Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 394 396. New discovery of tiger (1/5)

Chapter 394 396. New discovery of tiger (15)

His words made everyone on the boat laugh, but it was the truth. Most of the people on the boat had wives and children, who were the people they cared about most when they went to sea.

Ao Daguo patted the rudder and said: "Work, keep working! Finish it early, go home early, and hug your wife when you go home!"

Ao Mudong asked Ao Qianlai, "Uncle Qianlai, how do you feel holding your wife in your arms?"

Ao Qianlai had a mysterious smile on his face: "Very good."

"Has your wife returned to the village?" Ao Mupeng asked next to her.

Ao Qianlai quickly shut his mouth and waved his hands repeatedly to indicate that he would not talk about it.

Ao Mupeng couldn't laugh or cry: "As for that, Uncle Qianlai? Are you keeping this a secret from me?"

At that time, Jin Huizi and Ao Qianlai were sent away from the village by Ao Muyang. As for where they went, not many people in the village knew.

The reason why they had to keep it secret from the villagers was that according to Song Gongming, Jin Huizi was reported, but they didn't know who reported it, and the people in Longtou Village were also suspected.

Ao Mudong didn't know either. He said casually: "What's so secretive about this? Where can it be hidden? It's probably hidden on Brick Island."

Ao Qianlai was shocked and said: "How do you know? Dongzi, are you investigating me? Ah, are you following me?"

As he spoke, he rushed forward with his fists raised.

Ao Mudong was startled. He was tall and round, but Ao Qianlai was even more burly and powerful. He was the number one man in Longtou Village.

Moreover, he is not afraid of pain when fighting, and he is very stupid. As the saying goes, the soft one is afraid of the hard one, the hard one is afraid of the horizontal one, and the horizontal one is afraid of the stupid one. Ao Mudong is the horizontal one, and Ao Qianlai is the stupid one.

Seeing Ao Qianlai rushing toward him, Ao Mudong quickly turned around and ran: "I guessed it, Uncle Qianlai, please don't mess around. This is a ship, it's dangerous!"

Seeing Ao Mudong, who had always been domineering, so frightened, there was a sudden roar of laughter on the ship.

Ao Muyang entered the water as usual, got on the saddle, and the tiger took him to swim directly to the east.

This made Ao Muyang's heart skip a beat. Did Tiger discover something?

Usually when he jumps into the water to look for fish, he always gives an order first, and then the tiger attacks. If the tiger takes the initiative to take him out, it means it has discovered something.

Sure enough, the tiger swam for about twenty minutes and came to a sea area about fifty or sixty meters deep. This was a reef sea. The bottom of the sea was not sand, but rocks.

Seaweed grows in the crevices of the reef. The more this environment is like, the more luxuriant the seaweed grows because it is easier for the seaweed to take root.

There were many fish swimming in the seaweed, so the tiger slowed down and stayed quietly in the water.

Several porpoises also followed. They didn't know what was going on, and they chased each other and started playing in the seaweed.

When the porpoises got into trouble, the bottom of the sea suddenly became chaotic.

Ao Muyang smiled helplessly, these are really a bunch of troublemakers.

The swimming fish were frightened and fled, including a big fish. A fish more than one meter long swam out from the bottom of the sea.

This is a shark with the appearance characteristics of a shark. The tops of its pectoral fins and dorsal fins are black, and the lower parts are white. After it appeared, it wanted to float, but it suddenly encountered two porpoises.

Although it is a shark, it is smaller than the porpoise and there are fewer of them. After seeing the porpoise, the shark was startled and then curled up into an S shape.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang recognized its identity. It was a blacktip shark, a kind of shark with black fins. They are different from great white sharks, bull sharks, and porbeagle sharks. They are shy and gentle in personality and will be vulnerable to danger when encountering danger. It will be so frightened that it will curl its body into an S shape.

Because of their soft temper, blacktip sharks have become the shame of the shark family. They are the doormats of the ocean. In the sea, large bombfish like to bite their eyes, angelfish like to bite their skin, and even the big whitetip sharks. Will prey on them.

Several more blacktip sharks emerged from behind, the largest of which was two meters long, which was very impressive.

However, even though they are numerous and large, blacktip sharks are still timid. When faced with active porpoises, they will either curl their bodies to avoid them or wag their tails to escape.

One of the small blacktip sharks, which was more than 80 centimeters tall, wanted to hide in the seaweed. Just when it swam in, a big mouth suddenly appeared——

Just like two door panels closing, this big mouth bites the black tip shark and shuts it all at once!

Ao Muyang was startled in the distance. If the blacktip shark hadn't been captured, he wouldn't have known there was a super killer hiding in the lush seaweed!

He looked carefully and saw a two-meter-long fish hiding on the bottom of the sea.

This fish has a particularly thick body, an overall oval shape, small eyes and large mouth. There are many blue-black spots scattered on the head, sides and fins. This becomes a protective color. It is difficult to see them when they are hidden in the seaweed of the same color. be found.

Seeing the big fish, Ao Muyang understood the purpose of the tiger's coming here.

The tiger discovered this fish and took him to catch it. It was a dragon grouper, which is a giant grouper.

They had encountered a dragon before, but it was killed by a tiger's tail. Ao Muyang criticized the tiger at that time because he wanted to raise such a big fish.

The tiger probably remembered this. When he found the dragon again this time, he did not initiate fishing directly, but came to find him first.

The porpoises also discovered the dragon turtle. They quickly gathered while they were playing, and then looked at the dragon turtle warily.

Groupers are often considered to be gentle fish, but giant groupers are heretics, especially when they are in the ocean, they are outright cold-blooded killers.

As a carnivorous and ferocious fish, groupers have a unique way of trapping. They like to hide and not move, and then swallow all the fish around them that are smaller than their upper and lower jaws.

In other words, as long as the fish is smaller than their mouths, they will start fishing.

Ao Muyang wants to raise giant groupers, but this fish is obviously not survivable, and it is too far away from his fishing grounds!

The porpoises felt threatened and surrounded them from all directions.

Ao Muyang understood that they were going to attack the giant grouper.

Dolphins give people the impression of being gentle and friendly, but this is only towards people. In fact, dolphins are also very domineering in the sea. Looking at these porpoises, you can see that they are not afraid of even the overlord of the ocean, the killer whale!

A porpoise was swimming slowly, and suddenly it swam faster, but it didn't attack the grouper, but raised its head and rushed to the sea surface.

What was it doing? Ao Muyang wondered.

Soon, the answer was revealed.

As the porpoise swam away, another huge body appeared in the seaweed: a new grouper appeared!

Ao Muyang took a breath, two groupers!

Not only that, he suddenly realized that the tiger didn't attack easily, probably not just because he taught it a lesson last time.

He carefully checked the sea area. In addition to these two groupers, he saw other groupers in the lush seaweed and the complex reef seabed!

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