Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 439 441. Catching Herring (3)

This year’s sea ban is particularly strict.

Starting from the end of May, the Hongyang Fisheries Bureau, together with the Coast Guard, police stations at all levels, and the Public Security Bureau, issued notices of punishment for illegal fishing during the closed sea period. Legal responsibility will be directly pursued and no ship or person will be tolerated.

During this sea ban period, no one has any reason to go fishing, whether it is because of poverty or whatever. All fishing boats must stop fishing to give the ocean a chance to recuperate.

Ao Muyang agreed with both hands in this regard. The Fisheries Bureau was unwilling to be passive and took the initiative after June, requiring each village and fishery company to go to the dock from time to time to take photos of fishing boats within its jurisdiction.

As long as fishing boats are anchored and cannot go out to sea, poaching will naturally be impossible.

At ten o'clock in the morning on the 2nd, Longtou Village received news from the Fisheries Bureau's fishing ban investigation team, asking them to take photos and videos of the village's fishing boats one by one to upload information.

Ao Muyang arranged for Ao Wenchang to take people to collect statistics on the berthing of fishing boats in the village. If the fishing boats are not on duty, they must explain the reasons for leaving the port.

This statistics focuses on large fishing boats and mechanical boats. Ordinary small sampans are not strictly managed. In fact, such small boats cannot catch much every time they go to sea, and have little impact on the rest of the marine fishery.

In fact, some sampans in Longtou Village were not parked at the pier. Of course, they did not go out to sea to poach, but were transported by pickup trucks to Ambergris Lake, where the villagers wanted to catch herring.

Because Ambergris Lake is close to the sea, there are enough seafood to support it. The freshwater products in the lake have not been destructively fished. Except for a few rare fish species such as golden eels and rockfish, there is no survival crisis for the others.

In this case, once a certain group encounters a suitable living environment, it will immediately reproduce in large numbers, such as the herring this time.

Ao Muyang's target is those big herring. Small fish less than 20 centimeters are not included in the fishing range. Such small fish have no impact on the lake ecology.

Catching big fish is not difficult, just cast a fishing net.

These fishing nets are called standing nets. They have large meshes through which small fish can escape. Once larger fish hit, they can only be entangled and then caught.

As Ao Muyang expected, the village issued a fishing notice and invited tourists to participate. The price was one ticket per boat slot, and one ticket cost one hundred yuan.

Most of the people who come to the fishing village for vacation are the small middle class from the mainland. They usually only catch fish and have no chance to catch fish with fishing nets, so they are very interested in this kind of thing.

These people are not short of money. One hundred yuan is just two cups of coffee or an afternoon tea for them, so many people pay to get on the boat.

The people in the village are delighted. Not only can they make money, but they can also hire free labor. However, it is more difficult to teach them. After all, they do not know how to log off the Internet and must pay attention to safety.

Safety is a big issue. Ao Muyang requires everyone to wear a life jacket on the boat. He doesn't want any accidents to happen.

The boat slowly sailed to the lake and he dropped the fishing net.

This kind of fishing net is an underwater trap. After being sprinkled on the lake, it gradually spreads away. However, it is not intelligent and needs someone to deploy it in the water.

Then, like dumplings falling on the lake, people jumped into the water one after another, and the sound of plopping was heard everywhere.

At this time, we can see how powerful the Golden Shorthair is. The water spaniels accompany their owners into the water, and they know how to drag the fishing nets to disperse them without even being instructed by their owners.

The tourists were very surprised by this. They had only seen similar scenes on TV and movies. Now that they had experienced it, they were naturally busy taking photos and videos.

Many people come traveling with underwater cameras. They turn on the cameras after entering the water and keep recording while cooperating with the fishermen to dive and open the nets.

Ao Mupeng lowered a net and climbed onto Ao Muyang's fishing boat. He wiped the lake water and said, "Oh, this hundred yuan is not easy to make."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "It's hard to make any money. Money is hard to make and shit is hard to eat. Don't you know this truth?"

Ao Mupeng said angrily: "I thought that with the extra labor force, I could just teach them to work. I also had to cooperate with them to take photos and videos. Why do they like taking photos so much?"

Ao Muyang patted him on the shoulder and said: "Nowadays, traveling is just for taking pictures. What do you think? Just do your best and set a few more nets. No matter what, you will catch all the big herrings."

After saying that, he took the general and jumped out of the boat again.

The head of state stayed in the shadow of the bow and enjoyed the lake breeze, while the queen hovered in the sky, flying thousands of miles away.

Blessed was afraid of water and was very resistant to bathing. He ran away when he saw Ao Muyang taking out the basin, let alone getting on the boat to the lake?

When it comes to bathing, they are used to sand bathing, which is similar to chickens. They roll in the sand and the sand falls from between the hairs, which can kill parasites and surface bacteria.

Of course, sterilization requires high temperature and dry sand. Deserts are very common, but fishing villages are rare. The temperature and dryness are not up to standard.

The fishing net deployed by Ao Muyang happened to be aimed at the largest school of fish in the lake. He lowered it at a fixed point, so the fishing net was harvested in a short time.

He went down and took a look. The fishing net had been torn into a mess, and a bunch of big fish were clinging to the net and struggling in panic.

Feeling that the utilization rate of the fishing net was high enough, he pulled the fishing net up. The general tried his best to drag the net rope back, which helped Ao Muyang a lot.

Ao Muyang and the general continued to work hard after driving a small boat to drag a large net. It usually takes three or four people to pull up this kind of fishing net. Ao Muyang only had one person and a dog, so it was unavoidable that it was difficult.

In addition, he also caught a lot of fish in this net, at least 30 cm long big black carp, some even 70 or 80 cm long, which is amazing.

Ao Muyang was naked, his dark skin was tanned, he tried his best to pull up the fishing net, his muscles were stretched and bulged, like bombs, full of explosive power!

Tourists nearby came up to help, of course they just pretended, mainly to cooperate with their companions to take pictures and videos.

Ao Muyang now understood what Ao Mupeng meant. With these people's help, he not only did not feel relieved, but felt more troubled.

Fortunately, after reversing the golden elixir, he was strong enough, relying on his own strength and the help of the iron-boned general, he finally dragged the fishing net up.

Seeing so many big black carps, some tourists went up to fiddle with them.

Black carp mainly feed on snails, clams, shrimps and aquatic insects. They are not dangerous to humans, but Ao Muyang still reminded them: "You can take pictures with them. If you like to eat black carp, you can take them away. But be careful, their gallbladders are poisonous!"

A tourist was surprised and said: "Is this a black carp? I didn't recognize it. How can it grow so big? I thought black carp can only grow this big."

As he said this, he gestured with his hands.

Ao Muyang said: "Black carp grows very fast, almost the fastest among freshwater fish. What you see is farmed fish, which are caught and sold after one year of breeding."

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