Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 410 412. Those Posts (4)

Turning on a computer, Lu Zhizi opened the promotional posts for Longtou Village that she and her classmates made one by one and showed them to Ao Muyang.

There are many posts, well-made, scattered in multiple forums and websites, and many of them are highlighted and pinned to the top. No wonder it has attracted so many visitors. Judging from the number of clicks, this is a very successful wave of publicity.

People in the village only know the results but not the difficulty. As a contemporary young man who has lived in the capital, Ao Muyang knows how difficult it is for posts to get top treatment on these websites and forums!

Looking at the pinned posts one after another, he said in shock: "How much does this cost?"

Lu Zhizi smiled and said: "It didn't cost any money. You know I used to intern at the provincial newspaper. I have a few good friends there. Through their connections, I contacted the people in charge of these websites and forums. They helped me." Let’s do some publicity.”

Ao Muyang was greatly moved and said: "Good wife, thank you for your hard work."

Lu Zhizi said angrily: "Who is your good wife?" But then she said, "You just say that I work hard, how can you reward me?"

Ao Muyang swallowed his saliva and said, "Can I reward you with myself?"

Lu Zhizi pinched his face and said with a smile: "That's a good idea. This is not a reward, this is a promotion."

Ao Muyang said: "Actually, I did bring you a gift. I will show it to you when you go to eat after work in the evening. I will read the post first."

There was a short break at noon, and Lu Zhizi went to class in the afternoon, so he would browse through the forum posts here.

Posts in different forums use different photos, showing Longtou Village and the ocean from various perspectives such as scenery, customs, humanities, and life. The quality of each post is very high.

In addition to the fishing boats singing late that he had seen, ‘’ also published a post about the village’s humanities. The post introduced:

"Longtou Village was born in the Ming Dynasty, and according to research, it has gone through more than 600 years of vicissitudes. As time goes by, the mountains have not changed, the sea has not changed, and the fishing village has not changed. So far, some ancient buildings have been relatively intact here... ancient bridges, Ancient roads, ancient temples, ancient houses, ancient schools, ancient springs, and ancient posts all retain the traces of time..."

The post on focuses more on introducing the village, with photos of the rising sun and peaceful village, and the following text: "Longtou Village is an original ecological fishing village surrounded by mountains and sea, with beautiful scenery, simple folk customs and rich history... …”

Other posts played the biological card: "Every autumn and spring, thousands of wild geese and whooper swans fly here from distant Siberia to spend the winter. People and birds live in harmony, and the beaches are full of beautiful scenery... "

There are also posts about modern and popular Buddhist travel routes: "This place is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The green mountains carry the sea breeze, the leisurely tranquility fills the village, and the relaxing tranquility fills the seaweed houses..."

Regarding Dalongtoushan, there are many introductions in the post.

Lu Zhizi is very good at taking pictures. She photographed a small bamboo forest on the mountain. There happened to be a bamboo spring in the bamboo forest. The post introduced: "Living around the mountain, the spring comes out of the mountain, bamboo grows because of the spring, and the villagers build stone houses. , the huts are hidden in the bamboo forest, every house faces the clear stream, the bamboos are green in spring, and the heart becomes green..."

Naturally, the introduction is more about the ocean: "The fishing village is surrounded by the sea on three sides. Looking around, there are patches of white sails. In the season when the southwest wind prevails, the waves of the sea roll, and the waves hit the shore. The waves are as white as snow, and they are like thousands of horses galloping. The scenery is extremely spectacular…”

Because the post is pinned to the top and is of high quality, it naturally attracts a lot of attention.

There were many comments and replies under the post, some were questioning and some were sarcastic, but most of them were filled with admiration and expectations.

Just as Ao Muyang thought at first, the most asked question in the post was: Has any friend verified it? Friends, please post the actual picture. Good people will live a safe life.

In the afternoon, the Dalongtou finally returned to the fishing village pier.

This trip to sea lasted for more than ten days, and it was a grand event in the village. When the fishing boat returned, the crew members' families rushed to the dock. This was the number 100, plus the fishermen who went to get fish and other people watching the fun. Almost half the village mobilized to the dock.

Ao Muyang took the opportunity to organize the first wave of activities for tourists. Ao Daguo led people to put out some rare fish, shrimps and crabs and sell them at the dock at a low price. Yujiale can process them on the spot at night so that tourists can taste the most delicious ones. Fresh seafood.

It was a coincidence that the online promotion organized by Lu Zhizi had been going on for about a week. In the past two days, tourists from the surrounding area happened to come after hearing the news, and then the big dragon head came back, bringing back a large amount of delicious seafood.

The kelp tea fungus drink brewed by Ao Qianlai on the ship also came in handy. These drinks were brewed for more than ten days. When the fermentation was at a good time, Ao Muyang asked Ao Mufeng and other fishermen's music bosses to come over and move two barrels back. The village’s traditional specialty drinks are sold.

Ao Mufeng scratched his head and asked, "Can this thing be drunk? Isn't the traditional drink in our village Haibao herbal tea?"

Ao Muyang said: "Haibao tea is very common. Many tourists in the village came from Hongyang. They have seen it a lot, but they have definitely never seen the kelp tea fungus drink I brewed. Things are rare and valuable, understand. don't know?"

Hearing the word 'expensive', Ao Mufeng became excited: "Brother Xiaoyang, what price should we set? How about ten yuan a cup?"

Hearing what he said, Ao Muyang became anxious: "Don't mess around. You are not allowed to raise prices just because there are more tourists. Call all the fishermen in the village to the village committee for a meeting, and I will give you a unified price."

This matter is very important. People in the village are afraid of poverty. There are suddenly more tourists. Every household wants to prey on tourists.

Many tourist resorts are being exploited in this way. The villagers have no foresight and only want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

That evening, Ao Muyang first held a meeting with the owners of the fishing houses, asking them to unify the room prices and menus, and then set the price of kelp tea fungus drinks, which were priced in teapots, at ten yuan per pot.

The teapots in the fishing village are not small pots, but large pots for large bowls of tea. A pot of tea is enough for a family of three to have a meal.

Some people looked at the prices on the menu and were quite dissatisfied, saying, "Brother Xiaoyang, a plate of shredded potatoes is only ten yuan? The town sells it for fifteen yuan, but we only sell it for ten yuan?"

Ao Muyang said, "You should reduce the size of the plate and the amount of food, but don't be too exaggerated. The tourism industry in the village is just starting now. We have to seize this opportunity, not kill it, understand?"

"That's too cheap, the processing fee for eels is only ten yuan?!" Ao Mufeng was also a little dissatisfied.

Ao Muyang said: "I supply you with my golden eels, and sell them for 100 yuan per pound. You can take 10 yuan from it, and then add the processing fee, you can make 20 yuan for a dish, isn't that enough?"

"100 yuan? So cheap?" Ao Mufeng was stunned.

The golden eels in Ao Muyang's hands are famous in the whole Hongyang. People come to buy loaches and eels every day. The villagers know how high the price is. This price is indeed cheap.

"This is the price, everything is to keep tourists!"

He personally sacrificed his profits to make a statement, and naturally other people in the village had no objection.

This is also the reason why he has stood up for the villagers and worked hard for the village in the past six months. His prestige has risen. The villagers believe in him not because he is the new village chief, but because he is the leader of the village!

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