Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 263 261. Unexpected Gains (Average Subscription +23)

A large group of squid, octopus and other molluscs appeared behind him!

They should have emerged from the surrounding sea bottom. Ao Muyang had noticed before that the topography of this sea bottom was complex, with numerous rocks and cracks.

Now, squids and octopuses are just burrowing out of the cracks in the rocks.

There are also some people who climbed off the broken boats. There are damaged holes around the hull. The attraction of the golden elixir penetrates the boats. The marine creatures inside feel it and scramble to crawl out.

There were many molluscs that suddenly appeared. In the turbulent sea water, all Ao Muyang could see were tentacles, some long or short, with different colors. They were startling after they suddenly appeared.

Ao Muyang had no fear of this ghost ship, but he was frightened by these molluscs. Octopuses are quite aggressive. If they get entangled...

Making a decisive decision, Ao Muyang turned around and ran away.

He was very loyal and came out of the water to call the general and the head of state before running away. As soon as he came out of the water, he saw the general's dog paddling and the head of state's cat paddling. The two naughty kids swam faster than the other!

There are also traces of squid and octopus on the sea. On the ghost ship not far away, there are many squid and octopus emerging from the deck, bow and stern, and falling into the sea like dumplings.

"You two cowards!" Ao Muyang cursed and swam forward using all four limbs.

Fortunately, the tiger, the god of war of the sea, was beside him. The tiger opened its mouth and rushed into the group of molluscs to show off its power. Its body surface was extremely smooth, and these squid and octopuses could not entangle it.

But the squid and octopuses didn't intend to entangle it, but took the initiative to get into its mouth!

The tiger had swallowed the golden drop before, and perhaps some of the golden drop was left in its mouth. After it opened its mouth, no matter whether it was a squid or an octopus, it took the initiative to dig into its mouth without fear of death.

This scene was so abnormal. If it were an ordinary killer whale, it might enjoy this feast in a muddle-headed manner. But the tiger is smart. It felt something was wrong and was subconsciously afraid. It flicked its tail and ran away!

Seeing this, Ao Muyang tried his best to escape while cursing in his heart: No idea! Coward! coward! Wait for me!

Fortunately, squids and octopuses are not aggressive. They are attracted by the golden drops. When the golden drops disappear, their excitement calms down.

However, with such a bunch of molluscs behind him, Ao Muyang was still terrified. When he saw that there were still octopuses chasing him, he threw out a few gold drops and turned them into thousands of dots to distract him. their attention.

Sure enough, after the golden drop appeared, no octopus or squid chased him. All the creatures crowded together to fight for those small invisible golden drops.

The tiger felt the temptation of the golden drop and wanted to snatch it, but after looking back, he decided to continue running away.

In contrast, the yellow-lipped fish is not so smart. It bravely gets into the octopus and squid schools, and bravely grabs the food from the tiger's mouth!

Ao Wenchang started the raft and came towards him. The general, the head of state, and Ao Muyang climbed up one by one, and then lay on it and gasped for air.

Their performance made Ao Wenchang a little scared: "What did you see? Why are you so scared? Longtou, you look ugly!"

Ao Muyang swallowed and said, "Go back first!"

They returned to the big dragon head, and Ao Mudong and others pulled him up.

Ao Daguo's question was the same as Ao Wenchang's: "Longtou, what's going on? Why do you look so ugly? What happened to you? General, why are you still trembling?"

Ao Muyang gasped: "Ghost, I saw a ghost!"

After hearing this, Ao Mupeng and others almost fell to their knees with their legs weak.

Ao Wenchang looked in disbelief: "This is impossible!"

Ao Muyang rolled his eyes: "Of course it's impossible. The ship was stranded. Today is the low tide in winter. It is estimated that the tide here is ebbing fast, so the ship that was originally sunk at the bottom of the sea is gradually exposed."

Ao Qianwen said: "How could this happen? The ship sank at the bottom of the sea? But it was still floating on the sea just now. We all saw it, right?"

"Yes, yes." Several people nodded like chickens pecking at insects.

Ao Muyang wiped his face and said: "I don't know what happened specifically. Anyway, there must be no ghosts on the ship. Not only are there no ghosts, there is also a lot of money."

"Have money?" Ao Mudong's eyes lit up, money can make people do evil things.

Ao Muyang said: "Yes, there are a lot of squid, octopus and the like on the boat, and there are a lot of them on the seabed over there. Let's go catch a few nets after dawn. What are they if they aren't money?"

Ao Mupeng, Ao Qianpan and others were still hesitant: "Longtou, let's leave quickly."

Ao Muyang glared: "Let's go? Where to go? There are a lot of reefs on the seabed here. It's night now and the fog is thick. What should we do if something happens?"

"Go back to sleep! There are no ghosts and no ghost ships!"

The dark fortune boat still stayed in the distance and swayed slowly with the waves, but it was stuck on the rocks and no longer swayed at this time.

This sea fog is caused by low tide. There is a saying among fishermen that "the fog rises early when the tide rises and recedes", which means that once the sea conditions are high and low, sea fog will appear early.

After all, whether the tide is low or high, it will cause a large increase in water vapor on the sea surface. This, coupled with the influence of other weather factors, can easily form fog.

The tide receded very quickly this time, and the water vapor filled the air quickly, so the fog appeared quickly.

After thinking about this, the anxious group settled down and went back to bed to fall asleep again.

Ao Muyang glanced at them and said, "I can understand that you sleep with pillows and cotton clothes, but Dapeng, why are you holding a harpoon?"

"If a water ghost comes up, I will harpoon it!"

"You can harpoon a female ghost, but how do you harpoon a male ghost?"

"Hold the butt, hehe."

There was laughter.

After dawn, the sun came out and the fog gradually dissipated.

The tide receded at night and began to rise in the morning. The Dragon Head carefully sailed towards the stranded Fuchuan. Ao Muyang went to the sea to determine the location of the squid and octopus group, and then he directed the net to be cast, and a good harvest!

The Fuchuan was close at hand. Under the sunlight, it was no longer gloomy and weird at night. The broken hull would only make people feel bleak.

Ao Qianwen looked up at the sun and sighed, "Sunlight is really a good thing."

Ao Muyang knew that there were squids and octopuses in the boat. He tied a rope around his waist and went on board carefully to take a look. As a result, he found that there were more octopuses and squids on the boat than expected!

These mollusks like closed spaces, and the most common thing on a Fu ship is the cabin. A ship has more than ten or twenty cabins, and there are squids and octopuses in each cabin.

Seeing this, he saw that the Fu ship could float on the water, so he said: "Let's try to tow this ship back, there are a lot of squids and octopuses in it!"

"Are there any antiques or cultural relics?" Ao Mudong and his group were looking forward to it.

Ao Muyang said: "Tow it back and see, if there are any, won't we get rich?"

Now no one cares that this ship is a ghost ship. Ropes are tied to the front and back of the Fu ship, and everyone is full of energy.

Enough squids and octopuses have been caught, and the Big Dragon Head can return.

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