Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 702 705. This is a big deal (4)

It has nothing to do with him, but he is not the leader.

There was indeed something wrong with the fish roe sold to Ao Mufeng's family. It was mixed with grouper fish roe, but the amount was not large. Liu Gangsheng was also afraid that it would cause death and involve him.

It was Wang Dongliang who mixed the fish roe into it. He sent some fish roe to mix into Liu Gangsheng's fish roe box and asked him to sell it to Ao Mufeng, because Ao Mufeng's Yujiale represents Longtou Village. fisherman's house.

These are speculations made by Ao Muyang based on Liu Gangsheng's words, because Liu Gangsheng did not admit that the matter had anything to do with him.

At the end, Liu Gangsheng said with a sad face: "Actually, I didn't know that this box was mixed with grouper roe. Really, I didn't know. It was Wang Dongliang who sent me two boxes, saying that this was specially sold to Ao Mufeng..."

Even then, he did not forget to remove himself from responsibility.

"What the hell, you Bai Lianhua!" Ao Mufeng wanted to kick him, "This matter must have something to do with you!"

Liu Gangsheng waved his hand and said, "I don't dare, I don't dare to do this."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Wang Dongliang asked you to do this, under what conditions?"

Liu Gangsheng wanted to pretend to be dumbfounded, but Jin Hong stepped forward and pushed him down on the counter. He gritted his teeth and said, "Dad doesn't have time to play with you. You'd better tell me the truth."

Ao Muyang held him back and said, "Brother Hong, don't do anything. Now that we know that Wangjiacun is causing trouble, the rest will be easier to handle."

Jin Hong bluffed: "Do you want to build Wangjia Village?"

Ao Muyang said: "Well, you take the brothers to their village and set a fire and burn down several of their houses."

Jin Hong was stunned for a moment.

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "You're just kidding, Brother Hong. Thank you very much. That's the end of this matter. The rest has nothing to do with us. Someone will take care of this matter."

He called Du Tanzhi and explained the cause and effect of the incident.

Du Tanzhi asked: "Is there any evidence?"

"There is a witness. It doesn't matter if the witness doesn't admit it later. I recorded it." Ao Muyang had been playing with his mobile phone before. He was not really playing, but recording the whole process.

Du Tanzhi sneered: "Okay, we are all legal citizens, let's take legal channels."

This incident had a great impact on Longtou Village, and the reputation of Longtou Village was closely related to his resort business.

As the eldest son of Hongyang, it was good that he didn't provoke anyone, but someone actually provoked him, and Ao Muyang told him the identity of the instigator, who was the son of the party secretary of the village next door.

Du Tanzhi estimated that this guy was jealous of the large number of tourists and good business in Longtou Village, and came here to discredit Longtou Village.

what is this? A mouse works as an escort for a cat. He wants to make money at the expense of his life!

When things got here, Ao Muyang's responsibility was completed, and he believed that Du Tanzhi would take care of the rest.

Du Tanzhi moves very quickly, and the eldest young master has a resolute temper and does things boldly.

Not long after he returned to the village, Wang Youwei called.

When Ao Muyang looked at the caller ID, he hung up and said, "Get out of here. What's the use of calling?"

Wang Youwei called again. After being hung up again, he understood what Ao Muyang meant. He did not call again, but drove directly to Longtou Village.

Ao Muyang happened to be staying in the village committee office. When he saw Wang Youwei coming to the door, he rolled his eyes and said, "Hey, Party Secretary Wang, what brought you here?"

Wang Youwei Qiang smiled and said: "Village Chief Ao, I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, so I'm disturbing you."

Old man Ao Zhiman pushed his glasses to his forehead in surprise. He looked at Wang Youwei in surprise and said, "Xiao Wang, are you taking the wrong medicine? You are so kind."

Wang Youwei smiled and said: "Uncle Zhiman is joking. I used to have a bad temper and did not do well in some places. You and Mr. Ao Village Chief should not take these things to heart."

Ao Zhiman took a breath and asked Ao Muyang, "Am I dreaming? Are you holding on to evidence that this kid has been embezzled and bribed?"

Ao Muyang said: "No, Party Secretary Wang may have changed his mind, right?"

Wang Youwei smiled bitterly: "Village Chief Ao, the contradiction between us is a contradiction passed down from our ancestors. In fact, it has nothing to do with contemporary people..."

"Forget it, let's just say what you have to say, don't beat around the bush here." Ao Muyang waved his hand impatiently.

Wang Youwei sighed and said: "Okay, let me tell you straight, Village Chief Ao, is there a tourist in your village who got food poisoning?"

Ao Muyang knew that he was here for this matter. Obviously, Wang Dongliang was taken away.

What he knew was not everything. Wang Dongliang was indeed taken away, not by the police from the town police station, but by the city police for poisoning.

This startled him, and he quickly looked for connections to find someone, but he couldn't find any way out. The other party could only inquire for him, saying that his son had deliberately put poisons to endanger public safety, and it was involved in a poisoning case.

Wang Youwei called a judge friend to ask, and the judge’s answer made him tremble: “According to Article 115 of the Constitution, anyone who commits the crime of poisoning and has not yet caused harmful consequences shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years; If a person is seriously injured or killed, or if public or private property suffers heavy damage, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years, life imprisonment, or death according to the provisions of Article 115 of this Law; if extremely serious damage is caused, he shall be sentenced to death or life imprisonment!”

He didn't know how his son was involved in the poisoning case. He couldn't contact his son. Fortunately, Ding Erpao packed up his belongings and ran out after learning about the incident, so he found out.

Wang Dongliang often hangs out with Ding Erpao, and he subconsciously judged that Ding Erpao had something to do with this matter.

So he stopped Ding Erpao, and after a severe questioning, he finally got the truth.

In fact, even if Ding Erpao didn't say it, he probably guessed what was going on.

A large-scale food poisoning incident occurred among tourists in Longtou Village, and his son was taken away for poisoning. As long as he was not stupid, he knew what was going on.

So, he hurried to find Ao Muyang, hoping to solve this matter through Ao Muyang's hands.

Ao Muyang also knew, so after listening to Wang Youwei, he said, "Yes, Secretary Wang, are you here to watch the fun?"

Wang Youwei smiled bitterly and said, "How dare I come to watch the fun? Alas, Village Chief Ao, this may be related to my useless son!"

Ao Muyang slapped the table and stood up, saying, "You Magobi, what do you mean? Are you here to demonstrate?"

Wang Youwei couldn't laugh anymore, and quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, listen to my explanation, Village Chief Ao, this matter is related to my son, but he was temporarily bewildered. Can you take me to meet those tourists? I apologize to them."

He wanted to compensate the tourists, reach an agreement of reconciliation, and settle the matter privately, so that his son's crime could be reduced.

Ao Muyang said, "If an apology can solve the problem, then what do we need the police for? Secretary Wang, don't interfere in this matter, this is a criminal case!"

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