Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 204 202. Unlucky Squirrel (average subscription +7)

Just as the general was about to catch up with the little squirrel, the little squirrel suddenly changed direction and headed straight for a tree next to it, climbing up.

The general braked suddenly, then stood under the tree with his head up, looking confused.

There were many chestnuts on the chestnut tree, and the little squirrel picked one down, standing leisurely on the branch, chewing the chestnut while looking down at the general, not afraid at all.

The general was irritated by its appearance, and it stood up and supported the tree with its front paws, and its hind paws kept jumping: "Woof woof woof!"

The little squirrel glanced at it sideways, and continued to ignore it and enjoy the chestnuts by itself.

The general was so angry that he jumped up and down. The rocks on the mountain were sloping. He didn't stand well when he landed. He turned into a rolling gourd and rolled down...

Lu Zhizi laughed loudly. Ao Muyang said, "You are so heartless, but it's really interesting, hahaha."

The general climbed up with a dusty face. He was as strong as steel. This little landslide was nothing to him.

Ao Muyang and Lu Zhizi walked over. The little squirrel didn't run away. He still stood on the tree and looked down at them.

This surprised Ao Muyang: "Oh, the little thing is quite arrogant. The squirrels I have seen before would be scared to death when they saw people coming."

Lu Zhizi said, "It seems that we have met a warrior among squirrels this time."

Ao Muyang patted his shoulder and said, "Warriors are often easy to become martyrs. Head of State, you go."

According to his order, the head of state climbed out, stood on his shoulder and looked up at the little squirrel.

The little squirrel was fearless and continued to look down at them.

Seeing this, the leader became interested. This little thing, this little temper, I like you, I will catch you without negotiation!

With a leap, the leader jumped two meters high out of thin air, jumped from Ao Muyang's shoulder to the top of the tree, and just came face to face with the little squirrel.

The little squirrel was stunned. What kind of trick was this?

Lu Zhizi was also surprised: "Wow, the leader's jumping ability is too terrible."

The little squirrel subconsciously wanted to run, but it was too late. The leader jumped in front of it in one step. As soon as it turned around, the leader slapped it with a paw and pressed it down.

The flexibility and responsiveness of cats are the best among animals, and squirrels are no match.

The leader slapped it on the tree with a slap, like a pagoda suppressing a river monster. The little squirrel was left with only a big tail swinging around, and it couldn't move anyway.

Lu Zhizi had no intention of hurting the little squirrel. She waved to the leader and said, "Hey, leader, come down, let's let it go."

After hearing this, the leader let go of his claws. The little squirrel didn't even have time to breathe and ran away in panic.

Lu Zhizi opened her hand to signal the leader to jump down. The leader looked at her, turned around and followed the little squirrel up, and chased it behind him in a flash.

The leader was bored all the way, and now he finally encountered something fun. How could he give up so easily?

The little squirrel was scared to pee, and it peed when it shook its butt.

The leader wanted to throw out his claws, but seeing this, he retracted his claws in disgust and continued to chase behind.

The little squirrel jumped up and down, and the leader also jumped up and down, always chasing behind.

The little squirrel rushed straight to the highest branch of the chestnut tree, and the leader also rushed up and continued to chase behind.

The little squirrel jumped up with great effort and jumped onto a chestnut tree next to it. The head of state also jumped up without any effort and still chased after it.

The little squirrel was desperate, and simply jumped down from the tree with its tail erected.

As soon as it landed, the head of state did not catch up. Seeing this, the little squirrel was somewhat surprised and unbelievable. It looked back to make sure that the big cat did not chase it and jump on the ground.

That was right, the head of state was squatting on the tree and did not fall down.

The little squirrel wanted to run away excitedly, but as soon as it turned its head back, it saw a huge monster in front of it: the general was waiting for it on the ground!

Seeing that the little squirrel was about to be scared to death, Lu Zhizi went up to save it. She hugged the general's neck, and the little squirrel took the opportunity to escape, and the general could not catch up.

This time, the little squirrel did not dare to show off. It ran a long way in one breath, saw a ravine and went directly down, and disappeared without a trace.

Leaving the head of state on the tree, Ao Muyang asked it to pick chestnuts.

He pointed at the chestnut he liked, and the leader went over to pick it with his claws. His claws were very sharp, and he could cut off a chestnut with a single swing of his claws.

Ao Muyang waited under the tree, and it didn't take long before he picked a bag of plump chestnuts.

Patting the bag, he smiled at Lu Zhizi and said, "I'll roast chestnuts for you at noon."

The two climbed up the mountain again. There were small sour dates on the mountain. They were not a delicacy, but for climbers, they were a small reward.

Ao Muyang picked one and put it in his mouth. There was not much date meat, and it tasted very sour and slightly sweet. The taste was not bad.

Lu Zhizi was very happy to eat it. She was not eating for the taste, but for the feeling of harvest.

They ate all the way, and when Ao Muyang found a place with a small mountain spring and prepared to set up camp, the two were almost full.

"Are you still hungry?"

"No, if you are hungry, I have sausages, cakes, and some snacks in my backpack."

"I am not hungry either."

The two of them were not hungry, so they did not need to make a fire. It was not a good idea to make a fire on the mountain in autumn. Mountain spring water can be drunk directly without boiling, so there was no need to make a fire either.

The two of them continued to set off in the afternoon. They decided to spend the night on the mountain. Ao Muyang wanted to go to the highest peak in the Dalongshan area. After the autumn rain, there must be good weather. At night, they could watch the stars together on the highest peak.

Lu Zhizi still had some strength in the morning, because it was her first time climbing the mountain, she felt everything was new, and she had the energy to climb the mountain.

After lunch, the novelty was gone, and her physical strength was exhausted, so she had no strength to climb the mountain later.

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "You lack exercise, Teacher Lu, I will take you running early in the morning in the future."

Lu Zhizi wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "I'm old, old arms and legs are not good enough."

Ao Muyang said, "Haha, come on, let me, a young man, hold you."

He stretched out his hand, and Lu Zhizi also stretched out his hand, everything was smooth.

In this way, the mountain road in the afternoon had a different flavor. Ao Muyang held Lu Zhizi's hand and felt that the mountain scenery was more beautiful than before.

The higher you climb, the more magnificent and beautiful the scenery is, especially when you look back during the break, the vast ocean is blue and boundless.

In the evening, they finally climbed to the top of the mountain. Ao Muyang went to set up the tent, and Lu Zhizi looked for dry firewood around.

After a while, Lu Zhizi called out: "Hey, Brother Muyang, come here quickly."

Ao Muyang thought something had happened, so he hurried over and saw Lu Zhizi pointing at the shady side of a big tree.

At first glance, several thick mushrooms appeared under the tree. These mushrooms were different from straw mushrooms. Their caps and handles were about the same diameter. The handles were thick and long, and the caps were small and thin, gray in color. They were exactly the common oyster mushrooms on the market.

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