Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 704 707. Big-bellied Fish in the River (1/5)

Chapter 704 707. Big belly fish in the river (15)

This result did not exceed Ao Muyang's expectations.

Turn your back on others, cross the river and burn down the bridge, kill the donkey by unloading the mill, uh, okay, Ao Muyang finally thought that there was something wrong with this idiom, and he was not a donkey.

In short, Wang Youwei's shamelessness was what he expected.

What he didn't expect was that this guy was so skillful that he could so quickly deal with the dissatisfied tourists and reach an understanding agreement with them.

But it doesn't matter, this is a criminal case, not a civil case, and it's not a matter of people ignoring officials. Food poisoning can be handed over to the police for public prosecution, and Wang Dongliang can't run away.

Wang Youwei's doing this made Ao Muyang even more happy.

He shook hands with Wang Youwei with a smile on his face, and said sincerely: "Old Wang, congratulations to you, you calmed down the tourists, and Brother Dongliang will probably be able to reduce his sentence by a few years. Good thing, this is a great thing."

"What do you mean?" Wang Youwei asked, he was keenly aware of something wrong.

Ao Muyang didn't answer, got in the car and left.

Wang Youwei held the car door and asked: "Village Chief Ao, what do you mean by that? These tourists have promised not to hold my son responsible. Don't mess with them. Village Chief Ao, this is about my son's life." It’s something!”

Ao Muyang said: "Don't worry, I will never stand in the way. I swear on the name of our village that this matter has nothing to do with me."

Wang Youwei breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little worried in his heart.

Ao Muyang said: "I'm leaving first, Lao Wang, please keep the consent form for now, it may be useful later."

He stepped on the accelerator, and the big G roared away.

Looking at the back of the big Mercedes-Benz, Wang Youwei felt heavy in his heart, but he was not afraid. The tourists had taken care of it, and at worst they would find a scapegoat for this matter.

As for who is more suitable to make this sheep? That must be Ding Erpao.

What Wang Youwei hates most now is Ding Erpao. He believes that his son has been led astray by him until today.

He made a phone call, and the person he answered was a confidant: "Have you noticed the Second Artillery?"

"Don't worry, party secretary, Uncle Second Artillery is right under my nose. I took him to the underground casino in Lishou Village, and now he won't leave even if I drag him away."

Wang Youwei hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief. The matter should be settled.

Ao Muyang also breathed a sigh of relief. The tourist's food poisoning was finally under control.

What he is most afraid of is that this incident will become a big deal and go online, affecting the reputation of Longtou Village. After all, he has put a lot of effort into developing tourism for the village.

Wang Youwei helped to deal with the tourists, which was a good thing and saved him the trouble. Otherwise, he and Ao Mufeng would have to deal with the matter.

However, the contracting issue of Ambergris Lake has not been resolved, which makes him a little depressed.

Fortunately, there was room for change in this matter, he just had to be patient and wait.

Driving through the village, he met Ao Xiaoniu and his party walking on the road carrying cans and bottles.

Seeing this, he stopped the car and asked, "What are you going to do? Are you going to catch fish fry again?"

When the weather warms up in spring, the river ice melts, and the fry begin to become active. At this time, they can be easily caught using cans.

Ao Xiaoniu said hurriedly: "No, Uncle Yang, let's go catch the potbelly fish."

Ao Muyang blinked and asked, "Is there a potbelly fish in the river now?"

"Yes," Ao Xiaojun stretched out his hands to gesture exaggeratedly, "such a big group."

Potbelly fish is also called mosquito fish. Judging from the name, it seems that it can eat mosquitoes. In fact, what they eat is mosquito larvae, which is a beneficial fish species.

This fish is native to the southeastern United States, Mexico and Cuba. It has been colonized by some countries because it has a certain effect in eliminating the larvae of malaria mosquitoes and other mosquitoes. It was introduced to China in about 1935.

However, this is not a successful introduction of the species, and the potbelly fish is an invasive species.

The name Mosquitofish can tell that they can eat mosquitoes, and the name Potbelly Fish can tell something else, that is, they are a group of big eaters, and they are very good at eating.

Potbelly fish are carnivorous and feed on aquatic insects, but if there is not enough food, they will also eat small fish species and even fish eggs, causing great harm to local species.

However, they can eat and give birth. They can give birth four times a year, and can give birth to two to three hundred small fish at a time. The food chain in the river is simple. Although they are small, they have few natural enemies, resulting in a high survival rate of fish species.

In addition, this fish is very adaptable to the environment and can be found in slow-flowing areas such as streams, ditches, ponds, and fields at low altitudes.

Not only that, they are extremely tolerant to environmental pollution and can survive in low dissolved oxygen environments...

The combination of these factors means that they have a strong ability to invade freshwater basins.

Fortunately, the Chinese people are strong, but they are terrible when it comes to eating. They are as arrogant as crayfish and are almost eaten to extinction, not to mention the potbelly fish?

Potbelly fish are not a huge problem in China because although they are small, they have big bellies and lots of eggs, and they are extremely delicious when fried.

When Ao Muyang was a child, there were many schools of big-bellied fish in the river. Later, with the advent of electric fishing tools, they suffered a devastating blow.

In the past two years, the country has strictly controlled the problem of electrofishing. It is probably because of this that their species has had an opportunity to rise again.

Ao Xiaoniu and his party arrived at the river. They had just thrown down the cans and bottles, and then Ao Muyang came.

Ao Muyang also brought a canning bottle, which is a good tool for fishing big-bellied fish. Big-bellied fish have a fierce appetite. Putting some minced meat in the bottle can attract them to come in one after another.

After seeing him, Ao Xiaojun was unhappy: "Uncle Xiaoyang, how shameless are you to snatch the big-bellied fish from our children."

Ao Muyang said shamelessly: "Who is snatching from you? You are snatching from me. Forget it, don't argue about this issue. No one is snatching from anyone. Big-bellied fish is an invasive species. We all have the responsibility to eliminate it!"

Ao Xiaojun said: "Okay, but this place is our territory. First come first served. You go down."

Ao Muyang glared and said: "Yes, first come first served. Uncle Xiaoyang came first. When you were still a fertilized egg, Uncle Xiaoyang is fishing for big-bellied fish here. Logically speaking, this is my territory, and the fish in it belong to me! "

A group of children pondered for a while, and Ao Xiaomi said weakly: "No problem."

Ao Luhan is much smarter, and said: "No problem, then I will pull my grandfather over."

"Your grandfather has never caught a big-bellied fish here, if you don't believe me, go back and ask him." Ao Muyang said, "This big-bellied fish appeared 20 years ago, when I was a little younger than you, and this is the fish we found."

He said it seriously, and a group of children were frightened.

Then, Lao Ao pretended to be generous: "But I'm not like you, picking your ass and sucking your fingers, so stingy! Uncle Xiaoyang is generous, you can stay in my territory to fish, no problem!"

Ao Xiaomi said gratefully: "Uncle Xiaoyang is really a good person, good people will have a peaceful life. "

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