Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 520 523. Two hotshots (2)

The man was still pretending to be stupid: "What did you say? Who is cowards with this guy?"

Ao Muyang said contemptuously: "Made, do you know where I'm from in the Northeast? Don't just look at us on the Internet and imitate us. I don't care if you are in the same group. You just picked on each other with the Northeast accent." What do you mean? I'm looking for a beating!"

After hearing what he said, the two men were stunned. The bald man said subconsciously: "You are quite domineering."

The man in the vest didn't know that his intention had been seen through, but his hand was caught and he couldn't move down to take advantage of the chaos.

When the theft failed, he decided to rob in name and directly dragged Ao Muyang into the alley outside: "Come on, young man, let's have a good theory. You are quite strong in speaking, aren't you?"

"I am your most powerful father in your life, don't you know?" Ao Muyang followed him forward.

The man in the vest felt something was wrong. He stopped and wanted to join his companions to deal with Ao Muyang, but his wrists were clamped and he was dragged into the alley.

Seeing the two of them entering the alley, the bald man's eyes flashed fiercely.

Thinking of Bai Qinan's value, for a moment he started to be evil from the inside out, and then hurriedly followed his companions into the alley.

As soon as he entered the alley, a big foot came out from behind and kicked him in like a ball.

The big man screamed and turned around to see a strong man looking at him with a grin.

"Who are you?" he shouted sharply.

Zhong Cang, who had been among the crowd before, followed him in. This time when Ao Muyang came to Hongyang, he followed him because he was afraid that something might happen to Ao Muyang. However, it turned out that his visit was not in vain.

Rubbing his hands, he said with a ferocious smile: "I am your father's bodyguard."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped forward and punched.

The bald man only had some brute strength and no fighting skills. He was knocked to the ground in two blows.

The wrist of the man in the vest was held by Ao Muyang. Seeing his companion being beaten, he became anxious and raised his foot to kick Ao Muyang.

Ao Muyang quickly pressed his knee on his raised leg, and then pushed him to Zhong Cang: "Here, go and have a word with your uncle."

Zhong Cangfei kicked his leg to the side, but the big man in the vest was even more useless. He kicked him and hit the wall. After following up with an uppercut, the man immediately held his stomach and could only scream. .

The bald man was also a coward. After being beaten, he immediately became depressed and shouted: "I'm sorry, brother, I'm sorry, brother. We didn't mean to pretend to be from the Northeast. We have full respect for the old Northeastern people, and we didn't insult your hometown. …”

"Go to hell, my hometown is Hongyang, you dare to wait here in Hongyang to be hammered to death." Ao Muyang came up and gave him a kick, "Made, robber, go to jail!"

Zhong Cang was afraid that the bald man would hurt Ao Muyang if he resisted, so he went up and grabbed him.

He pulled the person and felt something on his waist.

When they took it out, they saw handcuffs and a small fanny pack. The fanny pack contained tape, rope, a rare PHS device and a small notebook.

Ao Muyang was surprised when he saw this: "Damn it, why didn't you meet a plainclothes guy?"

Zhong Cang sneered and said, "You damn plainclothes guy, we've caught a big fish. These two guys want to kidnap you! These are standard items for kidnappers!"

Ao Muyang's face turned gloomy. He went over and picked up the man in the vest and said, "You want to kidnap me? You guys are playing big enough."

The man in the vest was very shameless. He shook his head hurriedly: "No, no, we didn't plan to kidnap you, we planned to kidnap Yang Kaitai..."

"Shut up!" the bald man shouted sternly.

Ao Muyang was even more surprised: "Yang Kaitai? Yang Kaitai of Sanyang Energy Group?"

The man in the vest stopped talking. It was obvious that the bald man was the dominant one between the two.

But it was easy to force him to speak. Zhong Cang picked up the handcuffs and put them on him, then held them back twice and said, "As long as this thing blocks the blood vessels, it will hinder the blood circulation. Your hands will start to become gangrenous in half an hour at most." …”

The man in the vest was immediately frightened like a shrimp in a rainstorm: "No, no, no, no, brother, please let me go. We can discuss anything if you have any questions."

"Tell me what's going on with you, do you want to kidnap Yang Kaitai?" Ao Muyang squatted in front of him and asked.

The man said frustratedly: "Yes, we wanted to kidnap him. We came from our hometown to kidnap him, but we never found him. I saw you wearing a Qinan bracelet on your hand today, so I wanted to pretend to fight and get rid of you. We didn't intend to kidnap you when we stole this bracelet."

"What's going on with you two?"

The man in the vest said calmly: "My name is Zhang Bolai. I used to work in Beiyuan Redwood Factory, but was fired by the factory because of gambling. I have no source of income, so I want to come to Hongyang to kidnap a rich man. That's me I met a guy in the casino, his name is Yao Jian. Because we ran out of money from gambling, the two of us initially wanted to come to Hongyang to kidnap the rich woman Yan Qingcheng..."

Hearing this, Ao Muyang suddenly became wary.

Zhang Bolai continued: "But Yan Qingcheng was very cautious and always brought a car of bodyguards with him, so we couldn't do anything. Later we kidnapped Yang Kaitai, but we never found him."

Ao Muyang shook his head: "With your intelligence, you are already insulated from kidnapping."

Yao Jian was still unconvinced and said: "Why can't we two do it? Our plan is fine, but we are unlucky and can't meet Yang Kaitai."

"Yes, we checked his license plate number online and went to guard the gate of their group. We guarded the front door, back door and side door, but we never came across his car." Zhang Bolai said seriously.

Zhong Cang said to Ao Muyang: "I regret beating them up just now. Did I beat them up stupid?"

"Impossible." Ao Muyang laughed.

Zhong Cang shook his head and said: "That shouldn't be done. Kicking a widow's door at night and beating a fool in the daytime is too unscrupulous."

The two men looked constipated. They knew they were scolded, but they didn't dare to speak at this time.

Lu Zhizi, who was standing at the entrance of the alley, came over and asked: "How to deal with the matter? There are people watching the excitement outside."

Ao Muyang pondered for a moment and asked: "That Yao Jian, what did you do before?"

Yao Jian didn't say anything, Zhang Bolai took the initiative to say: "Brother Jian's business is very diverse, including usury, black market transactions, watching the scene, etc. He is a big brother in the underworld."

Listening to his words, Ao Muyang's heart moved.

Lu Zhizi asked again: "What should we do next?"

Ao Muyang said: "What else can we do? Hand them over to the police."

Zhong Cang whispered: "They are just a couple of idiots. Is it necessary?"

Ao Muyang said: "They are breaking the law after all."

He called the police, but the police didn't believe them and thought they were joking. They even threatened Ao Muyang on the phone, saying that false reporting is also illegal.

The police came to the scene and interrogated the two briefly, and then their expressions were similar to Ao Muyang's. It is estimated that they have not encountered such fools in their careers.

Ao Muyang and the other two went to make a confession, and then they could go home. This matter has little to do with them.

At night, when Ao Muyang was alone, he took out a mobile phone, turned it on and checked the address book.

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