Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 479 482. Cicadas chirping (1/5)

Chapter 479 482. Cicadas Squeak (15)


Ao Xiaoniu and his group of children became wild dogs, running around in and out of the village with Zhu Zhu, the little puppy.

Ao Xiaoniu used to be very sensible. He would help his mother work in the fields whenever he had time. He knew that the situation at home was different from that of other families, and that the tasks on his shoulders were different from those of other children.

But since there were more tourists in Longtou Village, he became free, because it was easier for the family to make money, and his mother's health improved.

In the past, Song Qiumin relied on a small vegetable garden for income. In order to support herself and her children, she had to do more hard work, such as helping people clean up fishing nets and farmland.

After tourists came to the village, Ao Muyang supported her to open a fisherman's home, specializing in fisherman's dishes and processing seafood. Because she was honest and had good cooking skills, she gradually became famous among tourists, and there were several waves of tourists at home every day.

In this way, apart from working in the vegetable garden and cooking for tourists, she stopped doing other work. She didn't need to suffer and work hard. As long as she entertained tourists well, she could earn at least two or three hundred yuan a day, which was not a small amount if accumulated in a month.

Her vegetable garden was not big, and Song Qiumin could handle it alone, so Ao Xiaoniu was liberated.

Song Qiumin allowed him to go out and play with the children in the village, especially when he took Zhu Zhu with him, but asked him to pay attention to digging wild vegetables when he went outside the village.

So Ao Xiaoniu went out every night or weekend, and always brought back some wild vegetables, which was also a disguised help for the family.

Summer is here, and the night is a good time to touch cicada monkeys, and the day is a good time to catch cicadas.

The children had nothing to do, so they took Zhu Zhu out to catch cicadas. They picked the biggest cicadas for Zhu Zhu to play with, and Ao Xiaoniu took the others home. This can also be pickled and sold to tourists.

The tool for catching cicadas is simple. It is to make a net bag with iron bars and fishing nets on a long bamboo pole. When you see a cicada, you can quietly approach from behind and catch it with the net bag.

This is the most common method. There is another method, which is to stick a piece of gluten on the long bamboo pole.

Gluten is very sticky, and it is easy to stick to the wings of cicadas. Once stuck, the cicada can't escape at all.

This method is more successful than using a net bag. After all, the net bag is large and makes a loud noise, which is easy to alarm the cicada.

In the afternoon, several dark children gathered in the shade of a willow tree by the lake and got busy.

Ao Xiaomi was carrying a long bamboo pole. He shouted, "Xiao Niu, don't use gluten. Let's use a net bag. My brother taught me. I can catch one with one net. It's amazing."

Ao Xiao Niu glanced at him and said, "Don't come on, you loser. How could I not know your ability?"

Sweating Ao Xiaomi ran over and handed him a small bag, saying, "Brother Xiao Niu, this is the flour you want."

Ao Xiao Niu grinned. He mixed the flour with some clean water and slowly rinsed it. Finally, he kneaded it into a small ball of gluten. He stuck a piece on the bamboo pole and put the rest in a plastic bag. Then he clapped his hands and said, "Let's go and catch cicadas."

Ao Xiaojun, who couldn't wait, had already left with the pole. There were many trees and cicadas in the mountain village. They would have a harvest soon.

Zhu Zhu ran back with a cicada and said, "Brother Xiaoniu, they have already caught five cicadas."

Ao Xiaoniu was full of confidence: "Sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. Their tools are far inferior to ours. Although we started late, we can get twice the result with half the effort. We can definitely catch up later!"

Ao Xiaomi looked at him in surprise and said, "Xiaoniu, you are good. You have learned idioms well recently."

Ao Xiaoniu laughed and said, "I am studying literature with Teacher Lu. I plan to be a writer or a literary scholar in the future."

"I want to do it too." Ao Xiaomi laughed.

There are cicadas on the willow trees by the lake. Ao Xiaoniu has already found the target.

Raising the pole, he carefully passed through the branches and leaves. A black cicada was lying on the treetop and chirping.

"Let you chirp."

The bamboo pole tip quietly approached the cicada's back like a venomous snake. At this time, Ao Xiaoniu quickly moved up and the gluten stuck to the cicada's wings.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" The cicada screamed and frantically flapped its wings, but it couldn't break free and was caught by Ao Xiaoniu.

The child next door who followed Ao Xiaojun said, "Ah, they are so easy to catch."

The net bag on Ao Xiaojun's side was too big to be a target, especially when passing through branches and leaves, it was easy to touch the branches and leaves and make noises.

Hearing the people around him talking, his mood was affected. He shook his wrist and the net bag touched some leaves again. Seeing this, he knew the situation was not good, and quickly buckled the net bag towards the cicada.

But it was too late. The cicada reacted faster and immediately flapped its wings and flew away, leaving only a trail of water stains.

"Oh my god, the cicada peed." The children immediately ran around.

Ao Xiaojun was very angry: "Don't talk or move around, it's all your fault."

The friends were also very angry: "Xiaojun, what do you mean, why are you angry with us when you can't catch the cicada? It's boring, I don't want to play with you anymore, I'm going to find Xiaoniu."

"I'll go too."

"Go ahead, don't follow me." Ao Xiaojun roared with resentment.

Ao Xiaoniu was singing and laughing: "Fuck, awesome, Brother Niu is awesome, he got another one."

"Hey, hey, there's another one here, shush, Brother Niu, there's another one here."

"Great, Xiaoniu, let me try, I think I can do it too."

"You can eat shit, but you can't do this. Come on, little pig, try it."

Ao Xiaozhi, who was still staying with Ao Xiaojun, said: "Jun'er, it's really easier to have gluten stickiness."

Ao Xiaojun looked unkind: "Nonsense, I have to let everyone know how powerful I am today. Come on, let's go to Wangjia Linzi."

Ao Xiaozhi's expression changed: "What the hell are you going to Wangjialinzi? What if you run into the idiot from Wangjia Village?"

Ao Xiaojun said aggressively: "Then fuck them!"

Wangjia Linzi is where the lushest trees around Ambergris Lake are located. It got such a name because it is close to Wangjia Village. There are many trees there and there are many cicadas. However, it is controlled by the children of Wangjia Village. Catching cicadas wherever they go is out of bounds.

The two teenagers rushed around the lake to the woods. There was indeed a lot of cicadas here. As soon as they entered, they heard a continuous "squeaking" sound. Ao Xiaojun was overjoyed: "This is a cicada meeting. Let's It’s their old place!”

He raised his head and looked carefully for cicadas, and soon two cicadas appeared on the branches.

"Double cannon, double cannon, Jun'er, please do a double cannon!" Ao Xiaozhi was very excited.

"Shhhhh!" Ao Xiaojun said with a serious face, "Don't affect my performance, I'm going to make a killing blow!"

He carefully raised the bamboo pole, and just as he was about to close the net bag, another bamboo pole suddenly poked up from below and slapped his pole.

Ao Xiaojun was startled. When Zhizhi heard the noise, he immediately flew away. Another burst of cicada pee covered their heads.

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