Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 508 511. Prescription (5)

The queen is skilled in her work and performs powerfully!

She caught sea snakes one after another. The Steller's sea eagle has excellent eyesight, which is very similar to her close relatives, the bald eagle and the golden eagle. It can fly a hundred meters high and clearly see a palm-sized sea crucian carp in the water.

The size of sea snakes is much larger than that of sea crucian carps. Fu Guozheng fed them well and made them comfortable. Each of them was fat and big-eared. They were round and chubby, and easy to find.

In fact, looking at the captured sea snakes, Ao Muyang felt that Fu Guozheng didn't need to worry too much.

These sea snakes have been domesticated so much that they have lost their wildness. After getting used to artificial feeding, it is difficult for them to hunt and survive in the wild. Even if they are not caught, they will not live long.

As long as the sea snakes surface, the queen can catch them immediately. The area that can be controlled by looking down from the high altitude is very large, and the activity area of ​​the sea snakes is completely monitored by it.

Sea snakes need to surface frequently. They are reptiles and still breathe with lungs. They either swim close to the sea surface with their noses exposed, or dive in the water for a few minutes or more and then come out to breathe.

After all, the ones that escaped were not wild sea snakes. They did not leave this sea area very far. As the queen attacked again and again, they were caught one by one.

Fifty-five sea snakes, this is a large number and a large amount of work.

Ao Muyang let the queen rest several times before catching almost all of them.

Fu Guozheng was very embarrassed. During this period, he thanked Ao Muyang many times and politely persuaded Ao Muyang to take the queen home first, rest for a night and come back tomorrow.

Ao Muyang did not do this. He insisted that the queen attack and try to catch all the venomous snakes before landing today.

As things progressed, he found that he might be responsible for this matter.

While the queen was catching sea snakes, he learned about the whole story of the destruction of the farm.

The farm had problems at night. In the words of Fu Guozheng's wife, some dog-coin-raised guy was so drunk that he hit the farm with his bow, collapsing half of the farm.

"He must have been drunk driving. He must have been drunk." The woman said angrily.

Ao Muyang felt that it was not the boat's fault. There was no trace of the boat on the collapsed half of the farm, but there were some rough fish skins on some iron bars and steel bars.

He was very familiar with this kind of fish skin, which was the fish skin on sperm whales!

According to his guess, it should be the sperm whale that came here, and it was the sperm whale that accidentally hit their snake farm.

Therefore, he tried his best to help Fu Guozheng catch the escaped sea snake, otherwise if a vicious incident of sea snake attacking people really happened, even if he was not held responsible, he would not be able to rest assured.

The queen helped him a lot in this matter. He did not let the queen work in vain. Almost every time she caught five or six poisonous snakes, Ao Muyang would give her a little gold drop.

That's why the queen has enough energy to soar up and down repeatedly.

After two and a half hours, fifty-four sea snakes were caught, and there was only one left.

But there was no result for this one. The queen kept soaring in the air, but still couldn't find it after more than ten minutes.

Fu Guozheng said happily: "Forget it, Captain Ao, that one may be dead or stay in the water. It's enough to catch these."

His wife muttered: "The missing one is the snake king, right? Can it die so easily?"

Fu Guozheng glared at her: "If it can't die, it will come back sooner or later. The snake king is different from other snakes. They will guard their own territory. This farm is its territory."

After that, he smiled and said to Ao Muyang: "Captain Ao, call your divine eagle back. It's time to let it rest. You helped me a lot today."

Ao Muyang was also a little tired, but still insisted: "Look for it again."

Fu Guozheng said decisively: "Don't look for it. If you can't find it, forget it. One It's okay for the snake to escape. In fact, a snake occasionally escapes from my farm, and nothing has ever happened, as long as it's not a large group of them. Let's go and have a drink at my house tonight. "

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said, "That's not necessary, Secretary Fu, you are very busy rebuilding the snake farm here..."

"What are you busy with? Can you not eat when you are busy?" Fu Guozheng smiled, "Come on, Captain Ao, as a leader, you have to get along with the masses. How can you get along with them? This depends on the wine table."

His wife also warmly persuaded him to stay, saying, "Captain Ao, you have to stay for a meal and try the snake meat produced by our family. This sea snake has no parasites and tastes great."

"Yes, yes, yes, I will kill a snake for you tonight to go with the wine." Fu Guozheng rolled up his sleeves again.

Seeing this, a bunch of sea snakes stayed in the cage and shivered.

The couple was too enthusiastic, and Ao Muyang really couldn't leave, so he had to stay for this meal.

The wife went to the kitchen, and Fu Guozheng took Ao Muyang to drink herbal tea.

Their herbal tea has a hint of Chinese medicine. It tastes a bit sour at first, but after the sourness comes a sweet taste that lasts for a long time.

Ao Muyang looked at the herbal tea and said, "Wow, this tea tastes good. Did you make the recipe yourself?"

Fu Guozheng looked proud: "It's a recipe passed down from generation to generation, but I made a slight improvement and added a Yunnan olive."

Ao Muyang gave a thumbs up and said, "You are a capable person."

Fu Guozheng said modestly, "No, no, no, I can't compare to you, Captain Ao. By the way, if you like this herbal tea, I'll give you the recipe and you can go back and make it yourself."

Ao Muyang shook his head and said, "I appreciate your kindness, but I can't do this. This is your family's secret recipe."

Fu Guozheng laughed and said, "What secret recipe? Haha, actually it's okay to make this recipe public. It's very ordinary. It's just that there's something special about adding this Yunnan olive at the end. This thing has to be prepared by myself, haha, so I gave you the recipe. It's useless if I don't help you prepare Yunnan olives."

Ao Muyang also laughed, being tricked.

He was wrong to think so. Fu Guozheng didn't mean that. He went into the house and took a piece of paper and said, "Here, the recipe is here. I also wrote the method of preparing Yunnan olives on it. You can use it."

"How can I be so embarrassed?" Ao Muyang smiled.

Fu Guozheng glared and said, "Hey, Captain Ao, why are you so polite to me? You helped my boss today. If it weren't for you, there might be a big mess in my family. By the way, where is the divine eagle? I prepared delicious fish for it, why is it gone?"

Ao Muyang looked up and looked for a while but couldn't find the queen.

But this is common. The queen often disappears.

He guessed that the queen was still looking for the snake that had escaped the net, because he had been feeding it with gold drops before, and the queen might continue to work hard for the gold drops to eat.

As night fell, cold dishes and hot dishes were served on the table.

The main dish was snake meat hot pot. The sea snake meat was crystal clear, and after being sliced, it looked like lobster meat, with faint blood on it, which was quite beautiful.

Fu Guozheng said, "Try it, Captain Ao, this is becoming popular in our Hongyang now. Many people come to my house every year to buy this to entertain guests."

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