Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 543 546. Where are the partners going (5)

Zhu Zhu went crazy in Longtou Village for almost a summer, and this summer was the happiest summer she had ever spent.

Here she felt the taste of summer vacation for the first time. Ao Xiaoniu and his children would accompany her to play wildly except for occasionally making up classes.

In addition, she made a very good friend, Liu Mei, who could stay with her every day. She taught Liu Mei how to use her IPAD to learn knowledge, and Liu Mei taught her how to catch rabbits with a trap, fish with a pole, and climb trees. It's always fun for two people to dig out a bird's nest together.

During the days when Ao Muyang was away, she completely let herself go and had a great time.

In late August, as the summer vacation came to an end, Lu Zhizi opened another cram school. This time, the cram school was aimed at cultural classes to warm up the students' knowledge for the new school year in advance and prevent the children in the village from being dragged away by the students in the city. too far.

The cram school for cultural classes is relatively tiring, and the end of school time is not much earlier than the formal school day.

In this way, Zhu Zhu couldn't play with Ao Xiaoniu and his party during the day, but that didn't matter. She thought it would be good to play with Liu Mei.

The weather is bad today, dark clouds are over the city, and it is gloomy.

Zhu Zhu doesn't like this kind of weather. Although the sun is usually very uncomfortable, there are plenty of shade trees on the mountains and lakes to escape the heat. There is often sea breeze on sunny days, and it feels good to stay under the shade of the trees and enjoy the sea breeze.

But today, dark clouds cover the sky, there is no sun and no wind, but the temperature is as high as ever. Thick and humid water vapor envelopes people's bodies, which is very uncomfortable.

But when she saw that the people in the village were happy, she was also happy. People in the village said that there was going to be a heavy rain soon, and that summer was finally not a drought all the time, and that there would finally be rain to save the drought.

She went out in the morning with a small raincoat and a big umbrella. She had two small raincoats. The ones the children wore were not for men. She also prepared one for Zhu Zhu. This was a Hasbro small raincoat. She believed that Zhu Zhu would be very good at it. like.

Excitedly, she went to the lake early in the morning to wait for Sixth Sister.

As a result, Sixth Sister never showed up.

She looked at the small watch with the positioning function. It was already eight o'clock in the morning. Liu Mei would usually have come out early at this time, so she patted her butt and walked around Ambergris Lake to the woods behind Wangjiacun.

It was a secret base for the two of them. There were birds and rabbits in the woods, as well as cicadas and monkeys. Sometimes Liu Mei would catch rabbits and touch bird eggs, and they would bake them for her in a clearing in the middle of the woods. eat.

Although Liu Mei's roasted rabbit only used simple salt, Zhu Zhu thought it was extremely delicious, even better than Ao Muyang's carefully cooked barbecue.

The open space was a hillside covered with lush weeds. There was a cave on the shady side of the hillside, and Zhu Zhu got into it after arriving.

She had to take out the IPAD. If it rained heavily today, the rainwater would pour into the hole, which would damage the IPAD.

As a result, she got in and took a look. There was no iPad in the cave, nothing, and it was empty.

Zhu Zhu suddenly wondered, how could this happen? Liumei would put her iPad into this hole every night before going home, whether it was powered on or off.

Was it stolen? She looked carefully at the entrance of the cave. There were only her and Liu Mei's footprints on the loose soil. Liu Mei's was bigger and hers was smaller.

There are no other people's footprints. Unless there is a ghost, the IPAD has not been stolen!

Thinking of a ghost, Zhu Zhu felt guilty and scared. She regretted not taking the general with her. Recently, the general followed them and ate rabbit bones and bird eggs, and gained a lot of weight.

"There are no ghosts in the world." She said to herself, "Sixth Sister is right. If there are ghosts, then why aren't there ghosts to punish those bad people?"

"The main thing is, why do you need an IPAD?" Zhu Zhu shook her head and said to herself, giving herself confidence that she would wait for Liu Mei here.


A thunderclap, a thunderbolt in the sky!

"Ahhh!" the little girl screamed, and she rolled out of the cave on the slope. "There is no ghost, but I, I, I'd better leave quickly, it's so scary here."

Shrinking her shoulders, she hurriedly ran out of the woods.

After leaving the woods, she looked at the village in front of her. It was Wangjiacun, a fishing village that was incompatible with Longtou Village where she was. It was a very strange place to her.

Standing on the edge of the grove, looking at the unfamiliar Wangjia Village, she waited for Liu Mei here.

Waiting until noon, light raindrops began to fall slowly, but Liu Mei still didn't know where she was.

Seeing that it was going to rain, she pursed her lips and decided to go to Wangjia Village to find Liu Mei, because her intuition told her that something seemed to have happened to Liu Mei, such as being sick.

Liu Mei would not show up for no reason. She must be sick. She estimated that her friend was sick, so she had to save Liu Mei. She knew that her father and mother were very bad to Liu Mei and would not treat her.

Entering Wangjia Village for the first time, Zhu Zhu was very stressed. She felt like a knight in the dragon's lair, with endless unpredictable risks in front of her.

She had never been to Liu Mei's house, and Liu Mei rarely mentioned the situation at her house, but occasionally she mentioned how to get to her house, and Zhu Zhu remembered the route.

Zhu Zhu stood at the end of the path and looked at the old shabby house in front of him. The house had no door, and the walls seemed to be made of mud, with green weeds growing on it. There was a big pit outside the door, and the smell was overwhelming. Zhu Zhu poked his head in. Look, I saw a group of white baby maggots twisting their bodies...

Does anyone really live here? She couldn't believe it.

The answer came quickly, as two footsteps came from the yard, and she hurriedly hid in the corner of the wall.

"Hurry up and get out of here. Things could easily happen if someone discovers you."

"What's there to be afraid of? I've asked around. The villagers have a bad relationship with this family. No one cares about their affairs. Besides, we are not trafficking children. We are adopting children to help the rich drive the poor."

"If someone calls the police, we will be finished."

"Who calls the police? The family is very satisfied with the price, and the child is not noisy. Look, she has changed her clothes and is waiting to go with us. Look at the conditions of this family. The girl is not stupid and knows that if we take her away, even if she goes to beg, it is better than staying in this family..."

Listening to this conversation, Zhu Zhu was shocked: trafficking children? Adoption? Calling the police? Price?

In the past, she would definitely not understand these words, but after staying in the countryside for half a year, she is no longer the innocent girl who is almost stupid. After a little analysis in her mind, she understood what she encountered: human trafficking!

The two men were smoking and chatting. Not long after, a woman appeared with a skinny tall girl, the sixth sister.

Three adults took the sixth sister, who had changed into new clothes, to the dock outside the village, and two more adults followed behind.

The two adults behind were the sixth sister's parents. Zhu Zhu quickly judged their identities from the adults' conversation. She was just simple, not stupid, on the contrary, she was very smart.

She followed behind secretly. It was called secretly, but in fact the three adults in front had already noticed her, but they didn't say anything because they saw that she was a little girl dressed in a rustic way.

Logically, the sixth sister should have been able to find Zhu Zhu, but she was in a state of dismay today, walking with her head down, and indifferent to the things around her.

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