Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 41 41. Rural Education

Seeing a large bowl of wild mushroom oil, Lu Zhizi's eyes suddenly widened: "How do you eat this? Is it too greasy? If you eat one or two, you can gain half a pound of meat!"

Ao Muyang scooped up a bowl of egg-fried rice for her, then poured two spoonfuls of wild mushroom oil on it and said, "Animal oil is not that easy to gain weight. Don't you want to eat it? Then you eat seafood."

The golden wild mushroom oil is sprinkled on the white and crystal clear rice, and the aroma is overwhelming.

Lu Zhizi hesitated briefly and said, "I'll eat it. Isn't it okay if I eat less?"

The children each took their bowls and chopsticks, sprinkled them with wild mushroom oil, then lowered their heads and shoveled the egg fried rice into their mouths, making squeaking sounds one after another, like a group of piglets fighting for food.

"I have to change the way you eat in the future." Lu Zhizi said. She gently picked up a bit of oil-soaked fried rice with her chopsticks and put it into her mouth. Her movements were elegant and ladylike.

But soon, she became more ruthless with her chopsticks, and each chopstick became more ruthless than the last, and she began to eat the fried rice in big gulps.

This reaction was normal, and Ao Muyang also took a bite. He had eaten countless famous dishes in the hotel, but they rarely tasted like this.

A unique taste exploded in his mouth. It was rich and fragrant, greasy yet delicious. The deep-fried wild mushrooms were chewy. The more they chewed, the more fragrant they became, making people reluctant to swallow them.

This fragrance convinced Ao Muyang that the wild mushrooms were chicken fir. Such a unique fragrance could only be extracted by the King of Fungi!

"It's delicious." After eating one bowl, Lu Zhizi scooped up another bowl.

Now, Ao Muyang was chewing slowly. While eating, he asked: "Teacher Lu, what's going on with the resumption of school in our village? It's just you and the students who are responsible for cleaning up the school? And you are not enough as a teacher, right?" ?”

Lu Zhizi reluctantly put down the bowl, and Ao Muyang handed her a bowl of clam soup. The lightness of the seafood could offset the greasiness of the lard.

She took the soup and said: "No, the Education Bureau has allocated funds, but the funds may not be enough. Following the village chief's wishes, he found a construction team to renovate the school. But the construction team is only responsible for renovation, and the weeds and garbage on the campus It’s up to us to sort it out.”

"As for the teacher issue, your school has two village teachers, right? It seems that these two teachers have been rehired and another teacher will be transferred after the school term starts, for a total of four teachers."

Ao Mufeng, who was next to him, curled his lips and said, "A primary school has six classes and only four teachers?"

Lu Zhizi said: "The teaching staff is indeed very poor, but this is the initial arrangement. We will mobilize teachers before the start of school, at least twelve."

Ao Mufeng snorted: "Who wants to come to our barren village to be a teacher?"

Ao Fugui glared at him: "Stop saying such depressing words, Teacher Lu is here, isn't it? And no matter how good Teacher Lu is, she can come. Why should other people dislike our village?"

Ao Muyang was also surprised at this. How could Lu Zhizi come to such a remote place like theirs?

Ao Mufeng immediately asked: "I can't figure it out at all, Teacher Lu, why did you come to our place? And you didn't dislike it after you came?"

Lu Zhizi smiled and said: "It's arranged by the organization. Besides, although the teaching environment here is a bit bad, the living environment is beautiful and the people are simple."

These words made Ao Mufeng blush with embarrassment.

Ao Muyang sighed: "The teaching environment here is not that bad. Teacher Lu, you don't know how we went to school when we were young."

It was in the late 1990s when he was in primary school. At that time, every classroom was a dilapidated tiled house, which would leak in winter. So every winter, the school organized a window nailing activity, which used plastic sheets to nail up all the windows on the north side. .

The windows are small to begin with, and they are sealed with plastic sheets, so that when it is cloudy or the sun is about to go down, the house becomes completely dark.

Fortunately, there were electric lights in the classroom when they were in school, a kind of dim yellow light bulb that is almost rare now. The electric light was of little use because the circuits here were run from the mountains, and problems were likely to occur when there was strong wind, heavy snow, and heavy rain.

As a fishing village at the foot of a mountain with mountains and seas, it experiences constant wind, rain, and snow throughout the year, and frequent power outages.

There are not enough tables and chairs in the school. Some tables and stools are moved by students from their own homes. The blackboard is full of holes. How can the words written with chalk on it be neat?

A few years ago, when he went to work in Kyoto, he told his colleagues in the city about his elementary school life. They couldn't believe it, and many thought he was making it up.

But the conditions in the fishing villages in the mountains are so difficult. If the people had not become rich now, the tourism industry has emerged, and many people come to the fishing villages to have fun, the conditions in the villages would be even more difficult!

He told this to Lu Zhizi, and finally said: "If you hadn't come to our village, you wouldn't believe me, right?"

Lu Zhizi said: "I believe it. When I was an undergraduate, I took an elective course called "Educational Environment". Let alone the 1990s, there are still such mountainous schools now!"

The primary school environment in their town is much better, with two-story buildings, plastic playgrounds, etc., but there are few teachers. After graduating from college, who is willing to work in such a remote area?

After dinner, Ao Muyang said, "Don't clean up now. I'll go find the village chief and ask what's going on."

Lu Zhizi said: "I have discussed with the village chief. I plan to clean up the teachers' dormitory first and then move there."

Ao Muyang was shocked: "Are you crazy? Isn't it nice to live here? It's in the wild mountains, and the environment is so bad? How can you live here?"

Lu Zhizi smiled and said, "It's not that bad. The money allocated by the Education Bureau is used to repair the school. If I keep living in Yujiale, it will be a waste of public funds."

Ao Muyang asked in surprise: "Didn't the Education Bureau allocate board and lodging expenses for you?"

"There are wages and travel expenses, but nothing else."

Ao Muyang was silent.

He still decided to go to Ao Zhiyi, who was eating at home, ribs and braised chicken nuggets, and was eating with his fat grandson.

He didn't invite Ao Muyang when he came, and continued to sip wine and eat meat, then said: "Yangzi, what did you do today? I didn't find you this morning, I have something to tell you..."

"Is it about repairing the school?"

"No, I'm going out again tomorrow, you get up early, we'll go far tomorrow." Ao Zhiyi said while sipping wine.

Ao Muyang almost overturned the table for him: "Go out? Where to? Isn't the school being repaired in the village? Aren't you going to mobilize everyone to clean up the school?"

Ao Zhiyi said indifferently: "I mobilized it, and there will be a construction team after the school is cleaned up. What does it have to do with us?"

Ao Muyang saw that he looked like a fool, and knew that it was useless to talk to him, so he simply got up and left.

Before leaving, he said, "I won't go out to sea these days. I will help Teacher Lu clean up the school. Also, the village has to solve Teacher Lu's accommodation problem, right?"

Ao Zhiyi avoided the main point: "Ahem, let's solve this in a meeting. Let's have a meeting. Well, this is also a big deal in the village. You guys should clean up tomorrow, and we'll have a meeting the day after tomorrow."

Ao Muyang returned home with a gloomy face, and the general also had a gloomy face. On the way, a female dog came to sniff its butt, and it kicked it away with a paw.

After returning home, he turned on the computer and saw a message on the Hongyang Fisherman's Forum. It was sent by the great god with the ID "want to buy Lafa".

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