Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 227 225. Open the wine (Hell Alliance +1)

Seeing Nong Xingbiao, Ao Muyang recognized him as the owner of the business yacht he had met before.

Nong Xingbiao sat at the table next to him. He showed a surprised expression when he saw Yan Qingcheng. He pretended to suddenly notice Yan Qingcheng's arrival and said, "Ah, Mr. Yan, how come we meet again?"

Yan Qingcheng smiled and said, "Mr. Nong, you followed me all the way. It's meaningless to say this now, right?"

Nong Xingbiao frowned and said, "Are you crazy? Who followed you all the way? Come, order food."

Yan Qingcheng handed the exquisite menu to Ao Muyang and motioned him to order food.

Nong Xingbiao noticed this and immediately showed a playful smile. He spread out the napkin and said slowly, "Mr. Yan, don't you say you are embarrassing the young man? This young man looks like a fisherman. How could he have been to such an occasion? How could he order food?"

The three people who were traveling with him laughed, and their smiles were very mean. Ao Muyang wanted to slap them in the face with a plate.

Nong Xingbiao's words were insulting, but nominally he was not talking about Ao Muyang, so Ao Muyang could not respond.

Yan Qingcheng did not respond either, but whispered: "Sorry, Mr. Ao, this person is my business rival, with low emotional intelligence, a mentally retarded person, and always likes to provoke others, please don't mind."

Ao Muyang nodded. Nong Xingbiao's behavior was not necessarily due to low emotional intelligence. In his opinion, this guy simply did not regard himself as a person, but as a thing.

People do not need to care about the feelings of things, and it is normal to comment on things.

Neither of them responded, and Nong Xingbiao was a little bored. He glanced at Ao Muyang with disdain and snapped his fingers to signal the waiter to take the order.

Ao Muyang ordered a few dishes, and Yan Qingcheng handed him a French menu, so he ordered a set meal, from appetizer bread to dessert after the meal.

After ordering, he also snapped his fingers and said in French: "Bonjour, Tu-peuxm'aider? (Hello, can you help me?)"

Since HK Ge Tan Restaurant specializes in French cuisine, it naturally has French chefs and French waitresses.

Ao Muyang made a request in French, and then a French waitress came over with a brisk step and asked: "Bonjour, Excusez-moi, qu'est-ce-que-je-peux-faire-pourvous? (Hello, what can I do for you?)"

Throughout the process, Ao Muyang was talking to the waitress in French, with clear pronunciation, good rhythm, and ease.

Nong Xingbiao and his four companions at the next table were shocked. They looked at the local waiter next to them and immediately showed dissatisfaction, saying, "Why don't we have French waiters here?"

Yan Qingcheng said coldly, "You speak as if you can speak French. Not to mention speaking French, can you understand it?"

Nong Xingbiao felt embarrassed and his face changed and he was about to get angry.

A man next to him pulled him and whispered a few words. Nong Xingbiao looked at the diners on both sides and had to suppress his temper.

The four did not order food directly. After a while, a young man came. At this time, Nong Xingbiao called the French waitress over, and the young man who came over communicated with her in French.

Yan Qingcheng couldn't help but chuckled and said to himself, "I brought a translator to the meal. This is the first time I have seen such a thing. It is considered an experience."

The veins on Nong Xingbiao's forehead jumped, and he almost got angry.

Then, one dish after another began to be served.

In terms of dishes, HK Ge Tan focuses on Hong Kong cuisine and French cuisine. In terms of dishes, it focuses on seafood, so the dishes ordered by Yan Qingcheng and Ao Muyang are also mainly seafood.

After the appetizers, the main dishes were served, including lobster, oysters and sea fish, which were very rich.

The lobster was cooked halfway across, and this was a dish with the shell. As a man at the table, Ao Muyang naturally had to take the initiative to start the dish.

He held the shell with his left hand and picked out the meat with a special fork in his right hand. The whole process was like butchering a cow. The lobster shell was not damaged at all, and all the lobster meat was removed.

After the lobster, it was the sea fish. Ao Muyang pressed the fish head with a fork and cut it with a knife along the middle bone to the tail. After peeling the fish meat, he cut it into small pieces and motioned Yan Qingcheng to eat it.

Looking at his skillful movements, Yan Qingcheng showed a slightly surprised expression on his face, and Nong Xingbiao at the next table looked more and more unhappy.

When the oysters were served, Yan Qingcheng shook his head. Ao Muyang asked, then snapped his fingers at the waitress and called her over in French.

The waitress asked if there was anything she needed. Ao Muyang whispered a few words, and the waitress left, but soon the chef came over with a dining cart, and the two began to communicate in French.

Nong Xingbiao asked, "Hey, what is this guy talking about?"

The young translator said, "He said that his female companion was not used to eating oysters in the traditional way, so he asked the chef to reprocess them according to his instructions..."

"He asked the chef to mix tomato sauce, spicy soy sauce, lemon juice, and pepper to make a kind of Kilpatrick sauce? Then he poured it on the oysters with bacon cubes and baked it."

"The second one he asked for was to make soup, which was stewed with butter, garlic, salt, pepper, white wine, carrots, potatoes, and thick chicken soup..."

The French chef knew that he had met an expert, and was not dissatisfied with Ao Muyang's instructions. Instead, he seemed to have met a soulmate, and he looked happy during the conversation.

Listening to the young translator's words and seeing this scene, Nong Xingbiao was very dissatisfied. He said with a gloomy face: "This kid is really a show-off. Hey, boy, are you an actor?"

Yan Qingcheng replied: "No matter how showy you are, you are more showy than me. You come out to eat and specially invite an interpreter. I think you are an actor."

The people around Nong Xingbiao stopped him again and whispered: "Boss Nong, we can't quarrel in this kind of place. Let's not lose face. Let them perform. Don't be fooled by them. What's so great about this kid? I think he used to work as a waiter in a French hotel!"

This man has a sharp eye. After observing the way Ao Muyang communicates with the waiter and the chef, he vaguely saw the clues.

After listening to the persuasion of the people around him, Nong Xingbiao calmed down a lot. Their dishes were then served, and a bottle of red wine was served.

Just as the waiter was about to open the red wine, Nong Xingbiao stopped him, looked at Ao Muyang with a provocative look, and said: "Hey, kid, you are also a waiter, right? Come, come and open a glass of wine for me."

Yan Qingcheng couldn't stand the continuous bullying of his guests, and his face darkened and he was about to get angry.

Ao Muyang held her and whispered, "Are you full?"

Yan Qingcheng thought he was going to leave, so he said, "I'm full, let's go first."

Ao Muyang nodded, but he didn't leave directly, but said to Nong Xingbiao, "Mr. Nong, you want me to open the wine for you, right?"

Nong Xingbiao smiled and said, "Yes, come and open the wine for me."

Ao Muyang walked over and took the bottle, saying, "But I don't have a wine opener."

Nong Xingbiao wanted to insult him, and said, "You waiters must have received special training. Come on, show me. I believe you can open this bottle of wine without a wine opener."

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll show you one."

After that, he took off his sneakers, stuffed the bottom of the bottle into his shoes, grabbed the shoes with one hand and held the bottle with the other hand and smashed it against the wall.

'Bang bang bang', after several consecutive collisions, the cork on the red wine bottle quickly popped out.

Ao Muyang chuckled, took out the bottle and placed it in front of Nong Xingbiao, saying, "Here, Mr. Nong, please have a drink."

After that, he walked away, leaving the whole room dumbfounded.

Without Ao Muyang, the others turned their attention to Nong Xingbiao and his companions, as if they were looking at monkeys.

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