Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 722 725. Strange (4)

People from Wangjia Village did not enter the village, but drove to the entrance of the village.

The villagers pointed at the white Hyundai and said, "This car belongs to Yang Heidan from Wangjia Village. It's absolutely right. I can smell the smell of feet even here."

Ao Muyang asked: "Does his feet smell bad?"

"No, he has a big picture of Yang Mi on the front of his car. Did you see it?" the villager laughed.

"Looking for death, dare to hack my ***!"

During their instructions, the Hyundai car started to drive. Ao Muyang thought that he found himself and his group, and the people in the car were about to leave. But it turned out not to be the case. The car slowly drove into the village and drove towards the village committee.

Ao Muyang nodded, and the group followed.

The car stopped on the side of the road, and then it became quiet, and no one came out.

About twenty minutes later, a veterinarian entered the public toilet. The door of the Hyundai opened and the two people followed him into the public toilet.

Ao Muyang nodded, and Ao Mudong led people to block them.

"Little Heitan, do you still remember Brother Dong?" Ao Mudong squinted his eyes and smiled slightly, "If you don't remember, Brother Dong will remind you that I used to go to junior high school!"

The young man who got off the car was one or two years younger than Ao Mudong. Looking at the villagers who gathered around him, he said nervously: "Brother Dong, what are you doing?"

Ao Mudong smiled grimly and said, "I'm going to ask you this, why did your grandson come to our village? What does he want to do? Mad, what kind of rabies suddenly broke out in our village, is it related to you?"

"What's rabies? It's canine distemper!" Yang Heidan said dissatisfied.

Ao Mudong's smile suddenly became more ferocious. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, it's really your fault, isn't it?"

Yang Heidan waved his hands anxiously: "No, it has nothing to do with me. I'm here for this too. My dog ​​has also been infected with this disease. I heard that your village hired a very powerful veterinarian and I want him to prescribe some medicine." medicine!"

Ao Mudong was a man of action and could do things without beeping. He didn't listen to Yang Heidan's explanation and punched him with a fist.

The young man next to him shouted: "Wait a minute."

The fist flew accurately, and Yang Heidan was knocked to the ground with one punch.

The young man quickly helped him up and said angrily: "Didn't you hear me say wait?"

Ao Mudong rubbed his fists and said, "I heard it, but why should I listen to you?"

The young man said angrily: "Isn't it like this on TV? You can make the other party stop by saying wait."

Ao Mudong tilted his head and stared at the young man with a very naughty look: "Is it bad for you to step on the horse? Is there something wrong with your brain? We don't bully fools, so get out of here."

Ao Qianlai in the crowd grabbed him and said, "Dongzi, why did you always bully me in the past?"

Ao Mudong said: "When did you bully you? Last time I wanted to make trouble with you Dongfang, I almost got beaten by you, and you still bullied you. You bullied us, right?"

Ao Qianlai said: "When I was a child, you bullied me when I was a child."

Ao Mudong said: "Yes, I bullied you when I was a child, and you are not a fool. Why can't we bully you, right?"

Ao Qianlai frowned and scratched the back of his head. He felt there was something wrong, but it seemed to make sense, so he nodded and said, "Well, you're right."

Ao Mudong wanted to continue beating Yang Heidan, but Ao Muyang stopped him, and then asked the young man: "Which village are you from? You are quite impressive."

The young man took out a card from his trouser pocket and handed it to him, saying: "My name is Bi Shengfei..."

"Why not call it Pizza Hut?" Ao Mudong laughed.

Ao Muyang pushed him away and said, "Brother Dong, please stop talking. Bi Shengfei? Lao Bi Veterinary Clinic? Is this your shop?"

The business card Bi Shengfei gave him had the name of the store printed on it. It looked like he was a veterinarian.

Sure enough, the young man said: "Yes, I opened a store. I studied veterinary medicine in university."

Ao Muyang said: "If you study veterinary medicine, then you just treat Yang Heidan's dogs."

Bi Shengfei smiled bitterly and said: "I can't cure it. His dog has entered the advanced stage. There is pus in the eyes and nose, and he has been running a high fever. He needs to find a good veterinarian. For example, the person you are looking for here is the best veterinarian."

When he got here, Yang Heidan suddenly knelt down to Ao Muyang: "Village Chief Ao, I know you. I heard my brother Yong talk about you, saying that you are both wise and brave, reasonable and loyal, I beg you, you Save my old Huang, he saved my whole family’s lives, he can’t die like this..."

As he spoke, the young man began to cry.

Seeing this scene, Ao Mudong panicked and quickly backed away: "Wo Ri, why do you just kneel down when you say you're going to kneel down?"

Ao Muyang helped Yang Heidan up and said, "Has your dog saved the lives of your whole family?"

Ao Qianlai next to him said: "I know this. A few years ago, during the Chinese New Year, his family lit a stove and was poisoned by soot. The family couldn't get up in the morning, and his dog kept barking to attract the neighbors. Just saved them."

Ao Mudong said: "Yes, this matter was quite famous in our area at the time. Let me tell you, your dog is more like a human being than the people in your Wangjia Village."

Yang Heidan sobbed: "Brother Dong, don't tell us in advance that this dog is innocent. Canine distemper has also appeared in our village. It must be related to Ding Erpao. He can't escape the relationship! "

Ao Muyang sensitively noticed the last sentence and said, "What does it have to do with Ding Erpao?"

Yang Heidan said angrily: "Are you fooling him? Someone in the village saw Ding Erpao quietly pulling two dogs into the village from outside. Those two dogs were definitely sick. Just a few days after they arrived, the two of us Canine distemper has appeared in every village.”

Hearing this, Ao Muyang thought of what the veterinarian said before. He said that if there had not been an outbreak of canine distemper in Longtou Village in recent years, the disease should not have spread throughout the village as soon as it appeared.

If someone found a sick dog to spread the disease intentionally, this would explain it.

In addition, there was indeed a motive for the crime in Wangjia Village. Wang Youwei had always hated Ao Muyang. Because of Wang Dongliang's matter, he was probably gritting his teeth in hatred.

Ao Muyang had always been afraid that he would find someone to poison the lake or burn the shed where watermelons were grown to avenge himself, but he didn't do so. Perhaps he chose a more ruthless way of revenge: killing all the dogs in Longtou Village!

Poisoning people is a felony, and infecting dogs with diseases is not covered by the law.

He patted Yang Heidan on the shoulder and said, "Pull your dog to our village, but not here. Pull it to the drying yard behind the village. I'll ask the doctor to treat you as much as possible later."

Yang Heidan was startled, and then his knees softened and he was about to kneel down again.

Ao Muyang took his shoulder and said, "Do you have osteomalacia? You kneel down at every turn. You have no ambition."

Yang Heidan choked up and said, "Village Chief Ao, you don't know, my old Huang can't die. I can't let it die like this. I will definitely take care of it until the end of its life. I, I, I thank you! Thank you!"

Ao Muyang said, "Don't thank me. I'm not helping you for nothing. If there is a condition, give me Yang Shuyong's phone number."

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