Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 429 431. Selecting Generals (3)

Pushing open the door, Ao Muyang saw the living room light on, and Lu Zhizi was correcting homework under the light.

Seeing this, he chuckled and said, "You haven't come back yet at this time, are you planning to live with me?"

Lu Zhizi rolled his eyes at him: "If I live here, where will you live? Are you going to sleep in the teacher's dormitory of the school? Besides, you also know it's this late?"

Ao Muyang understood what she meant, so he explained: "I came back a long time ago. I met Wenchang on the way and went to solve the problem. You called me because Wenchang came to see me, right?"

Lu Zhizi was startled and said, "Who said that? I asked you to come back because of something else."

"What is it?"

Lu Zhizi put away the homework, and then slid the little fox who was dozing on the windowsill to the table.

The little fox opened his eyes hazily, and saw the two people staring at him, and immediately pulled back his ears, pulled back his mouth and squinted his eyes.

Ao Muyang laughed when he saw it: "Hey, the little guy can still laugh?"

Lu Zhizi snorted and said: "It can do a lot of things."

After that, she took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer and threw it in front of the little fox.

The little fox looked at the cigarettes and quickly moved its butt back.

Ao Muyang was confused: "What is this for?"

Lu Zhizi opened the cigarette box and handed the little fox a cigarette. The little fox didn't take it and tried to shrink its butt back, looking very stupid and naive.

The female teacher stuffed the cigarette into its mouth, but it still didn't take it and directly pushed the cigarette away with its claws.

Seeing this, Lu Zhizi looked frustrated: "Huh, pretending, keep an eye on it, it has learned to smoke! I came over in the evening and saw it holding a cigarette butt, it must be smoking, so I asked you to come back."

Ao Muyang didn't believe it, how could this be possible, the little fox was afraid of fire and hated smoke, how could it smoke?

And, who would teach it to smoke? The fennec fox absorbed the golden drops, and perhaps had excellent learning and imitation abilities, but it needed someone to teach it to learn. No one taught it to smoke.

Lu Zhizi wanted to catch the thief and the stolen goods, and catch the adulterer in pairs. She underestimated Youfu's IQ and handed him cigarettes several times, but Youfu not only didn't take them, but also showed resistance.

She had no choice but to warn Ao Muyang a few words, asking him to keep an eye on the little fox, and then pick up the homework and go back to school with him.

In the last few days of late May, the ocean ebbs.

There is nothing strange about this. Every year, the ocean has a big ebb and a big tide, and every month there will be a relatively large ebb and tide. In fact, the ocean has ebb and ebb every day.

The villagers are used to the ebb and tide, but the tourists are very interested in this.

Every time the tide is low, there are tourists running to the beach to look for things. They don't care about the results, they only care about the experience. Anything they can find is worth their joyful cheers.

The action of hunting tigers is still going on, but the big catfish has not been caught yet. Most tourists have lost interest. Even fishing enthusiasts no longer come to the lake to fish every day. They only come to Longxiang Lake to fish on weekends or holidays.

In this way, the popularity of the action of hunting tigers will inevitably decline, so Ao Muyang wants to find a new project.

After seeing the tourists' interest in the beach after the tide recedes, he came up with an idea: rebuild the tide receding dike!

The tide receding dike is a very primitive building in the fishing village. In the past, there were many fish in the ocean and the labor force of fishermen was low, so they tried their best to get fish from the ocean. One of the ways was to build a tide receding dike on the sea.

As the name suggests, the tide receding dike is a dam that appears after the tide recedes.

This dam exists in the offshore area. Whenever the tide recedes, if there is no obstruction, the sea water will retreat and take away the fish, shrimp, crabs and seaweed.

The tide receding dike is such an obstacle. Its purpose is to block the fishing resources in the offshore area, so that the sea water retreats along the dike and the fish are blocked by the dike.

In the early years, the ebb dikes were made by fishermen using broken wood, broken boats, reefs and broken fishing nets. Later, the dikes began to be built in a regular manner and on a larger scale.

However, this kind of construction is not very helpful for obtaining fish catches, and its effect is not very good. Especially after the reform and opening up, the coastal fish catch resources have become less and less, and there are even fewer fish, shrimps and crabs on the coast. The ebb dikes gradually lost their historical mission, and eventually no one maintained them, and they were defeated by the ebb and flow of the tide.

Ao Muyang has a vague memory of this. He remembers that when he was a child, maybe when he was in kindergarten, there were still some ebb dikes on the coast. At that time, he and Ao Mupeng and others were too young to go into the water, so they could only wait until the tide receded and run to the ebb dike to look for the fish catches that were there and not there.

Needless to say, their harvests are often poor, but occasionally they can find a few large crabs that are stuck, fish and shrimps that have no time to follow the tide into the sea, and some shellfish attached to them, etc. In short, there will be a little surprise from time to time.

Later, the tidal dike was gone, and these little surprises were gone...

Building the tidal dike is a village matter, so a meeting is naturally required.

Ao Muyang entered the village committee office and felt that since he became the village chief for a month, he had held more meetings than he had held in the previous twenty years.

But these meetings are necessary, and the village cadres must be informed of the situation.

The village committee office is an old house with a layout similar to that of an old-fashioned classroom. There is a blackboard in front, a podium and a chairman's desk under the blackboard, and tables and chairs below.

Ao Muyang sat on the podium and waited for a while, and Jiang Xiaoyu and other village cadres sat in sparsely.

Looking at the few figures, Ao Muyang put down his water cup and said, "There are not many village cadres in our village. Should we mobilize everyone to actively participate in the village management work?"

Longtou Village used to have no money, and the villagers had no interest in being village cadres. The reason is very simple. Ordinary village cadres have no salary and are completely serving the people. These days, everyone is busy with their own money-making business. Who will serve the village?

Jiang Xiaoyu smiled and said, "It depends on you, the village chief, to mobilize everyone. We don't have that face."

Ao Muyang asked, "How many positions do we have now?"

Village clerk Ao Zhiming wiped his reading glasses and said, "Village chief, in fact, there are not many vacant positions for these cadres in our village. We all have multiple positions here."

As he said, he handed Ao Muyang a work guidance manual for village committee cadres issued by a township, which had a complete job introduction.

Seriously speaking, there are quite a lot of positions for village cadres in a village, including village senior officials, deputy secretaries, village committee directors, deputy directors, village committee members, village committee members, college student village officials, deputy party branch secretaries, village accountants, village women's directors, village family planning specialists, village branch committee members, organization committee members, propaganda committee members, discipline inspection committee members, militia company commanders, mediation committee directors, public security directors, league branch secretaries, accountants, etc. There are many titles.

Ao Muyang's eyes were blurred after looking through a few pictures. He said, "So, the election we held in April was also a mess. Many subsequent positions have not been arranged. I will arrange them in the next few days."

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