Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 456 459. There are fish on the tree (3)

On such a hot day, there was a reason why Du Changzhi and the others decided to go hiking. That was because the sun was gone the next day, a cloud hung in the sky, and the sky suddenly became cooler.

When he woke up in the morning and saw the sky was covered with clouds, Ao Muyang felt happy. Is it going to rain?

He checked the weather forecast on his mobile phone. It was cloudy for the next three or four days, but there was no sign of rain.

This made him a little disappointed. The fishing village was really short of water now.

Even though God was good at it, he was disappointed. Less than an hour later, thin wisps of rain began to fall in the sky.

It's raining!

The fishing village suddenly burst into joy. Looking at the crystal rain, many fishermen who cared about their farmland breathed a sigh of relief: "At least it will rain a little."

Because the fishing village is close to the sea, there is abundant water vapor, and there is a circle of Dalong Mountain that accumulates water vapor, so once it rains, it is easy to form heavy rain.

The same is true for this rain. The fine rain quickly turned into heavy rain, splashing on the dry land, allowing the flowers, plants and trees that had been listless under the sun to quickly regain their vitality.

The general likes rainy days and is crazy about water.

The rain was pounding on the ground. It stuck its ears and kept tossing outside, running and rolling. Soon it was covered with mud, and soon the mud was washed away...

Youfu, on the other hand, looked curious and timidly hid behind the door and peeked out.

It's not the first time it's seen rain, it also rains in the desert, but not this heavy.

Rainfall in the desert is often light rain. Because of the dryness and high temperature, the rain evaporates before it even falls on the ground. It is not as exaggerated as in fishing villages.

The head of state appeared quietly behind it. Blessed with big ears and extraordinary hearing, it immediately noticed something unusual and quickly turned back.

I don't know whether he was deliberately playing a trick on him or he was angry when he discovered that his whereabouts were exposed. The head of state slapped him with his paw, causing him to roll over on the ground, roll out of the door and into a puddle in the yard.

When it fell into the water, Blessed screamed, and it rolled and crawled back.

However, after taking two steps, it discovered that the rain was not terrible, and the puddles were not deep, and even its little paws could not fall off. Apart from the fact that the down was a little uncomfortable with the water, there was nothing else.

In this way, it took a few tentative steps in the rain, and then found that it was not scary, so it habitually held its head high and chest high.

Lu Zhizi took a group of people to Ao Muyang's house after breakfast. When he saw Guo Xueya, Fu Fu, who was walking in the rain, immediately ran away: "This girl can turn into an eagle, how scary it is!"

Ao Muyang caught Youfu and dried his short hair, then stuffed him into Guo Xueya's arms. Guo Xueya was so happy that she took various photos with Youfu...

Luo Geng said with a frustrated look: "The weather forecast said there will be no rain today and tomorrow. Unexpectedly, we just came here, and this heavy rain came."

Lu Zhizi smiled and said: "The weather forecast you saw mentioned Hongyang, not Longtou Village, but it's okay. Dalong Mountain is more beautiful after the rain, and you can also pick mushrooms."

Last summer and autumn, whenever the rain stopped, Ao Muyang would take her to pick mushrooms, so she knew the routine well.

Luo Geng said: "But who knows how long this rain will last? We have to leave the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Ao Muyang said: "It rained not long ago. Look at the sky. It's just a little cloudy. The clouds are neither dark nor thick, which means it's not heavy rain."

The rain continued for an hour and a half, then became light again.

After the rain, Longtou Village is indeed more beautiful. The grass and trees are cleaned and the green is pure. The air is also washed. The fishy smell of sea water is gone and replaced by the fragrance of green plants.

Ao Muyang packed some things, asked everyone to bring water and went up the mountain road.

After the general swung his tail and ran forward, the head of state squatted on Ao Muyang's shoulder and stared at Youfu. Fufu lay on Guo Xueya's chest. It was so soft here that he felt quite enjoying it. In addition, Guo Xueya's body swayed as he climbed the steps, making him Somewhat sleepy.

Ao Muyang was at the forefront. Dalong Mountain had no special cultural landscape and relied entirely on natural scenery.

Fortunately, because there are no businesses, no pollution, no damage, the original ecological mountain scenery is perfectly preserved. For people who are tired of the steel jungle in the city, such a place is quite tempting.

The rocks were a little slippery after the rain, but only the general turned a blind eye to it.

It ran up and down, scurrying around, and sometimes would run after pheasants and rabbits after spotting them. This gave the group the illusion that the mountain road was easy to walk.

As a result, the taciturn Chen Yan almost slipped and fell from the rocks without paying attention. Ao Muyang reacted quickly and saw his staggering figure and hurriedly reached out to catch him.

"Everyone, be careful, this mountain road is not easy to walk on." Ao Muyang warned.

With Chen Yan's lesson, they climbed more carefully on the mountain road behind them, and they climbed halfway up the mountain without any further accidents.

After reaching the mountainside, Ao Muyang was about to let everyone take a rest. At this time, Chen Yan's figure shook again, and he almost fell to the ground as if he was frightened.

This time the general was by his side and immediately pounced on him from behind, changing his dangerous posture from leaning back into a forward pounce. Although this was embarrassing, it was much safer.

Seeing this, Luo Geng laughed and said, "Boss Chen, what's wrong with you? Have you turned into a soft-footed shrimp?"

Chen Yan said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, what a soft-legged shrimp, I was shocked, come on, it's really strange, I saw a fish on this tree! It's alive!"

Luo Geng didn't believe it and said: "You are fooling the child. Find a better reason. You saw a fish on the tree? Why didn't you say you saw aliens?"

"Really, I was just scared when I saw the fish." Chen Yan said in shock.

Luogeng walked over quickly, and the two of them stood shoulder to shoulder on the bent old pine tree in front of them and looked, and then shouted together:

"Damn, there is really a fish!"

"What's going on? How can there be a fish on the tree? This is a bit weird."

Others heard the sound and went to check, and there was indeed a fish on the old pine tree.

The fish is about 15 or 16 centimeters long. Its body is flattened and slightly rectangular. Its tail is very short and flattened. The body is gray with a slight gray-green color. There are some black spots on the back of the body.

The most distinctive feature is that the sides of the fish's mouth and the edges of the gill cover are not smooth curves, but have serrations, which look extremely sharp. They have hard and thick scales on their bodies, which are lined up and look weird!

The five people stared at the fish in a daze. Guo Xueya suddenly said, "This is a bit weird. How can there be a fish on a tree?"

Du Changzhi said seriously, "There is a superstitious saying in our hometown that it is very ominous to see a live fish on a tree..."

"Don't scare us, Lao Du," Luo Geng was the biggest but the most timid.

Ao Muyang smiled bitterly and said, "Don't think too much. This is a flying crucian carp, also called mountain crucian carp. The scientific name seems to be climbing perch? In short, this is a fish with unique abilities. There is nothing to say. The only meaning of seeing it in the river is that there are streams around it."

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