Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 552 555. This is the leader (4)

The child's life was saved, but if the treatment was not timely, the toxin would still leave him with some serious sequelae.

Chicken cone snails are really scary!

According to Ao Muyang’s knowledge, the venom of cone snails contains hundreds of different ingredients, and the composition of ingredients varies greatly between different species.

With the level of development of modern medicine, cone snail venom is still not fully understood and can only be collectively referred to as conotoxins.

Conotoxins contain different peptides that target specific nerve channels or receptors, and may contain tetrodotoxin, a neuroparalytic toxin that paralyzes the nervous system.

For a developing child, the nervous system is so important that any neurological problem may have a lifelong impact on him.

But eventually the child's condition improved, the color on his lips began to return, and his complexion was no longer so ugly, but he was still unconscious.

The middle-aged man with glasses was worried. He sighed: "I wanted to take Xiaobao out to relax before school started, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Alas."

Ao Muyang said: "You don't have to worry too much. You see, the child's condition is actually much better than before."

The middle-aged man was not relieved by his comfort. He asked, "But, why can't my son even open his eyes?"

Ao Muyang said: "Because conotoxin is very paralytic, it contains some compounds that can block the nervous system from transmitting information. This compound prevents the child's nervous system from transmitting information, so he will not feel anything at all." of."

"No pain either?"

Ao Muyang nodded: "Yes, there is no pain."

The middle-aged man with glasses breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. Xiaobao is most afraid of pain. If he doesn't feel pain, maybe..."

With a wry smile, he did not continue speaking.

The two young men were both on the phone, and one of them seemed to be looking for a doctor. The sea was windy and his voice was low. Ao Muyang couldn't hear the sound of the phone, and saw that the young man's face was getting more and more ugly.

Taking off the phone, the young man asked Ao Muyang in a low voice: "Brother, would it be more troublesome if the child couldn't feel pain?"

Ao Muyang said in embarrassment: "I don't really understand either. I just saw an introduction about cone snails when I watched a program and experts from the city and county came to the village to popularize marine knowledge. I don't know much about it."

He just made an excuse. In fact, he knew that the terrible thing about conotoxins was the paralysis factor. It was precisely because it could paralyze the nerves that it destroyed the nervous system.

Another young man said hurriedly: "Uncle Zhou, we have contacted the director of Hongyang First People's Hospital. They can provide a rescue helicopter..."

The man frowned and said, "What's the use? We are at sea now. Should we return at this time? Let them park the helicopter at the dock instead of coming over."

Ao Muyang said: "Our sea fishing boat is the fastest at this speed, but I contacted the Coast Guard detachment when we set out just now, and the nearest Coast Guard high-speed boat will come to help us."

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, that's good. Young man, you are very prudent and thoughtful in your work."

Not sure if it was an illusion, but the middle-aged man complimented him casually, and he felt that the other two young men were looking at him with envy.

The fishing boat moved forward quickly, and no one on the boat spoke for a moment. Everyone's hearts were focused on the poisoned child.

Seeing that the middle-aged man was nervous, Ao Muyang comforted him and said, "Don't be afraid, sir. In fact, it's not a big problem. The toxin of the cone snail is very powerful, but its tongue thorn should have only penetrated into your son's skin. That is to say, the toxins are mostly concentrated in the subcutaneous capillaries.”

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and said still worriedly: "Thank you for your comfort."

Ao Muyang said: "I'm not comforting you. Really, cone snails can spit out their tongues. Their tongues are bifurcated and have a needle inside. The needle is connected to the sac containing toxins in the body.

They shoot this needle to deliver poison into the body of their prey..."

The middle-aged man was not in the mood to listen to what he said. He waved his hands and said, "You don't have to comfort me. I'm fine. By the way, why doesn't your village have a road connecting it to the outside world? In such a developed city as Hongyang, there are still rural areas within its jurisdiction that are blocked. highway?"

If there was a road, it would be much easier to rescue this child today. First, the speed of the car is faster than the speed of the boat. Second, the hospital in the city can send an ambulance to meet them, which can save a lot of time!

Ao Muyang said helplessly: "There is really no road. What the boss said is that we have sea transportation. Why spend so much money to build roads?"

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man's face suddenly darkened: "Nonsense!"

The Coast Guard's high-speed patrol boat rushed from the side and front. Ao Muyang stood on the bow deck and waved vigorously, and the two ships began to dock.

Ao Muyang carried the child onto the boat, so that the rest of the matter would have nothing to do with him.

He said: "The fewer people on the boat, the faster it goes. Sir, if you think our village has no responsibility in this matter, then we people will not get on the boat."

Talking like this at this time does make people feel uncomfortable, but now that the world is in chaos and people's hearts are not ancient, he feels that he still has to be clever when it's time to be clever.

When the middle-aged man heard this, he said: "Xiao Wang, Xiao Xiong, you don't have to come up. Follow this comrade the village chief and go to the village first to wait for my news."

The two young men nodded, and one of them pulled the leading marine policeman on the speedboat away and whispered a few words, and then showed him a certificate. The marine policeman's face immediately changed, and he raised his chest and head to salute.

The young man quickly pulled him down and said, "Protect the leader and the child."

"I will definitely fulfill my mission!" the marine policeman said loudly.

They returned to the sea fishing boat, and the speedboat rushed towards Hongyang at the fastest speed, and soon turned into a black dot on the sea.

Ao Muyang guessed that the middle-aged man with glasses was a senior official, but he certainly couldn't guess what position he held.

Ao Mudong, who was on the boat, was not as introverted as him. He asked directly: "Hey, buddy, what is the identity of your boss? He seems to be very awesome, right?"

The two young men smiled politely, saying that it was nothing, nothing. Ao Mudong asked all the way, but he didn't get any news.

The pier and the village were still lively, and the tourists did not give up because of choking. The occasional cone snails were quickly thrown out of everyone's mind.

Ao Muyang took this very seriously. This cone snail was probably brought back by the fishing boat today. The child took it and played with it because it looked pretty, but was stabbed by the frightened conch.

After returning to the dock, he immediately organized the villagers to clean up the fishing boat. There must not be another cone snail injury. If he hadn't had the gold drop to save the child's life, someone might have died today.

Moreover, the child in the accident was a leader's child, which would cause too much damage to Longtou Village!

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