Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 459 462. Grabbing the Head (1/5)

Chapter 459 462. Head-grabbing (15)

With a whoosh, Youfu shot out of a bow like a sharp arrow, rushing towards the venomous snake from the air. His two front claws were like hooks, grabbing and pressing it in mid-air!

What is the most common animal in the desert? Poisonous snakes are probably the most common animals in the desert.

In the life of fennec foxes, venomous snakes are important passers-by, or important killers. Many little foxes die under the teeth of venomous snakes.

Facing the venomous snake, Youfu, who has always been timid, dared to take the initiative to attack, which touched Ao Muyang very much: he knew that Youfu chose to attack the venomous snake to protect himself.

Du Changzhi was right about one thing, the silver ring snake was very timid.

Youfu launched an air raid and pushed the silver ring snake that jumped down from the tree to the side, temporarily eliminating the danger for Ao Muyang and the others.

After being attacked, the silver ring snake quickly coiled up after landing, leaving only its head exposed to stare at Youfu.

Youfu landed, his big ears stood up like flagpoles, his black eyes widened, his lips opened wide, revealing sharp teeth, his short hair stood up, and he entered the combat readiness stage for the first time.

Luo Geng trembled and said, "Brother Yang, can you, a fox, beat this snake?"

Ao Muyang hadn't answered yet, and Guo Xueya screamed when she heard him, "Oh my god, my Youfu! You actually let Youfu face a poisonous snake!"

Youfu was not afraid of the poisonous snake. He clamped his big tail and made an attacking posture. His small body flexibly circled around the poisonous snake.

The silver ring snake retracted its neck and only exposed its head outside the snake formation. It turned its head and circled with Youfu.

Ao Muyang clenched his fists to cheer Youfu: "Go and do it, Youfu, go and let it know how powerful you are!"

He didn't know what the effective way to deal with poisonous snakes was, but when he saw many animals dealing with poisonous snakes on TV, it seemed to circle around, stun the poisonous snakes, and then launch a fatal attack.

Not only did Youfu circle around, but he also kept pretending to attack. He would pounce forward and then quickly retreat, making all kinds of feints.

Time passed by, and the two sides began to confront each other.

Lu Zhizi and others came over carefully, and Ao Muyang asked, "Where is the head of state?"

He felt that the head of state was the most suitable to deal with the venomous snake, and the head of state was very fast.

Lu Zhizi said, "I don't know, it and the general had already gone to play by themselves."

Ao Muyang was very depressed: "What a mess!"

In his expectation, Youfu's task was to delay time, and wait until the general and the head of state came over to deal with the silver ring snake, and even if they couldn't deal with it, they could drive it away.

But now the general and the head of state were not there, he could only count on Youfu.

But he looked at Youfu's size carefully, and he was very unsure.

Youfu was a young fennec fox, not yet mature, only the size of his fist, while this silver ring snake was one meter thirty-four in length, a big venomous snake.

Youfu kept probing and feinting, but he never really launched an attack.

The silver ring snake couldn't wait any longer, and rushed forward with a 'whoosh'.

Everyone was immediately terrified!

Youfu reacted quickly, bared his teeth and barked, then turned and ran!

Ao Muyang was speechless: Damn, the silver-plated spear head, it looks good but is useless!

However, the silver ring snake failed to succeed in this attack. It chased Youfu for a few seconds but couldn't catch up with him, so it immediately coiled up again.

At this time, Youfu turned around and continued to bar his teeth, confronting him again.

Seeing this, Lu Zhizi said: "Hurry up and find a way to drive this snake away. Youfu can't fight it, so he can only threaten it. If the silver ring snake is not timid, then if it is determined to chase Youfu, Youfu will definitely be killed!"

Ao Muyang said: "But how can we drive it away? I think we should trust Youfu, Youfu can do it, come on, let's cheer for it?"

Youfu: I'm going to skip!

The silver ring snake coiled up and pretended to attack again.

Youfu's probing and threatening did not scare the venomous snake at all. Instead, it made the venomous snake understand that it was a fool. It seemed that it was going to launch a final attack on it.

At this moment, a shadow in the air grew from small to large. There was a whistling wind, and the shadow swooped down at lightning speed. Then, with a "whoosh" sound, it flew into the air again!

After the shadow, the silver ring snake on the ground disappeared...

Ao Muyang looked up and saw the queen spread her wings and soared into the wind. Her big claws grabbed the silver ring snake, and one claw just pinched its neck.

This is the weakest part of the silver ring snake. After the queen grabbed its neck, it could not turn back to bite the queen. Although it could coil its body around the queen's other claw, the eagle claw did not have arteries and blood vessels, so it could not pose a threat to the queen.

Instead, the queen's claws pinched its neck. After a long time, the silver ring snake was strangled to death.

When the snake's body became loose, the queen flew down and threw it in front of Ao Muyang.

Youfu carefully went up and poked it with his claws. The venomous snake was dead, and its body was as soft as noodles.

Suddenly, Youfu became excited, biting and swinging his claws around. His small body jumped around the venomous snake's body, looking very fierce.

Ao Muyang breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, it's okay."

Du Changzhi said: "Let's leave this forest. It stands to reason that the silver ring snake hides during the day and comes out at night. It rarely appears during the day. Now it appears because it likes hot and humid weather and likes to bask in the sun. This forest has high humidity, high temperature, and relatively mild sunlight, which is exactly the living environment they like."

Ao Muyang was about to leave with Youfu, but when he saw Luogeng still standing there calmly, he said, "Let's go, buddy, you can move now."

Luogeng said with a sad face, "Brother Yang, I can't move, I don't know what's wrong, my legs don't work, I don't listen..."

Ao Muyang was speechless. He thought Luogeng was very calm when he saw the venomous snake, but it turned out that he was paralyzed by fear!

The appearance of the silver ring snake made them lose interest in continuing to climb the mountain. Besides, it was getting late, so Ao Muyang led the group down the mountain.

Fortunately, everything was normal on the way down the mountain. No silver ring snakes were encountered, but a nest of pheasants was encountered.

The pheasants were very beautiful, with colorful feathers. They were very alert. When someone appeared, they flew up. Their flying posture was clumsy, but they could fly.

In the evening, Ao Muyang treated them to a big meal again. The mushrooms picked on the mountain this time could be used to make mushroom soup. In addition, they also dug some wild vegetables, and Ao Muyang made cold dishes now.

In fact, the main dishes in the village are golden eels and golden loaches. Unfortunately, this stuff does have a stronger effect on men. The group of people are not lovers or couples. Ao Muyang was afraid that they would have bad things after eating it, so he didn't dare to give them food.

After dinner in the evening, Ao Wenchang came to him and said, "Dragon Head, the Fisheries Bureau is on a raid, and asked you to lead people to join the law enforcement team tonight."

"At this time?" Ao Muyang was stunned?

Ao Wenchang nodded and said, "Yes, this time Director Dai Zongxi will lead the team personally."

Since the bosses in the city have all come out, the generals will lead the charge, and they, the little soldiers, have no reason to complain or get tired, just follow behind.

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