Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 380 382. Director Xiao Ao (2)

In late April, the villages under the jurisdiction of various towns in Anzhou County began to hold village committee elections.

In some villages that attach great importance to election work, this activity is very cumbersome. The town must set up a guidance group for the election of the village committees. The guidance group must study and formulate a work plan for the election, hold a mobilization meeting, issue relevant documents, train business backbones, and even compile and print the "Village Committee Election Work Flow" to widely publicize and create an election atmosphere.

In addition, it is necessary to elect a village election committee, register voters, nominate and determine candidates, etc. The procedures are very complicated and there are many processes.

Ao Muyang signed up for the election of the village director. This position is the former village chief, but now it has been changed to the director of the village committee.

There are several other people participating in the election, but the villagers all know what is going on. They are just here to make up the numbers. When the time comes, everyone has already known who to vote for in private.

The village election activities in the countryside are so simple. Longtou Village is relatively good.

The first election is the village committee director. This is carried out throughout the village. Every citizen with a registered permanent residence in the village has one vote.

Although everyone knew the situation of this election, they still had to go through the motions. On the day of the election, leaders came to the town, and a deputy secretary of the town committee led a guidance group to supervise.

The deputy secretary was named Lv Zhichao, a highly educated cadre transferred from the city to the grassroots for gilding. He looked gentle and liked to smile when he spoke, like a teacher.

Ao Muyang had met him once. When Li Ke came to thank him, they had dinner in the town, with the mayor Jia Kang, the town's senior official Ma Xiang and other deputy mayors and deputy secretaries.

After eating this meal, Lv Zhichao specifically inquired about Ao Muyang's situation.

Early in the morning, the town's Passat staggered into Longtou Village.

Ao Muyang received a notice in advance and went to receive the deputy secretary with the branch secretary Ao Zhiyi.

Lv Zhichao was a kind person. After getting off the car, he jumped a few times and looked like an athlete.

Ao Zhiyi squinted his eyes and smiled: "Yeah, young leaders are full of energy. Secretary Lu is tall and strong. It must be uncomfortable to sit in a car, right?"

Lv Zhichao adjusted his glasses and smiled: "Haha, it's not because of this reason. It's because the road conditions on our mountain road are too bad. I'm a little carsick after being bumped all the way in the car!"

Ao Zhiyi was embarrassed by the flattery.

Ao Muyang said to Ao Fugui: "Go to the refrigerator at home and get a bucket of orange juice. I just squeezed it this morning. Give Secretary Lu and other leaders some orange juice to relieve nausea."

Lv Zhichao waved his hands repeatedly: "This is polite, Xiao Ao, there is no need to do this. We brought tea water with us."

Ao Muyang said: "Secretary Lu, you are polite. What's wrong with drinking a glass of orange juice? We haven't done any official business yet. This is a gentleman's friendship."

Lv Zhichao was a little carsick and really wanted to drink some fresh juice. After listening to Ao Muyang's persuasion, he did not argue again, but chatted enthusiastically.

Ao Zhiyi, who was standing next to him, looked sad.

Ao Fugui brought orange juice. After being chilled, the fresh orange juice was cool and sweet and sour. It was really comfortable to drink a glass after being bumpy in the car all the way.

Watching the staff of the guidance group drinking one glass after another, Ao Muyang shook his head and said, "Our mountain road is really not good. We must repair it."

Lv Zhichao said, "Yes, all the roads in the town must be repaired, at least to complete the village-to-village project. Alas, in the end, we still don't have money."

The project funds for the village-to-village project are composed of two parts, one part is the provincial and municipal finances, and the other part is the local government.

The finances of Qiantan Town are also difficult. There are few mountain villages in the town with cement roads.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoyu, the director of women's affairs, interrupted and said, "Yes, we don't have money, so we need someone who can make money to lead the village to make money."

Lv Zhichao nodded in approval: "The current development priority of our town is still the economy. The economy is in command, and then the development of humanities and education is coordinated."

Ao Zhiyi wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, there was nothing to say.

The election for the village director was held in the morning. Because the guidance group was here, the activities had to be carried out step by step, and the candidates went up to speak one by one.

Ao Zhiyi did not directly run for this position. Except for Ao Muyang, other candidates did not take the speech seriously. They all knew that the village director must be Ao Muyang.

Since returning to the village, Ao Muyang has been in charge of the big and small things in the village. At first, some people thought he was meddling in other people's affairs, but after getting used to it, they subconsciously regarded him as the leader of the village.

In this election, Ao Muyang did not go out of his way to canvass for votes, and everyone subconsciously voted for him.

The election of the village director was smooth and everything was stable.

After the election, someone brought out the small blackboard of the village committee, and Jiang Xiaoyu led people to count the votes. Lv Zhichao personally supervised and recorded the whole process to show fairness.

When the votes were halfway counted, many people dispersed. The result was very clear. Among the votes that had been counted, Ao Muyang almost got all the votes!

Yan Qingcheng, who came to join in the fun, smiled and said, "Director Ao, should I congratulate you?"

Although everything was expected, Ao Muyang was still happy to be the first village cadre in his family. He smiled and said, "Haha, Sister Yan, you are joking. In front of you who have met the mayor and senior officials, I, a small village director, am not worthy enough."

Yan Qingcheng said sincerely, "Don't belittle yourself, Director Ao. I have indeed met many mayors and secretaries, but I rarely meet village directors. In fact, you should be the first village director I have met."

Ao Muyang's laughter turned into a bitter smile: "I don't know whether you are praising me or insulting me."

Yan Qingcheng's expression became more sincere: "I am complimenting you."

Lv Zhichao also came up to congratulate Ao Muyang on his election as village director. Ao Zhiyi stood at the door of the office and looked at the lively crowd, feeling uncomfortable.

He started from this position. At that time, it was not called village director, but village chief.

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