Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 536 539. Underwater Taser (3)

Ao Muyang looked under the boat and saw the sea rippling. The electric eel jumped three feet high after entering the water and rushed out of the water.

However, the fishing boat was two and a half meters away from the water surface. It certainly could not jump onto the boat and could only fall into the sea helplessly again.

Ao Muyang swallowed his saliva and felt that reality was so funny.

Tao Qinghong looked at Xiaolin, who also swallowed his saliva, then shrank his neck and left honestly.

After a long while, Tao Qinghong gritted his teeth and said, "He is still a top student of the National Ocean University!"

The captain of the boat came over after hearing the sound. Those who dared to go out to sea to poach during the closure of the sea were not good people. When he learned that the electric eel he raised was thrown into the sea, he immediately exploded:

"Who threw my electric eel into the sea? Come out, come out, police officer, you are illegally treating the property of ordinary people. You are breaking the law. I will hold you legally responsible!"

Ao Muyang was depressed. He wanted to kindly give the electric eel a way out, but he didn't expect to get into trouble instead.

The captain stared at them fiercely, and Su Jinnan suddenly laughed heartlessly: "Haha, electric eel, Xiao Ao, you are right, this thing is indeed a freshwater creature."

His attitude made the captain very dissatisfied, staring at him and said: "Hey, man, you threw away my electric eel, right? My fish is a rare species, worth hundreds of thousands, you can do it yourself!"

Su Jinnan glared at him: "What? Worth hundreds of thousands?"

The captain knew from his accent that he was not a local coast guard, and his attitude was very arrogant: "Yes, hundreds of thousands of fish were thrown away by you, you are so great just because you have guns? Is this how you treat ordinary people?"

The other party did not want to blackmail them. The captain was not a good person, but he was not a fool. He would not dare to blackmail the coast guard even if he was given the courage to blow up into a balloon.

His purpose was to take advantage of the issue and force the coast guard to back down on his poaching.

Backing down, that's impossible!

Su Jinnan said slowly: "What is this? You said it's worth hundreds of thousands?"

"I'm talking about my electric eel, the electric eel is worth hundreds of thousands!" the captain shouted.

Su Jinnan said: "Electric eel is so valuable? Where is it? Take it out and let us open our eyes. I haven't seen a fish worth hundreds of thousands, Lao Tao, have you seen it?"

Tao Qinghong said seriously: "No, I haven't even seen an electric eel."

Su Jinnan nodded and said: "Yes, I haven't seen an electric eel either, captain, take it out and show it to us."

The captain was dumbfounded. The gangster temper of the coast guards made him speechless for a moment.

Only then did he realize that there are always higher mountains, and gangsters are stronger than the previous generation. These coast guards are much more gangsters than himself.

Su Jinnan was determined to cheat. The captain pointed at him and said that they had thrown away the electric eels they raised. He stiffened his neck and spread his hands: "Evidence! Show me the evidence. If you don't have evidence, I will sue you for defamation. Defaming national law enforcement officers is a serious crime!"

He and Tao Qinghong were both wearing police uniforms. The crew member who had spoken to them earlier knew that it was Ao Muyang who was not wearing a police uniform who threw away the fish, so he whispered a few words to the captain and pointed at Ao Muyang.

He could also guess what the crew was saying with hemorrhoids. Without waiting for the captain to speak, he said: "Yes, I threw the electric eel down. Do you still want it?"

"Yes, I want it." The captain said toughly.

Ao Muyang took off his clothes and jumped into the water with a standard high-diving action. Isn't it just to want a fish? It's nothing. I'll fish it up for you!

He went into the water not only because he wanted to teach the captain a lesson, but also because the electric eel is a freshwater fish. It won't take long for it to die after entering the sea water. It's better to fish it up.

Jumping into the water, he saw fishes swimming and struggling in the water. The ones that were still alive swung their tails and dived into the water, the dead ones floated out of the water with their bellies turned upside down, and the ones that were neither dead nor alive floated up and down, diving and floating.

Among these fish, the figure of the electric eel was particularly clear...

The other fish that could survive quickly escaped to survive, and those that could not survive died quickly, but it was the only one struggling there.

From this point of view, Ao Muyang was not wrong. The electric eel had a strong vitality. It was almost dead on the boat before, but now it was alive and kicking again.

But the electric eel's jumping and jumping was a dying struggle. It was a last gasp. The salt in the sea water made it very uncomfortable and frightened.

In order to save its life, Ao Muyang threw out a little gold drop.

The surrounding fish immediately moved. Those who were escaping stopped running, and those who were half dead came back to life. Of course, the dead ones were dead, and the gold drop had no effect on them.

Many sea fish rushed towards the golden drop, but the closest to the golden drop was the electric eel. The electric eel swam over quickly, and at this time a Spanish mackerel came to intercept it and tried to swallow the golden drop before it.

At this moment, the electric eel's head suddenly swung, and the body of the Spanish mackerel, which had no contact with it, suddenly twisted, and then floated to the sea surface with its belly turned upside down...

It was electrocuted to death by the electric eel!

Seeing this scene, Ao Muyang took a breath: Electric eels are so domineering underwater? !

He remembered a recent study from the University of Pennsylvania that Li Ji had mentioned to him. The study believed that electric eels can use electric current to "remotely control" prey in the water, causing the hiding fish to twitch and expose their position.

The study also believed that electric eels sometimes release current from a long distance, using the conductive properties of water to electrocute prey to cause muscle spasms and paralyze them.

This attack of electric eels is called underwater Taser by biologists. However, during the research, the electric current released by electric eels only shocked the target fish to make it twitch, and did not release the strong current that could paralyze or even kill the target fish.

Biologists believe that electric eels will only use this attack method at the most critical moment. After all, the high voltage required by underwater Taser can only be maintained for a very short time, and the discharge ability will decrease with the degree of fatigue or aging.

In addition, electric eels themselves are uncomfortable when using underwater Taser skills, and they will also be hurt by high-voltage current.

The reason why electric eels can discharge freely at ordinary times is that the electricity is relatively weak, the fat tissue in their bodies has a good insulating effect, and the electric eels themselves are already very adapted to the weak electrified environment.

High-voltage current is different, and electric eels can't stand such an underwater environment either.

At that time, Li Ji talked to Ao Muyang about interesting things, and neither of them cared about this research, but now Ao Muyang found that the conclusions drawn from this research were very correct and there was no problem at all.

Sometimes, the electric eel will use underwater taser skills, such as when it is trying to eat the golden drop.

I don't know whether it stunned or electrocuted the unfortunate mackerel, but the electric eel finally got the golden drop.

After eating the golden drop, its struggle in the water weakened, and then it swam directly towards Ao Muyang.

Fierce and aggressive!

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