Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 244 242. Human Nature (3)

At the end of October, a cold wave came from the north.

People in Longtou Village put on thick clothes one after another. Their bodies were cold and their hearts were even colder.

Ao Muyang is gone!

The body was sent to the funeral parlor in the town. The villagers who had gone to see it were all stunned when they came back: "It's tragic, it's so tragic. Brother Xiaoyang is such a good person, but now he can't find a whole body!"

"When Brother Yang returned to the village, he helped the elderly build houses and took the villagers out to sea to make money. He really repaired bridges and repaired roads without bones. He killed people and set fire to gold belts!"


As long as the topic is related to Ao Muyang, most people will sigh in the end.

Ao Daguo, Ao Mudong and others had not had much rest in the past two days, and they had not gone to sea again. They were not only pained by the death of Longtou, but also worried about their future.

Although theoretically, Ao Muyang was eaten by a shark and died from the upper part of his body, in fact they knew that he was killed by a black dragon.

Ao Muyang took the lead in assisting the coast police in catching the Black Jiao Society smugglers that day, and they also participated. They didn't know what was waiting for them.

Fortunately, it was safe to stay in the village. Su Jinnan left two coastguards in the village with guns on their bodies to monitor strangers passing by the fishing village day and night.

When he heard about Ao Muyang's death that day, Su Jinnan was filled with despair, not only because of his relationship with Ao Muyang, but also because the matter was related to him and his work.

The common people who helped the coast guard catch thieves were killed in revenge by the thieves. Will other common people dare to help them in the future?

Su Jinnan did not leave Qiantan Town. He stayed at the town police station and studied maritime surveillance data sleeplessly.

Xu Jie looked at the pile of blue cans of Red Bull and coffee bags on the table and said, "Okay, Captain Su, go back and take a nap."

Su Jinnan stared at Xu Jie with red eyes: "I must find the remnants of the Black Dragon Society on horseback, and I must bring them to justice on horseback!"

Hearing this, the young Song Gongming perked up. This is the people's defender!

After saying this through gritted teeth, Su Jinnan turned his bloodshot eyes to the computer screen.

After a while, his cell phone rang, and he answered the call casually: "Hey, I'm Su Jinnan from the Hongyang Coast Guard detachment, what? Wori! Don't dare to joke! Really? Tell the detachment not to leave yet, wait for me!"

Quickly hanging up the phone, he stood up and said sternly: "Where is Xu Jie?"

Song Gongming said: "Captain Su, our Xu office has returned to the office."

Su Jinnan picked up his uniform and gun and ran out: "Forget it, I'll leave first if there's an emergency!"

He walked for two or three hours when a call came through. Song Gongming answered it, and Ao Daguo's voice rang on the phone: "Hey, Officer Song, is Captain Su at your place?"

Song Gongming said: "I just left because of something urgent. What's wrong, uncle Da Guo?"

Ao Daguo said: "Hey, something is causing a commotion in the village. I want Captain Su to come over and calm down the situation. It's okay if Captain Su is not here. I have something urgent, so I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, he shook his head and said to the people around him: "Captain Su is not in town."

The grumpy Ao Qianpan said: "There's no need for Captain Su. Let's go and lock the door for Longtou ourselves. The dragon hasn't been buried yet, and your bastard Ao Qianxin wants to usurp his family property?"

Ao Qianxin, who was standing at the door, frowned and said, "Da Pan, what are you talking about? Who usurped the family property?"

Ao Xiaoniu blocked the door and said sternly: "You shameless old dog basket, my Uncle Yang is not dead, the man in the funeral parlor is not my Uncle Yang, don't even think about entering his house!"

Ao Qianxin and his family arrived at the door of Ao Muyang's old house early. He rolled his eyes and said, "What do you know, you little brat? Get out of here, this is my house."

"This is my Uncle Yang's house!" Ao Xiaoniu shouted at the top of his lungs.

Ao Qianxin's gangster son Ao Zhuangyuan pointed at him and said: "Go away, or else I'll beat you up because I don't care about the favor of a village."

Ao Xiaoniu shouted: "If you want to go in, just step over my body!"

After hearing this, the villagers who were watching laughed, and someone said: "The TV series is very harmful to people."

But Ao Xiaoniu was not kidding. The young man's eyes widened, his muscles tensed, and his dark face looked serious.

Ao Fugui's family stood aside and said, "No. 1 Scholar, try touching the calf with one finger and see if I don't pull out your large intestine for you today!"

"I'll make you numb, go home and let me go." Ao Zhuangyuan opened his mouth and cursed.

Ao Fugui clenched his fists impulsively. Ao Zhuangyuan pushed Jiang Zhenglei beside him and said: "Brother-in-law, this coward has peeped at my sister taking a shower before, beat him up!"

Jiang Zhenglei glared: "Are you drafting it? I'll beat you to death!"

The tall Ao Mudong pushed through the crowd and rushed out: "You, a foreign toad, are so arrogant in our village. Who do you want to beat to death?"

The taller Ao Qianlai was pushed out by him. He touched his nose and said, "You want to fight? You can't beat me, really."

Ao Qianlai is stupid and good-tempered, but he has been eating and drinking stupidly since he was a child, and he has a good figure. People who don't know that he is stupid will never dare to provoke him just by looking at him.

Ao Qianxin stopped his son and son-in-law and said loudly: "What are you doing? What are you doing? I am Ao Muyang's uncle. This house does not belong to Ao Muyang, but to my brother Ao Qianzheng. There is no one in my brother's family now." Now, don’t everything belong to me?”

His wife said: "Yes, we have asked the lawyer. We asked the lawyer yesterday. The lawyer said that according to the law, this house and the things in it belong to our family!"

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but want to laugh happily.

The happiest people about Ao Muyang's accident were Ao Qianxin's family. Ao Muyang was his nephew. Legally speaking, after Ao Muyang's death, all his property would be inherited by Ao Qianxin's family.

A small building, a large freshwater aquaculture pond, lobsters in the old house, and a brand new fishing boat docked at the dock. These were all theirs!

Ao Qianxin went to the town to see Ao Muyang's body as soon as possible, and then he wanted to rob the family property directly, but his shrewd daughter Ao Mulan stopped him and asked him to contact a lawyer first and act according to the law.

Anyway, from a legal point of view, all of this belonged to their family, and then they came to take these properties, which was justified.

The crowd became chaotic, and neither of the two gangs was willing to give in.

After a long confrontation, both sides kept shouting, and there was no result after shouting for an hour or two.

At this time, someone shouted, "Teacher Lu is here."

Lu Zhizi walked through the crowd to the door and asked coldly, "What are you doing?"

Ao Qianxin said shamelessly, "Why, are you here to take over my family's property? Teacher Lu, you are a lawyer. According to the law, whose property is this now?"

Lu Zhizi said, "Ao Muyang's."

Ao Qianxin said, "Ao Muyang is dead!"

Lu Zhizi's pretty face was frosted, and she said angrily, "Who said that?"

"The body is in the funeral home, even the head is gone..." Ao Zhuangyuan shouted arrogantly.

"Shut up, are the DNA test results out?" Lu Zhizi interrupted him and said sternly, "If the DNA test results are not out, everything is invalid! No one is allowed to touch the things here!"

Ao Zhuangyuan said arrogantly, "Who cares, what does this have to do with you anyway? Get out of the way!"

He suddenly rushed forward, knocked away Ao Xiaoniu who was blocking the door, and then pushed the door open and ran in.

Ao Mucheng said angrily: "Where is Brother Yang's dog? Bite this conscienceless son of a bitch to death!"

"Brother Yang's dog is on the boat. It has been waiting for Brother Yang to come back for the past four days. It is useless for anyone to call it. And the cat, they are all waiting for Brother Yang on the boat."

"Ao Qianxin is so conscienceless. This family is worse than a dog!"

"Hey, look, there is a plane in the sky. Whose helicopter is it?"

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