Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 52 52. Fossils, alive!

There is indeed no road to run a motorcycle at the entrance of the village, but there is a motorboat parked at the dock at the entrance of the village.

This motorboat is an ordinary boat with a gasoline engine hanging on the back. It uses an outboard engine, which is simple to make and powerful.

The advantage of the gasoline engine is that it starts quickly. They threw the motorcycle on the dock and started it immediately after getting on the boat. The gasoline engine roared and the boat began to move.

Ao Muyang ran to the dock with his legs down. A young man laughed and said, "You are running so fast, are you Liu Xiang? Are you Bolt? If you have the guts, come and fly on the water and see how you can catch up with us! Hahahaha!"

The motorboat started, but it did not leave for a long time, but circled on the dock.

The young man pointed his middle finger at Ao Muyang and laughed: "Come on, Dogecoin, aren't you a fast runner? Come over here!"

The young man driving the boat also shouted arrogantly: "Dogecoin kicked me just now? You are so awesome! Come again, come and kick me, I will not move here, you come... Wo Shi!"

Amid his mocking voice, Ao Muyang jumped onto a large sea fishing boat next to him...

"Run! Where did this poor Longtou Village get a speedboat?" The young man screamed in fear when he was halfway through his words.

The gasoline engine starts faster than the diesel engine, and the motorboat has already started. A white wave flew up, and it ran towards the deep sea.

Ao Muyang calmly ignited the engine, and the sea fishing boat also roared, the inboard engine ran wildly, white waves flew up from both sides of the boat, and it began to drive in the water.

The diesel engine starts slowly, but it has strong horsepower after starting!

The motorboat had already run out for some distance, and the sea fishing boat followed closely behind it.

In terms of size, the sea fishing boat is larger than the two motorboats, and its inboard engine has a large horsepower, so the motorboat can't escape at all.

Moreover, this motorboat is an assembled boat, that is, an iron boat with an outboard engine hanging behind it. It can't run too fast, because its own connection is very poor, and it is easy to cause the boat to disintegrate if it runs too fast.

Ao Muyang chased behind with a gloomy face, and the two boats soon rushed into the ocean one after the other.

The clear moonlight shone on the sea, and the vast ocean was endless, without any obstacles. The motorboat ran in front and there was no place to hide. Where could it run?

The speed of the motorboat is not as fast as the sea fishing boat, but it has a small advantage, that is, it is flexible in turning.

After the two thieves calmed down and thought of this, they hit the rudder hard to turn and try to get rid of Ao Muyang.

Ao Muyang smiled coldly, he was waiting for this opportunity!

Seeing that the motorboat was about to turn, he pulled the accelerator to the bottom, and the sea fishing boat roared to the highest speed, and then crashed into it!


With a loud bang, the bow of the sea fishing boat hit the rear of the motorboat, just like two cars colliding on the highway, what kind of scene is it when the rear car hits the front car turning?

The speedboat is not as fast as the car speeding on the highway, but the sea surface is not a flat road. The waves are rolling, and the motorboat is thrown up. Then it is hit by the sea fishing boat-

The motorboat flew!

Ao Muyang laughed: "Don't you want a divine soldier to descend from the sky? Don't you want to be kicked? How about this kick?!"

The motorboat fell and tilted on the sea surface. The two thieves screamed and fell into the water.

They would not die with the sea water as a buffer, but the boat was going too fast at this time, and falling into the water would not be good, and they would definitely suffer!

Then a wave happened to hit it, pushing the motorboat and flipping it into the water.

Ao Muyang did not go to rescue them directly, but drove the boat around in circles on the sea.

The two became drowned in the water. One of them wanted to dive and escape. Ao Muyang turned the rudder and the sea fishing boat turned the corner to catch up. When the thief came out to breathe, the sea fishing boat cut past from the side. A huge wave hit the thief's head and filled his mouth with sea water!

After cleaning up the two, he slowed down and jumped into the water to catch them.

After entering the water, he looked around for the two. As a result, he did not find the thief at first glance, but found a curved strange snail diving not far from him.

This strange snail is not big, about half the size of his palm. What's strange about it is that it is spirally coiled as a whole, with a milky white base on the shell surface, and strips of growth lines are distributed on it.

Among them, these growth lines radiate from the navel of the shell, smooth and dense, mostly reddish brown, and the cold moonlight shines on it through the sea water, very beautiful, like porcelain.

He swam over with a thought in his mind. When he looked closely, the big snail looked like a parrot's beak, so its identity was revealed:

Marine treasure, nautilus!

This is a fossil! Alive!

When Ao Muyang was in junior high school, there was an introduction to nautilus in the biology textbook, saying that this is a species that has survived on Earth for hundreds of millions of years. Its appearance and habits have changed very little over the past hundreds of millions of years. It is called a living fossil in the ocean and is as famous as the giant panda on land.

As far as he knows, in the Ordovician marine period, nautilus was a top predator. Its body length could grow to one meter and one meter. At that time, the main groups in the ocean, trilobites and giant sea scorpions, were their food.

In that heyday of marine invertebrates, nautilus dominated the ocean with its huge size, sensitive sense of smell and ferocious beak. It was so fierce.

But now, such a brutal nautilus is gone, and even living nautilus is very rare.

What people can usually find is their shells. After they die, their soft bodies will shed their shells and sink. The shells will not break for a long time. They drift in the ocean for a long time and will be picked up by people by chance.

Ao Muyang firmly believed that he had encountered a living nautilus at this time. Looking at the small appearance of this thing at this time, it was not floating on the sea surface, but with the shell facing up and the shell mouth facing down, it was floating all the way into the water.

Looking at the nautilus with surprise, he reached out to grab it.

Today, nautilus is not only rare, but also no longer as fierce and ferocious as its ancestors. There are only 2 genera and 6 species left, and the largest one is less than 30 cm in diameter.

The nautilus that fell into his hands was even smaller, probably only more than 10 cm. He didn't know what kind of nautilus it was, but it was definitely alive!

After falling into its hands, the nautilus's snail meat quickly shrank back, and then left it to fate.

Holding this nautilus and feeling the smooth and cold touch, Ao Muyang liked it more and more.

Living nautilus is so rare that it deserves to be a national treasure in any country after being discovered. It is also a protected animal in the first season in any country.

According to the law, there are only two ways to go after obtaining a nautilus, either hand it over to the country or release it.

Ao Muyang wants to take the third way, which is to keep it by himself.

Handing it over to the country is just a banner and a little bonus, and now the police station still owes him these things; releasing it is actually irresponsible. The ocean is so dangerous, what if it is eaten by some creature?

Even if it is not eaten, the nautilus has extremely high requirements for water quality to survive. Will it die if the water quality deteriorates? Nowadays, the seawater around the world is polluted. Lao Ao feels that the nautilus are living in dire straits!

Ao Muyang himself has the golden elixir water vapor to help the nautilus live a better life. This is an advantage that no one else has, so he put the nautilus in his trouser pocket with peace of mind.

Freedom is gone just like that. If the nautilus can speak, it will definitely curse.

However, Ao Muyang then injected the golden elixir water vapor into its body. If it could speak, it would probably moan with pleasure!

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