Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 511 514. Mysterious Sea (3)

During the fishing ban period, he didn't have to go out to sea, and the Zhuantou Island fishing ground didn't need him to work. In this way, Ao Muyang had nothing else to do except organizing the law enforcement team to patrol the sea.

There were fewer poaching incidents. The last midnight operation was effective. Many people and boats were arrested. The Fisheries Bureau fined a group of people and arrested a group of people, which greatly deterred the fishermen.

With nothing to do, Ao Muyang planned to get the eunuch's treasure out and sell it for money.

During this period, the village spent a lot of money to feed sperm whales, tigers and dolphins. They are all big eaters. In order to keep them in the sea outside the village to help the village with tourism, the village had to be responsible for feeding them.

Once the big fish are not full, they will leave the sea outside the village to find food by themselves. In that case, they may not come back for a few days, which greatly affects the expectations of tourists.

Relying on sperm whales, killer whales and dolphins, Longtou Village has developed into the leader of Hongyang Fishing Village tourism. Many tourists come from other places just to see these big fish in the ocean.

In late July, when Ao Muyang was thinking about how to deal with the eunuch's treasure, old man Ao Zhiman suddenly came to his house.

Seeing the old man coming, Ao Muyang remembered the gloomy wooden door he gave him: "Master Man, you haven't sold that door yet. You have to wait two or three months until autumn..."

"I didn't come here for this matter. I gave you the door. You can do whatever you want with it." The old man had a hard temper.

Ao Muyang smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, then I will donate it to the village on your behalf. Anyway, the funds needed for the development of the village are very large, and the funding gap is very large."

Ao Zhiman nodded and said, "You handle it yourself. I came here this time to ask you for help with something."

"What is it?" Ao Muyang was very curious. He knew the tempers of the grandfather and grandson. They were as hard as stone and would never ask for help from others if they could do it themselves.

The old man looked around and found that there were only cats, dogs and foxes, and no one else. He whispered: "I went out to sea these days and found a place in the outer sea that produces sea amber, but my grandfather and grandson are not good at diving. I am too old and Jinfu is too young, so I want to ask you for help."

Ao Muyang said: "That's no problem, but is there a place in the outer sea that is rich in sea amber? I haven't heard of this."

The old man said mysteriously: "Yes, please keep your voice down, don't make a fuss about it."

Ao Muyang felt a little funny and said: "Grandpa Man, there is no one at home now, let's talk boldly, no one can hear."

Li Ji went to the beach to observe the recovery of the turtle's immunity, and Grandpa Ao Zhibing went to the Zhuantou Island Fishery.

Since the family's breeding pond moved the chicken breeding bed away according to Li Ji's advice, the growth of Elodea has returned to a steady and orderly state, and there is no garbage at the bottom of the lake, so Ao Zhibing does not need to watch it every day, he only needs to clean it up every few days.

"Be careful, there are ears on the other side of the wall." The old man's face was very serious.

Ao Muyang could only lower his voice: "I mean, in our sea area, there are only a few pieces of sea amber floating up all year round. Do you think there are other places that are rich in this stuff?"

"Yes, if you don't believe me, follow me." Ao Zhiman said.

Before leaving, he smiled embarrassedly again: "Well, village chief, you must not tell others about this place. Just know it yourself, okay?"

Ao Muyang patted his chest and said: "Of course, you still don't trust my mouth?"

There was no one at home, he had to bring the general, the head of state and Youfu. After thinking about it, he brought the basin again. The snake king stayed in it. If he didn't guard it at home, it would be troublesome.

When he got on the sea fishing boat, he was worried that the snake king would run away. As a result, the snake king stretched his head out to look around and retracted into the basin.

Ao Jinfu was a stupid and bold child. He saw such a big sea snake for the first time and reached out to touch it.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang knew that it was not a coincidence that he was poisoned by mushrooms last time. This kid is brave and fearless.

This scared Ao Zhiman, and he quickly shouted: "Kid, don't be stupid!"

The snake king did not attack Ao Jinfu, mainly because it didn't know whether this was a fishing enforcement.

The head of state always tossed it like this before, and it was very miserable.

Ao Muyang would give it a little gold drop every day. After eating the gold drop, it became smarter. Now the head of state used his tail to tease it again, and it would not be fooled.

At this time, the head of state was sitting next to it. Ao Jinfu reached out to touch it. It was not sure whether it would be beaten after launching an attack. Anyway, it was very likely to end up like this, so it simply did not resist.

Ao Jinfu touched its smooth skin, then quickly retracted his hand and smiled: "Hehe, it's so cool."

Ao Zhiman was very surprised and said: "This sea snake, why doesn't it bite people?"

Ao Muyang said: "It has been trained."

According to the old man's instructions, the sea fishing boat left the coast for more than ten kilometers and entered the vast ocean.

Without GPS positioning in such a place, it is difficult to confirm a specific location.

But the old man has this skill. He scanned the ocean all the way, looking for some small reefs that occasionally appeared on the sea surface, and then when he arrived at a certain place, he nodded: "Stop here."

Ao Muyang turned off the engine and anchored, saying: "Is there sea amber in the sea here?"

Places like amber mines are rare, but they do exist.

Of course, amber mines are different from other mineral deposits such as coal mines and jade mines. They do not have continuous existence, but have distributed light dispersion, which is related to their formation process.

The formation of amber generally has three stages. The first stage is the secretion of resin from cypress trees. The second stage is the deep burial of resin and the petrification of resin. The composition, structure and characteristics of resin have undergone significant changes. The third stage is the washing, transportation, deposition and diagenesis of petrified resin to form amber and flush it out from underground.

The existing amber was born in the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. At that time, large areas of the earth's land were covered with pine forest plants. These plants can secrete resin, so the resin was buried in pieces after landing, forming a rare amber mine.

When anchoring, Ao Muyang discovered that the water in this sea area was shallow and there should be sea reefs around.

Sure enough, he dived into the water and saw that there were indeed pieces of reefs under the water. Their highest places were almost close to the sea surface. If the ocean ebbs, they might be exposed to the sea surface.

Ao Zhiman and Ao Jinfu put on goggles and went into the water. They were obviously familiar with this place and came here often.

The reefs in the shallow water area showed signs of being excavated. Ao Zhiman made a gesture in the water, and Ao Muyang understood that he was asking him to look in the deep water area.

Swimming slowly, Ao Muyang turned his head by chance and saw the snake king following behind him.

It was a bit scary to suddenly see the sea snake, but it was not so scary after getting familiar with the appearance of the snake king. The snake king had a round head and a round brain, which was actually a bit cute.

Especially the scars on its forehead caused by the head of state, like forehead wrinkles, so the snake king always looked a little sad.

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