Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 720 723. Plague (2)

What made Ao Muyang even more depressed was that in late March, something went wrong with the dogs in Longtou Village.

For several days in a row, the active golden shorthairs in the village suddenly became less common on the streets. People didn't care at the time, after all, the tourism business in the village became prosperous with the arrival of spring.

It was Jiang Caoqi who discovered the problem. He came to the village and lived there for a few days after the Chinese New Year. His family called him and asked him to go back. He had left the village some time ago.

When he returned to the village, he took the leader to play with the leader's brothers and sisters. The litter of puppies had not been divided up and was still kept in the owner's home.

Because of the star effect of the general, the golden shorthairs in the village became popular. After seeing the general's might and cleverness, some tourists who like to raise dogs wanted to adopt a golden shorthair puppy to take home as a pet.

The villagers found that it was profitable, and now the puppies born at home will not be divided up as anxiously as before.

Especially now that every household in the village is a fishing family, no one lacks food. There are so many leftovers every day that the dogs are fat and strong.

Jiang Caoqi took the leader out for a walk and then came back to find Ao Muyang and said, "Old Ao, what are you doing? Oh, you are amazing."

Ao Muyang put on a posture and said lightly, "Why are you here? Don't distract me."

Jiang Caoqi said, "Oh, by the way, I have something serious to find you. How come there is canine distemper in your village?"

"Canine distemper?" Ao Muyang was stunned. This thing is quite rare.

Jiang Caoqi nodded: "Yes, I'm taking the leader today-bad food. Anyway, there is a canine distemper epidemic in your village. Hurry up and find a veterinarian to solve it. I have to go first. I can't let the leader stay in the high-incidence area. It's still a child. This is dangerous."

After that, he hurried away with the half-grown fat dog.

After hearing this, Ao Muyang was very puzzled, so he went to the village to see what was going on.

This time, there was indeed something wrong.

He asked several villagers who had dogs, and these people said that their dogs had lost their appetite recently, were depressed, and were unwilling to go out to play, and just stayed at home every day.

"My dog ​​has been having diarrhea these two days. I thought it had eaten something messy, but that can't be true. They say dog ​​stomach, dog stomach, dogs don't have diarrhea even if they eat shit, not to mention that they are eating leftovers from the day?" Ao Fugui also reflected some of the situation.

Ao Muyang was worried, and he went back to look for the general, but he didn't find him. The general didn't know where he ran away and didn't stay at home.

The wolf brothers were all normal. Ao Muyang lifted their ears to look at their eyes and found that their eyes were bright and energetic, and they didn't look like they were sick.

But the situation of most dogs in the village was not good. Some dogs' eyes and noses secreted some sticky things, like tears and snot, which were rarely seen.

Not long after, a phone call came in, and the person on the other end of the phone asked: "Hello, is this Mr. Ao Muyang?"

Ao Muyang said: "Yes, it's me, who are you?"

"This is Nuanwangwang Pet Hospital. Mr. Jiang Caoqi gave me your contact information. He said that your dog seems to have canine distemper?" the other party said.

Ao Muyang said: "It's not my dog, but the dog in our village. This has never happened before, so it's hard to say what the problem is."

Jiang Caoqi was also loyal. He ran away but found a professional veterinarian to take over the matter.

The other party probably received the money and was very enthusiastic about this matter. He said: "Give me a specific address, and I will arrange for the most professional doctor in our store to check the situation. If it is canine distemper, it is easy to detect, and a test paper can find out the problem."

Ao Muyang told him the address of Longtou Village, and the other party rushed to Longtou Village on the same day.

Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease with strong contagiousness and a mortality rate of more than 80%, which is a nightmare for dogs.

But there has never been such an epidemic in Longtou Village in history. Local dogs like golden shorthair are very adaptable to the rural environment. They don't even need to be vaccinated and rarely get sick in their lifetime. As long as no one steals dogs, most dogs can live peacefully for more than ten years.

The pet hospital sent two doctors and a nurse. After the doctors came, Ao Muyang invited them to wait at the village committee, and then called Ao Fugui, Ao Qianwen and others to bring their dogs over.

Several golden shorthair dogs entered the village committee office sickly. The two doctors looked at each other immediately after seeing their appearance. They winked at each other, and then the nurse said: "Wait a moment, fellow villagers, we will check the dogs."

An older veterinarian pulled Ao Muyang, and when the two of them reached the corner, he whispered: "Canine distemper, it should be gone."

The nurse helped the dogs to check their body temperature. The dogs, who had always been lawless when they got together, were now honest, lying on the ground weakly, and some dogs suddenly vomited when their body temperature was measured.

"39.2, 39.5, and 40.1, all high fevers." The nurse became nervous after counting the dogs' body temperatures.

The test results came out, and without exception, all were positive. Every dog ​​was infected with canine distemper!

Ao Qianwen and others didn't know how terrible this disease was. They were still discussing together: "What's the matter with canine distemper? Is it a plague?"

"Where did this disease come from in this village? Many dogs are sick, it's strange."

"Is it brought by tourists? Some tourists brought their dogs to play, maybe their dogs have canine distemper?"

Ao Muyang said: "Stop nagging, go out and inform the villagers to isolate all the dogs at home, and wipe their paws and mouths with salt water first, hurry up!"

Ao Fugui asked in panic: "Yangzi, is this a plague? Will it be contagious to humans?"

Ao Muyang said impatiently: "Don't worry, a scourge like you can live at least a hundred years, go quickly and do as I say."

The elderly veterinarian came to him and asked: "Mr. Ao, has this disease ever happened in your village before? Let me first introduce that canine distemper can occur all year round. But it is more common in spring and winter, and it is not uncommon to have this problem in this season. In addition, this disease has a certain periodicity, and there will be an epidemic every three years. Think about it, have you ever had any problems? "

Three years ago, Ao Muyang was still in the imperial capital. He looked at Jiang Xiaoyu, and Jiang Xiaoyu hurriedly shook his head: "No, in the past, the dogs would at most have problems if they ate a dead mouse. I have never seen this kind of problem."

Ao Muyang also said: "If such a severe disease had broken out before, a lot of dogs in the village would definitely die. You see, these dogs are all several years old, so there is no problem."

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