Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 506 509. The snake ran away (3)

Ao Muyang glared at it, and the general who was about to show his might suddenly became unhappy. It yawned and lay on the ground again, and turned its belly up again.

Seeing this, Fu Guozheng shook his head and said, "This dog is not good. It has no spirit and no wildness."

Ao Muyang quickly pulled him away, brother, are you going to stop? If my dog ​​gets wild, it can really bite off your pants.

Fu Guozheng is about 45 years old. His identity is quite unique. He is not only the village party secretary of Houloumen Village, but also a rural doctor in the village. He is very good at treating poison and rheumatism.

He is also quite famous and has a good status in the surrounding villages. Unlike ordinary village party secretaries and village heads, he is not interested in politics. When competing for the position of deputy captain, he was one of the few village cadres who remained rational and restrained.

The reason for introducing these is that according to Ao Muyang's understanding of him, this brother would not give him gifts because of his identity.

Sure enough, after sitting down, Fu Guozheng said: "Captain Ao, I don't come to you for no reason. I came to ask you for help today."

Ao Muyang asked: "Secretary Fu, just tell me, what's the matter?"

"My sea snake pen was smashed by something, and the snakes inside ran away!" Fu Guozheng looked constipated.

Ao Muyang was stunned: "Ah?"

Fu Guozheng said helplessly: "Captain Ao, it's ridiculous to say that my ancestors started raising snakes, and I have been raising them for fifty years. There has never been any mistake in raising snakes, but something went wrong yesterday!"

Ao Muyang said: "Wait, your family started raising snakes from your ancestors to Yangshe, and you have been raising them for fifty years? Then which generation of your ancestors started raising them?"

"From my grandfather's generation." Fu Guozheng said, "But I stopped for a few years in the middle, and then I raised them again, so it's been about fifty years in total."

Ao Muyang suddenly realized that this was the logic.

Fu Guozheng said: "You know, Captain Ao, my family has a special skill in treating poisons. Although sea snakes are poisonous, they are obedient in my hands. I have raised many snakes over the years and nothing has ever happened to them. Alas!"

Ao Muyang comforted him: "People make mistakes and horses stumble. You came to me when your poisonous snakes ran away?"

Fu Guozheng said: "These poisonous snakes ran away, I have to catch them back, but I was busy for a long time yesterday and today, and the effect is not very good, so I came to you for help!"

Ao Muyang immediately understood: "Do you know that there is a cat in my family that is very good at catching snakes?"

The head of state reacted very quickly. Playing with snakes is like playing with his own small rolling pins by picking his feet. He can catch them easily and play with them at will.

Fu Guozheng shook his head: "Ah? You have a cat that is good at catching snakes? I don't know about that. I came to ask for help from your sea eagle. Everyone says that you have a sea eagle, and that sea eagle is very human, so I think it's best to let it go."

The Steller's sea eagle is indeed good at dealing with sea snakes, but the queen has only caught a silver ring snake in the mountains, and Ao Muyang has never seen it catch a sea snake in the sea.

Thinking of this, he told the queen about her situation.

Fu Guozheng was not worried about this: "Your sea eagle has never caught a sea snake because there are no sea snakes in the sea around the Red Ocean. The water temperature here is not good. Sea snakes cannot survive below 20 degrees, so you haven't seen it catch a sea snake."

Ao Muyang said: "But after your sea snake entered the water, I'm afraid I don't know where it dived to. The sea eagle can't do anything about it, right?"

Fu Guozheng shook his head: "No, the water temperature is low in the morning and evening, and the sea snake must go to the surface of the sea to absorb sunlight. At this time, they will definitely appear on the surface of the sea, and the sea eagle can deal with them at this time."

It is not a trivial matter for the sea snake to run away. Although it has nothing to do with Ao Muyang, he has to pay attention to it.

Houloumen Village is also close to the sea. The sea area outside their village is connected to the sea area outside Longtou Village. If the sea snake runs away from him, it is unknown when it will appear in Longtou Village.

In the afternoon, the weather is hot and the sea water temperature is high. Sea snakes will not appear on the sea surface. At this time, they are lurking underwater and are difficult to deal with. Ao Muyang waited until the evening and took the queen to Houloumen by boat.

Fu Guozheng's family is in a good financial situation. They also built a small building by the sea. The decoration of this building is very rich and it is much brighter than Ao Muyang's house.

However, he does not make money from the village, but from Chinese medicine and snake breeding.

People living by the sea often have rheumatism, which is very difficult to treat, but Fu Guozheng has some very effective ancestral prescriptions.

Speaking of this, it is quite mysterious. Fu Guozheng's family seems to have a talent for treating rheumatism. He suffered from rheumatoid arthritis when he was twelve or thirteen years old, and had to lie in bed every day at a young age.

Fu Guozheng's father used all the prescriptions, but he couldn't cure his son's disease, which made their family very distressed at the time.

As a result, Fu Guozheng was very powerful. He was lying in bed with nothing to do, so he followed his father to learn Chinese medicine, and tried to treat himself. After two or three years, he actually cured himself.

This incident was passed down as a good story in the local area. It was said that Fu Guozheng was born with the ability to treat rheumatism.

Speaking of this, Fu Guozheng smiled bitterly at Ao Muyang: "What ability do I have? I just figured out a set of prescriptions for treating diseases with sea snake venom and snake skin. Fortunately, it does have some effect and cured some fellow villagers."

Ao Muyang gave a thumbs up and said: "Brother, don't be polite. You are a master who can cure diseases with your magic hands."

These words were not said by him, but by the praise on the banner on the wall.

Fu Guozheng is not only a doctor but also a village party secretary. It is correct to say that he is a doctor sitting in the hall. In ancient times, doctors were called "Zuotangxiansheng" because when the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing was the governor of Changsha, he would sit in the main hall of the government office to treat the people on the first and fifteenth day of every month, and the people gave him this honorific title.

In this way, Fu Guozheng is a bankrupt version of the medical saint. They are both doctors and officials.

After enduring the hottest afternoon, the two went to the snake farm on the seaside.

Fu Guozheng's snake farm is not large in scale. It is located on the seaside and covers an area of ​​at most 200 square meters. It has three floors, the bottom floor is in the sea, and the other two floors are on the sea surface.

Ao Muyang looked at it and asked curiously, "Are the snakes raised in this small farm enough for you to use for medicine?"

Fu Guozheng nodded, "Enough. Don't look at it as small. In fact, snakes don't take up much space. I raise them in cages. This farm can raise 400 snakes. It's not small."

From the land, there is nothing wrong with this snake farm. When you go to the sea, you can see that the wall of the farm has collapsed, as if it was hit by a car, and a large part of the cages inside have been crushed.

Fu Guozheng's wife and son are busy with the renovation with the workers. After a day and a half of repair, it has not been repaired yet. He introduced to Ao Muyang that this farm is actually an air-conditioned room. After all, sea snakes are too sensitive to temperature. It is difficult to repair the broken air-conditioned room. The technology content is too high.

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