catch the baby killer whale."

A big man on a fishing boat showed his head and shouted: "Shut up, this is not a no-fishing zone, what happened to us casting nets to catch fish? Who is fishing for killer whales?"

Su Jinnan stood up and said with a smile: "This is not a no-fishing area. You can cast the net as you like, but I want to see what fish you catch. If anyone dares to catch killer whales, hehe."

The big man frowned angrily: "Why are you laughing? What's wrong with me catching a killer whale? Did you raise this whale at home? Who do you think you are? That's too lenient!"

Su Jinnan neatly took out his police card and showed it to him: "I am a coast guard, not a senior citizen. You can catch killer whales for me. Come on, come and give it a try."

The golden police badge shone brightly in the sunset. Seeing this ID and hearing Su Jinnan's words, the big man was stunned.

The coast guard next to him waved: "Come on, come on, bring your boat to the dock and stop it. I want to check it. Now we suspect that your fishing boat is engaged in illegal fishing activities."

The big man immediately retracted his head, and soon, the two ships wanted to run away.

Ao Muyang accelerated the fishing boat and blocked two fishing boats with one sprint.

Su Jinnan was annoyed and said sternly: "People on the boat, listen, get to the dock immediately. Now that you are suspected of poaching nationally protected animals, please get to the dock and be inspected!"

After finishing speaking, he ordered a coast guard behind him: "Li Zi, call the good old man. He is leading the team on duty today, right? Ask him to come over and check this matter for me."

The fishing boat docked at a fishing boat, and a young coast guard climbed aboard deftly. As soon as he showed his police ID, the owner of the boat became honest: "Comrade police, we are not here to catch killer whales. This is an injustice..."

"Stop talking nonsense and dock at the dock. Someone will come to investigate you later. Just keep your words to my colleagues."

Two fishing boats approached the dock one after the other. Ao Muyang waved to Tiger. Tiger received the signal and left the offshore sea and sailed to the far sea.

Some children who went to sea specifically for killer whales suddenly grinned and cried. They had not had enough fun.

Killer whales are naturally friendly to humans, but tigers are particularly friendly to humans. They spent the whole day playing energetically around the boats. When they swam to the side of the boats, they even allowed people to reach out and touch them, which made them very popular. Visitors welcome.

Parents were very angry when they saw killer whales leaving because of fishing boats:

"Lawless, these people are such bastards, arrest them!"

"What's going on? Killer whales can't be eaten, so why do you still want to catch them?"

"They really have no quality. Exposing them is so abominable!"

The coast guard speedboat on duty came over, Su Jinnan pointed at the eight people on the two boats, and then said to Ao Muyang: "This matter has been settled, let's go back to eat, and I will tell all the boats here not to capture killer whales!"

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Thank you, Brother Su, I really trouble you."

Su Jinnan waved his hand and said: "What's the trouble? I'm doing it according to the law!"

Many tourists and villagers watched this incident on the pier and the coast, watching the coast guards follow Ao Muyang into his house, talking and laughing.

Immediately, someone started chatting with neighbors after returning to the village: Ao Muyang has an unusual relationship with the coast guard, and the coast guard went to his house for dinner after helping him with things.

The neighbors talked about this topic with relatives: Ao Muyang in our village is a close friend of the coast guard, and the coast guards often come to his house for dinner.

Related topics were further expanded: Ao Muyang from Longtou Village and Su Jinnan, the captain of the Coast Guard Squadron, were sworn brothers. Someone poached the killer whales raised by Ao Muyang, and the Coast Guards helped him catch them...

The killer whale show only lasted for one day. The next day, Ao Muyang took the fleet out to sea, and the tiger naturally had to go with him. It was Ao Muyang's iron guard in the sea.

Many tourists came to the waters of Longtou Village for the killer whales, and some of them stayed in the fishing house in Longtou Village. A killer whale sightseeing boosted the economic development of Longtou Village.

But they didn't see the killer whales after they came, so they were naturally disappointed.

Ao Muyang came back in the evening, and Ao Zhiyi and others at the dock specifically discussed with him, asking him to come back early every day and then bring the killer whales to interact with tourists for a while.

Ao Daguo was very dissatisfied with this: "Village chief, we go out to sea to fish. We can't come back early for a performance, right? This is not a rush."

Ao Zhiyi laughed: "Daguo, don't have any objections. It's just the National Day week. How can there be so many tourists in the future? Besides, isn't it the responsibility of every member to help the village develop?"

Ao Daguo wanted to refute, Ao Muyang waved his hand: "There is enough time to go out to sea during the day. Arrange a killer whale performance in the morning and evening. But I have a request. My tiger can't perform for free. At least you have to provide food?"

Ao Zhiyi smiled and said: "That's no problem, that's no problem."

"Well, fifty kilograms of beef in the morning and evening. My tiger loves beef."

"Nima!" Ao Zhiyi was stunned.

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