Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 47 47. Change the toilet

When Ao Muyang went out in the morning, Old Sun called him again: "Hey, Xiao Ao, do you have any good stuff?"

Ao Muyang said: "Yes, five catties of brocade lobster and five catties of wild yellow croaker."

Old Sun thought he was joking, so he laughed: "Haha, my small temple can't support the big Buddha, and my shallow pond can't raise turtles. I can't eat this. Do you have wild grouper? Tiger fish is also fine."

Ao Muyang wondered: "Wild tiger fish? This thing is not as delicious as farmed ones."

Old Sun smiled: "Isn't it written on the menu that it's wild? At least there are a few wild ones in the town store, otherwise If I run into someone who knows what you are talking about, I will have to smash my shop. "

Ao Muyang frowned immediately and said, "Didn't you agree to change the name of the menu?"

Old Sun knew what he was thinking when he heard his tone, and laughed again: "I changed it, if you don't believe me, come and see. But this is an old shop, passed down by my father, and most of the customers are introduced by old customers. These people don't look at my menu. I am afraid of running into picky people again, so I want to prepare a few fish, just in case I run into them. "

"Oh, so, okay, I'll go out to sea to see."

After hanging up the phone, he and Ao Xiaoniu took breakfast and a box to the elementary school.

After a whole day of cleaning yesterday, the elementary school looked like a school.

The general greeted him at the door, and the barking sound was so cheerful.

Lu Zhizi was drawing water from the water well in front of the door. This was a common water-drawing tool before the popularization of tap water in fishing villages. It relied on pistons and pressure to produce water. Before use, it was necessary to pour water into it to "lead water". At this time, the female teacher was leading water.

The school was abandoned early and had no running water, so Ao Muyang repaired this water pressure well yesterday, so that water can be directly drawn from the ground.

Watching Lu Zhizi press the handle to get water out, Ao Xiaoniu ran over and said, "Teacher, I'll do it."

Lu Zhizi shook his head and said, "No need, this kind of life is quite fun, it's so primitive."

Ao Muyang smiled bitterly. Their village had gone through so much trouble to get running water, but the girls in the city liked this kind of water pressure well instead.

Clear underground water gushed out, Lu Zhizi held it in his hand and drank a sip, smiling: "It's so sweet, this is real spring water!"

Ao Muyang said: "Well, there are many springs on Dalong Mountain. This well is connected to a spring, and the water quality below should be really good."

Lu Zhizi exclaimed: "More than good, it's super good. I use this spring water to wash my face, and I feel that my skin is smoother after washing, and my pores are cleaned."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "That's absolutely true. It can also nourish yin and yang, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, benefit essence, absorb urine, and delay aging..."

Lu Zhizi understood that he was using the panacea terminology of traditional Chinese medicine to make fun of him, so he said depressedly: "I'm serious, I really feel that my skin is smoother after washing with this water. Hey, what are you holding in your hand?"

Ao Muyang raised his left hand and said: "This is breakfast, seafood noodles, you use it for eating," and then he patted the box in his right hand, "This is for you to use after eating."

Lu Zhizi was curious and opened it to see that it was a toilet.

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "I bought it at a supermarket in town yesterday. I guess you are not used to the earthen toilet in school, so I converted a toilet for you at home."

Lu Zhizi was overjoyed: "Wow, you are great, so awesome."

Ao Xiaoniu, who was feeding the general dog food, turned around and said, "Teacher Lu, I saw on TV that a decent girl would not say this to a man."

Lu Zhizi: "What TV are you watching? There are too few homeworks!"

Ao Xiaoniu: "..."

The teacher's dormitory is made of cement, and the toilet is also made of cement. It is located in the yard, which is the dry toilet in the countryside. For people who are used to toilets, this environment and method are unbearable.

Don't say that Lu Zhizi is a delicate girl. After Ao Muyang has been in the city for a few years, he, a grown man, is not used to this kind of dry toilet.

Seeing that he brought a toilet, Lu Zhizi also told the truth: "I almost gave up the idea of ​​living here last night, but this toilet is a bit too much."

Ao Muyang said: "Not bad, now you can squat in the toilet. Do you know how our village did it in the early years? Just dig a pit, then surround it with old mats, and people squat on the edge of the pit."

Lu Zhizi said weakly: "I know this kind of thing. We used it during the teaching internship. A classmate fell in..."

Speaking of this, she showed a lingering fear on her face. Obviously, this incident scared her.

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Don't worry, if you fall in, the general will drag you up."

After hearing this, Lu Zhizi was furious: "It drags me? I drag it? It was always around the toilet last night. I thought it found something at first, but later I found that it wanted to jump into the toilet to eat poop!"

The general squatted at the door of the toilet and looked around, eager to try.

It's quite troublesome to renovate the toilet, mainly because it needs to be sealed.

Fortunately, the school still needs to be cleaned up today. Another villager arrived in the morning, so Ao Muyang called someone to help close the toilet, put down a sewage pipe, and sat on the toilet.

After cleaning up, he wiped his hands and said, "There is no running water, there is nothing I can do about it. I will take off the toilet lid for you, and you can pour water in it."

Lu Zhizi handed him a towel and smiled, "Okay, just in time, you don't have to waste water for washing your face."

Ao Fugui next to him said with a bitter face, "Alas, we really have to save water. It's a bit dry this year, and the water level of Longxian Lake has dropped a lot."

The school was temporarily packed up by the afternoon, so the engineering team could come in to work.

Ao Muyang asked the general to accompany Lu Zhizi on the mountain. Most of the engineering team members were bachelors. Lu Zhizi didn't know the danger, but he knew it very well!

He had time in the afternoon, and he felt it was still early, so he prepared to go out to sea.

It happened that the speedboat was still parked at the dock, and no one from the police station came to drive the boat away. Ao Muyang decided to requisition it himself.

He carried a bucket of diesel and added it, then turned the key to start the ignition, and the speedboat roared into the ocean.

This is much more powerful than rowing a sampan. Ao Muyang wore sunglasses, and the strong sea breeze blew his hair and clothes, making him feel like a rich second-generation taking a ride on the sea.

Unfortunately, when he looked back, there was no girl with big breasts and long legs on the speedboat. In the past, there was at least a dog, but this time even the dog was gone!

After driving a distance, he stuck his head out of the water to look down.

It is not difficult to find tiger fish. Just like what he did before, look for submarine reefs with undercurrents at a depth of 70 to 80 meters. As long as you find such a place, you can find tiger fish.

Following the map, he caught a box of tiger fish in a short time, roughly counting 14 or 15.

At this point, he stopped. This kind of fish is not so popular. Wild ones are more expensive and more unpalatable than farmed ones. They are just pollution-free and nutritious.

During this period, he encountered some swimming crabs and took them up. Wild swimming crabs taste very good. Even if they are not sold, they can be eaten by themselves.

He wanted to find grouper, which can occasionally be encountered in the surrounding waters. He wanted to try his luck to catch the humpback perch nicknamed mouse spot.

The grouper was not found. When he went deeper into the water, he encountered a piece of ocean mud at a depth of 40 to 50 meters, and then found many U-shaped holes.

The seabed of this area of ​​water is as calm as an ancient well, with no undercurrents passing through. The mud is very calm, with only holes and some messy drag marks on it. Seeing this, Ao Muyang smiled, what an unexpected surprise!

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