Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 513 516. Time to lay eggs (5)

The engine of the fishing boat set off two rows of waves, which gradually moved away.

A man with a bald head and big arms on the boat had a gloomy look on his face. He looked at the back of the fishing boat and narrowed his eyes and said, "Brother Liang, do you know these guys?"

Wang Dongliang nodded solemnly: "Well, Brother Hu, the young man who climbed out of the water just now is called Ao Muyang. He is the head of Longtou Village next door to us. He is quite arrogant and needs to be dealt with."

Brother Hu said: "I don't care whether he is arrogant or not. Hongyang is very arrogant. What I care about is whether he discovered our method of hiding goods?"

Wang Dongliang said confidently: "This is impossible. The goods haven't floated up yet. They have been sinking in the water. No one can notice it."

"But I see this guy is diving, wearing diving equipment." A man next to him interjected.

Wang Dongliang continued to say with confidence: "Look at the equipment he is carrying, he can only go around in the sea here. The place where we hide the goods is several kilometers away from here. Who can dive and swim that far? I'm tired early." It’s a dead ball!”

Brother Hu nodded. He was not too worried about this matter. He was thinking about the same thing as Wang Dongliang.

However, he was cautious, so he patted Wang Dongliang on the shoulder and said: "Next time, change the coordinates, and be careful to sail the ten thousand year ship."

Wang Dongliang immediately said obediently: "Brother Hu is right."

He felt very unhappy about letting Ao Muyang go like this. Previously, he had always hoped to bring Brother Hu and his party into conflict with Ao Muyang and kill someone with a borrowed knife.

However, he couldn't play court drama, and he didn't have the intrigues. He tried several times to arouse Brother Hu's anger against Ao Muyang, but Brother Hu didn't take the bait, which made him helpless.

Brother Hu and his party are worried here, and Ao Zhiman and his grandson on the fishing boat are also worried.

The old man said worriedly: "It's broken, it's broken, the news has leaked."

Ao Muyang wondered: "What news was leaked?"

The old man sighed sadly: "Well, what do you think? These people must have gone there to fish for sea amber. Well, they also know that there is sea amber there."

Ao Muyang burst into laughter. He handed the amber stone he picked up to the old man and said, "Master Man, please be rest assured. I can guarantee that they are not here for the amber. Let's go home."

"How do you know?" The old man was still doubtful.

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "They are engaged in smuggling, and I am afraid that sea amber will not be able to catch their eyes."

"Do you know them?" the old man continued to ask.

Ao Muyang nodded: "Well, don't worry Master Man, it was just a coincidence that they met us. Those people are definitely not here for Hai Amber."

After hearing this, the old man felt relieved.

When the fishing boats returned to the village, it was already the end of July and close to August. This year, the sea ban ended at the end of August, and the sea was officially opened in September, so every household in the fishing village began to prepare to go to sea.

Ao Muyang was also busy. He installed a saddle on the tiger and was ready to go. At night, he went to the waters outside Wangjiacun to monitor the Tu Tulong.

Smuggling activities at sea are not carried out every day. After all, it takes time for the market to digest smuggled goods. He went to monitor it for two or three days, but the Tutu Dragon never responded.

At the end of July, when Ao Muyang was about to continue traveling at night, Li Ji came to him excitedly: "Village Chief Xiao Ao, where are you going so late?"

Ao Muyang couldn't tell the truth, so he smiled and said: "Go out for a walk and touch a monkey or something. Teacher Li, what's wrong with you? You look very excited?"

Li Ji said happily: "Of course I'm excited, the sea turtles are laying eggs, and the sea turtles are going to lay eggs on the Bund of our Longtou Village!"

Ao Muyang was very surprised when he heard the news.

Recently, he has learned a lot about marine life from Li Ji, a lot of which is related to sea turtles.

First of all, sea turtles do not lay eggs randomly. They have fixed migration routes and egg-laying places. They will not change these habits without significant impact.

Secondly, sea turtles usually choose to lay their eggs in tropical areas, and in China they mostly choose the Xisha Sea.

The Red Ocean sea area is considered to be a subtropical area, mainly in the temperate zone. The temperature of the beach is too low, and sea turtles should not lay eggs here.

This news was so shocking that Ao Muyang was stunned for a moment.

Li Ji was also deeply surprised by this, but the news brought him more excitement. He said: "Village Chief Ao, please stop looking for the monkeys. Come with me to the beach to observe the breeding trends of sea turtles." , If they really lay eggs here, that would be amazing!”

Ao Muyang knew why he was so excited. If the news was true, he would be very excited too.

There are only 16 sea turtle nature reserves in the world, and only one along the coast of mainland China. From the 1960s to the early 1970s, it was common in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions and on the beaches on both sides of the Qiongzhou Strait to see groups of female turtles coming ashore to lay eggs.

But now, sea turtles have become rare visitors. Only two or three sea turtles come ashore to lay eggs a year. National marine biology workers have not yet figured out why.

Li Ji mentioned this point: "Let's go and have a good look. We must produce good imaging data. If the sea turtles really choose the Bund of Longtou Village as a place to lay their eggs, then I will apply to the country to establish a sea turtle nature reserve here." area, so our country will have two protected areas in addition to the southern foot of Daxing Mountain.”

Ao Muyang asked Lu Zhizi to bring his camera and video recorder to the beach, and together they took advantage of the night to witness this miraculous moment.

Lu Zhizi would teach herself about the ocean and aquatic life when she had nothing to do. She also understood the miraculous extent of this matter. On the way, she asked: "Professor Li, why would the turtles choose to lay eggs here? I have no intention of questioning your authority. Did you see it wrong?"

Li Ji said: "It is relatively rare for turtles to change their nesting sites, but it is not uncommon. Green turtles are timid by nature and often lay eggs on sparsely populated beaches. When the turtles' habitat is destroyed or developed for other purposes, they will abandon this habitat and find a new home. I think this group of green turtles felt that the environment on the Bund was more suitable, so they settled here temporarily."

"The temperature is not suitable, right?" Lu Zhizi asked.

When this question was mentioned, Li Ji's expression became serious: "The temperature is fine now. The minimum temperature for incubating turtle eggs is 25 degrees, but their incubation time is usually 50 days. After 50 days, it is the end of September, and the temperature may not be suitable at that time."

Ao Muyang said: "This is a small problem. As long as the turtles really lay eggs on the Bund, I will mark them well, and then make a constant temperature room on the beach to help the turtle eggs hatch artificially."

Li Ji nodded and said: "Okay, it's amazing that Xiao Ao, the village chief, has this awareness. Don't worry, our university will definitely provide the strongest technical and financial support!"

As they were talking, they arrived at the beach. At this time, the moon was halfway up the sky, and there were still many stars on the beach. This was because there were tourists resting on the beach.

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