Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 4 4. Under the Wanxiang Tree (Please recommend and collect)

The general circled around him excitedly. Ao Muyang reached out and touched its head. It closed its eyes in enjoyment, raised its head and let him touch it obediently.

When it was a child, Ao Muyang often did this, sometimes tickling it while doing homework.

Stroking the old yellow dog, he looked at the old house.

From the outside, the house looked very dilapidated, but it was actually not bad inside, except that there were some weeds growing in the yard, but there was no garbage, not even dog feces.

In the middle of the yard was a green tree, nearly three meters high, with lush branches and leaves, some of which were as long as a palm. Whenever the sea breeze blew, the branches and leaves rubbed against each other and made a rustling sound, and there was fragrance.

This is a Wanxiang tree, which is a national second-level protected plant. Coincidentally, this tree was also planted in the year when his parents had an accident. For several years, no one cared about it, just like the general.

"Not bad." Ao Muyang nodded with satisfaction. He thought that when he returned home, he would see rabbits entering through the dog hole, pheasants flying from the beams, and the scene of the valley growing in the courtyard and the sunflower growing on the well.

The Wanxiang tree not only added a bit of fragrance to the yard, but also added vitality and vitality. He walked over and patted the trunk, and the general followed closely behind him.

He went to the house and looked again. The floor and furniture were covered with dust, and the moisture was very serious. There was even moss on the north wall, and most of the furniture was rotten and could not be used.

But there were no wild birds or mice in the house. It was obvious that the general guarded the house and protected it very well.

Looking at the general wagging his tail happily, Ao Muyang couldn't help laughing. He rubbed the hair on the back of the general's neck and said, "Good boy, you did a good job. Come, I'll give you a bath."

There is a well in the yard. The village near the sea is not short of water. There is a bucket in the house. Ao Muyang found a rope and rubbed it. It felt fine. He tied the bucket and threw it down to get a bucket of water.

The general was not very dirty. After all, he was close to the sea and probably went to the sea often.

Ao Muyang scooped water and sprinkled it on it. The general sat on the ground obediently, and his thick tail was still shaking like a broom.

Seeing this, he was happy in his heart. The general was really a loyal and well-behaved dog. Unfortunately, no one took care of it. For many years, it grew wild and hungry, which made it in poor physical condition.

In Ao Muyang's impression, a golden shorthair can live for fourteen or fifteen years without disease and disaster. Five or six years old should be the prime of life, but the general has shown old looks.

This made him feel a little sad, and he subconsciously thought about how to treat the general and make him healthy and strong.

He was thinking about medicinal food, because this was his specialty, but when this idea came to his mind, he felt something flowing out of the golden ball in his chest, flowing along the well water to the general.

This strange feeling shocked him, and he closed his eyes and saw the small golden ball again, and then found that the small golden ball was different from when he was in the sea.

At this time, a thin stream of water appeared in the small golden ball again, but it did not rotate clockwise, but counterclockwise, starting from the top of the golden ball, and after a circle, it turned into water vapor and emerged from the top, and finally merged into the water in contact with his skin through his hands...

"Fuck!" This weird thing can only make Ao Muyang swear, he can't understand what's going on!

But at least he is a science student and knows how to do experiments.

After several experiments, he found that as long as he had the consciousness to strengthen the general, or wanted to use the energy in the golden ball, a thin stream of water would be reversed and emitted from the golden ball.

As the trickle of water flows out more and more times, the little golden ball will gradually become smaller.

Ao Muyang scratched his chin and pondered for a while. He felt that this thing was like the inner elixir of the monster in the TV novel, which can absorb the energy in the ocean and release the energy.

After making this inference, he looked down at the general and grinned subconsciously.

The general has changed. At first, his yellow hair was dull and dull, but now it is much brighter, and the sunlight is even more shiny, as if it was stained with a layer of gold juice.

In addition, the general's eyes are even more bright and shiny, unlike the gray and hazy ones before, which seemed to be blinding.

At this time, someone pushed the door open again. Before he could react, the general was like an arrow from a string, and he kicked the ground with his limbs and rushed out in a flash, and opened his mouth and roared like thunder: "Woof woof woof!"

It was Ao Fugui who pushed the door in. The general's reaction scared him so much that he almost jumped up: "Damn, general, it's me, paralyze my own people!"

The general had recognized it long ago. Ao Fugui's family and Ao Muyang's family are neighbors, so the relationship between the two is so good.

After barking twice, the general wagged his tail and ran back to Ao Muyang, sticking close to him as if he was afraid of being separated from him again.

Ao Fugui scratched his head and said, "Fuck, Yangzi, what's wrong with your dog? When I saw it this morning, it was still sick like an old dog. How come it is so energetic now?"

Ao Muyang asked, "Really?"

Ao Fugui nodded vigorously and said, "Really, General, I watched it grow up, I have to study it. By the way, you didn't have lunch, right? I brought some vegetables and wine, let's eat them together."

Ao Muyang took the bags from him. One of the two big bags contained white clam meat, and the other contained cleaned loaches. There were also several bags with vegetables, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, sugar, cooking wine and the like.

Seeing this, he smiled bitterly and said, "Why did you bring some raw goods? I don't have fire at home."

Ao Fugui said, "It's okay. Tell me what you need. I have everything at home. Wait, I'll get you a set."

Ao Muyang cleaned the kitchen briefly. There wasn't much garbage, but there was a lot of dust. Then Ao Fugui came over with pots, pans, and even a gas tank.

"This tank is yours. I took it home because I was afraid it would go bad. I just added gas to it. You can make it as much as you want." Ao Fugui said with a smile.

After testing the fire, Ao Muyang saw that there were garlic sprouts, so he boiled water to boil the clam meat, and cut the scallions, ginger, garlic, millet peppers and garlic sprouts.

After the water boiled for a while, he took out the clam meat and washed it with cold water. He picked a few big pieces and threw them to the general. He fried the rest with scallions, ginger, garlic and peppers in boiling oil, added garlic sprouts to enhance the flavor, and finally put the clam meat in and cooked it over high heat.

The white clam meat, red millet peppers and green garlic sprouts, the three colors intersected, shiny and glossy.

The loach was small, so he simply marinated it and then fried it, adding chili peppers, onions, ginger, garlic, and a handful of pickled mustard greens brought by Ao Fugui. A burst of fragrance immediately hit him.

Ao Fugui went back to get beer, peanuts and edamame. Ao Muyang wiped his hands and said, "Wow, you have everything."

Hearing this, the big young man chuckled and said, "What doesn't the fishing house in the village have?"

Ao Muyang said, "It's just that the loach is a little small, and the clam meat is a little old."

Ao Fugui poured him a glass of beer and said, "Come on, Yangzi, do you think this is still five or six years ago? Loach and river clams have been almost extinct. These wild goods were given to me because I brought customers there. It's okay to eat them."

The golden beer filled the cup. The weather was hot, and soon water drops hung on the outside of the cup.

The two sat under the shade of the Wanxiang tree, put a small table and two small stools, and it was fun to cook with beer.

Ao Fugui took a piece of clam meat with chopsticks and put it in his mouth. He immediately gave a thumbs up and said, "Fuck, what a great cooking skill! Tender, really tender and delicious!"

Ao Muyang said, "It's nothing. Eat more and curse less. Why do you always swear?"

Ao Fugui laughed and said, "We are uneducated and rough people, that's how it is."

"Shaopin, come on, Fugui, let's go!" Ao Muyang raised his wine glass.

"Dang", the wine glasses collided and made a crisp sound, and the golden malt juice rippled like waves, floating on it was the friendship between the two young people who had been separated for many years but had not become unfamiliar.

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