Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 482 485. Giant Beast (4)

Arriving at the fishing ground, Ao Muyang first brought the food and drinking water to Ao Qianlai.

He treated the couple well, including chicken, duck, fish and meat, as well as vegetables and fruits. He also prepared a soy milk machine, juice machine, etc. for the two of them. As for the home appliances and furniture, they were even more complete.

Ao Muyang found that Jin Huizi's cooking skills were very good, and some Korean dishes were extremely authentic. He had eaten a lot of Korean cuisine in Kyoto. Among them, some traditional dishes such as miso soup, those famous restaurants were not as good as Jin Huizi.

Putting down his things, he hurried to find the tiger.

When he arrived at the fishing ground on his yacht, the tiger was waiting for him.

The tiger's body has grown even bigger, now six and a half meters long. Its appearance does not disgrace its name. It really has the head of a tiger and the head of a tiger. The body is so strong that it makes it look like the king of the ocean!

Ao Muyang feeds it gold drops regularly, and Huang Xiaodi takes advantage of it. Every time the tiger eats two or three drops, it can also mix in one drop.

When Ao Muyang entered the water, the tiger immediately turned around happily.

I saw the killer whale's body flipping over, and an underwater vortex suddenly formed. Its body hit the surrounding seawater, and the waves immediately rolled and the water surged.

The tiger turned over and opened his mouth to Ao Muyang.

The killer whale has a mouth so big that Ao Muyang can fit half of his body into it.

It opened its mouth to let Ao Muyang sit in, so Ao Muyang immediately made a guess: the tiger must have discovered something and what it wanted to take him to find.

Sure enough, when he hooked his arms around the tiger's mouth, the tiger immediately swung its tail and ran away from the fishing ground.

The porpoises are chasing after each other, chasing each other and playing around, which is called joy.

After swimming for more than ten minutes, the tiger slowed down, and a huge shadow appeared in Ao Muyang's field of vision.

The killer whale has grown very big, and the tiger is definitely Yao Ming among the killer whales of the same age, but compared to the shadow that appears, it is still too small...

Ao Muyang opened his mouth in surprise. The owner of this shadow must be as big as several tigers!

This is a huge whale. It is probably fifteen meters long and weighs more than ten tons. It is very huge and very strong!

Compared with its huge body, its head is particularly large and even looks disproportionate to its body, as if it has eaten too much Sanlu milk powder.

This whale looks very strange. Its head is very large and almost square, while its tail is relatively small. To exaggerate, it looks like a tadpole with a square head.

Although Ao Muyang could not clearly see the specific appearance of this whale from a distance, he already knew its identity clearly: a sperm whale!

Yes, he met another super overlord of the ocean, the sperm whale.

If killer whales are the wolves of the ocean, then sperm whales are the tigers of the ocean.

The great thing about killer whales is that they not only have strong individual combat capabilities, but also have an excellent sense of teamwork. They have language and can communicate. Each fish in the group has a unique identity. Some studies even say that they have a strong sense of themselves and their environment. Be aware of it.

In other words, killer whales know that they are powerful, and they also know that humans are even more powerful. They know that they can mess with anyone in the sea, but they cannot mess with humans.

From this point of view, it can explain the unsolved mystery that killer whales are cruel to any marine life, but have an unusual affinity for humans.

Sperm whales do not have such intelligence. Although their huge heads ensure that they have the largest brains in nature, their greatest strength lies in their ability to fight alone.

In one-on-one situations, sperm whales have almost no rivals in the ocean. If they encounter killer whales of the same age, their first choice is to run away.

After all, the sperm whale is a powerful toothed whale that can grow up to twenty meters long!

The position of sperm whales in the marine life chain is similar to that of killer whales, both at the top. They are well-deserved tigers of the ocean.

However, the tiger had no energy at this time. It floated sideways on the sea, its fins moved very slowly, and it was even difficult to maintain its balance.

It is normal for sperm whales to be exposed to the sea sideways. Although they have two nostrils, only the left nostril is open for breathing, while the right nostril is naturally blocked. This causes them to always have trouble breathing when they surface. The body is tilted to the right.

But every time they surface, they are very powerful. Sperm whales like to spray water jets to show their presence, just like tigers like to roar in the mountains and forests.

The tiger took Ao Muyang to see this big fish. Ao Muyang initially thought that the sperm whale had been knocked over by the tiger, but it didn't look like it if he looked closely.

The distance was a bit far and he couldn't see some details clearly.

However, if you don't want to die, it's better to watch the sperm whale from a distance. Even the tiger doesn't dare to get close.

But after waiting for a while, he found that the sperm whale seemed to be dying, acting weak and posing no threat, so he slowly approached the sperm whale.

Besides, although sperm whales have huge bodies, they are not vicious in temperament and will not attack animals around them for no reason.

This sperm whale is quite old. There are many horizontal wrinkles on the skin surface of the middle and rear parts of its body, and there are a lot of scars on it. This is different from the smooth and tight skin of other whales.

Moreover, the blowhole located in the front of the fish's head grows to the left. The reason is that the sperm whale's skull grows abnormally during development. The older it gets, the more it tilts to the left.

Looking up at the huge sperm whale, a shocking feeling appeared in his heart.

This is the power of the beast!

The tiger has a very domineering temper, and is definitely a kindergarten-level existence, but it showed enough awe when facing the sperm whale.

As for the eight porpoises, their performance was even more embarrassing at this moment. They disappeared directly...

The tiger's power was still there. This sperm whale was about to die, but its mighty power still amazed everyone who saw it.

From the scars on the sperm whale's skin, it can be seen that this is a powerful whale with outstanding military exploits. There are many scars the size of a sea bowl on its skin, which are traces left by giant squid or giant squid.

Ao Muyang read the information and said that there are two particularly large mollusks, giant squid and giant squid, in the deep sea, and only sperm whales dare to prey on them.

Facing the huge sperm whale, these mollusks are not helpless. They can fight back. The most common method is to use tentacles to sweep the whale's body and block the whale's nostrils.

If the sperm whale cannot kill the giant squid or giant squid, it will be suffocated to death by them.

Even if the giant squid and giant physalis are eaten by them, they will still cause harm to them. For example, the tentacle suckers will break the sperm whale's skin, leaving them with scars as small as the mouth of a bowl or as large as a basin.

This sperm whale has a fresh round wound on its body. Ao Muyang estimated that it had just experienced a big battle. Maybe its life-threatening condition was caused by a giant squid or giant physalis.

Just as he gradually floated up, the sperm whale gradually opened its eyes...

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