Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 725 728. The first bullet (2)

In order to deal with Longtou Village, Wang Youwei made a bad move this time.

The fishermen in Longtou Village treat the dog like a family member. Losing the dog will be very painful. Isn't this the case in Wangjia Village?

Moreover, there was a very clever general here in Longtou Village who brought the non-infected dogs to Dalong Mountain in time. The dogs in Wangjia Village had no such brains and almost the whole army was wiped out...

Yang Shuyong did not drink Ao Muyang's wine in vain. On the day he returned to the village, rumors spread in the village that Wang Youwei and Ding Erpao brought the canine distemper to the village. They originally wanted to deal with the dogs in Longtou Village, but instead The dogs in my own village also suffered the same fate!

Among them, Yang Heiluan, nicknamed Yang Heidan, even swore that he had seen Ding Erpao bring back two sick dogs from other places, and the two sick dogs were eventually buried by him in the garbage dump at the foot of the mountain.

After hearing the news, some reckless people and some dog lovers in the village came to visit. They didn't dare to cause trouble to Wang Youwei, so they went to find Ding Erpao.

The door of Ding Erpao's house was blocked, and he shouted angrily: "Rumors are definitely rumors. If you scold the next door, I'll see who is spreading rumors about me outside! It's Yang Heidan, right? I'll go find him!" "

When he arrived at Yang Heidan's house, he kicked open the door aggressively, opened his mouth and yelled: "Draft, Yang Heidan next door, you..."

A smelly shoe flew up, and Yang Shuyong, smelling of alcohol, stood up with red eyes: "Ding Erpao, why are you so crazy for coming to our second team?"

Looking at the angry Yang Shuyong, the withered Ding Erpao suddenly fell silent.

He sneered and said: "Lao Yang is here too, I'm not crazy, I'm asking Hei Dan something. Forget it, I'll ask you later, you guys talk first..."

Before he finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Yang Shuyong stepped forward and pinched his neck with his big hands, just like pinching a dry-assed chicken. He pushed and lifted Ding Erpao into the yard, and said through gritted teeth: "Don't leave yet, I I have something to ask you, what’s going on with my dog’s illness?”

Ding Erpao was not a man of backbone. He originally wanted to rely on Wang Youwei's support to fight Yang Shuyong to death.

But Yang Shuyong's smell of alcohol made him frightened. This man was drunk!

Yang Shuyong punched him in the chest: "You won't tell me, right? If you don't tell me, I will kill you today, and you can go and bury me with my rich family!"

Finally, Ding Erpao couldn't bear it anymore and shouted like a pig: "It was the village party secretary who asked me to do it. He asked me to bring the sick dog here. You go find him. You have the nerve to go find him!"

Okay, when he finished saying this, Yang Shuyong pushed him away.

Ding Erpao held his stomach and opened the door to leave, but the door opened, and there were dozens of people outside, dozens of people with angry faces!

That night, Ao Muyang got the news that Ding Erpao was hospitalized. It was said that his ribs were broken by the villagers.

He thought for a while, called Ao Mudong over and said, "You know some messy people in society, right?"

Ao Mudong shook his head quickly: "I don't know, I don't know, I am very honest now..."

"The canine plague in the village was caused by that bitch Ding Erpao. He is now in the hospital with his ribs broken. Find a few people to catch him and break two of his ribs after he comes out." Ao Muyang interrupted. His words said.

Hearing what he said, Ao Mudong became energetic: "This is a bitch! Okay, Longtou, look at me, I will definitely make him unable to survive or die!"

Ao Muyang warned: "Keep it confidential and don't let anyone implicate us."

Ding Erpao brought in a sick dog to infect the village dogs with the canine distemper virus. He had to be given some color, otherwise he would be considered a bully by Ao Muyang!

Ao Mudong patted his chest and said, "Don't worry about this. A rib costs 10,000 yuan or 20,000 yuan. Throw it on the road. There are many migrant workers from other places who are willing to do this work. By then, they won't even know who we are. After beating them, I will run back to my hometown, and even the FBI can’t find it!”

After emergency treatment by veterinarians, the condition of the village dog was brought under control.

Canine distemper is a severe infectious disease with a very high fatality rate, but Ao Muyang mixed gold drops with kelp juice and fed it to the dogs in the village. In addition, the bottle Yang Shuyong took away was also the same thing.

With the addition of Jin Drop and a series of drugs, dogs whose symptoms are not serious will have their symptoms relieved on the same day.

The next day, Nuan Wangwang's doctors went to Wangjiacun. Yang Shuyong entertained them personally, and then crossed Wang Youwei and went door to door to notify the sick dog owners and asked them to disinfect their homes, and the veterinarians would go and treat the dogs one by one.

After nearly a week of busy work, the canine distemper issue was finally over.

The Longtou Village side was okay, the loss was not big, but the Wangjia Village side lost nearly half of its dogs.

Jindi is not a panacea, especially since the dogs in Wangjia Village were exposed to sick dogs earlier, contracted the disease earlier, and the veterinarians started rescue too late, so losses were inevitable.

This incident greatly damaged Wang Youwei's dignity. Yang Shuyong took a video and showed it to Ao Muyang. After the dog of a family with a bad temper died, the whole family went to Wang Youwei to yell at him.

If they were to simply deal with Longtou Village, everyone in Wangjia Village would support it. However, in order to deal with Longtou Village, Wang Youwei actually brought his own village to suffer, and the people in the village were very angry.

When the dogs in the village started running around again, the general came back with the dogs who had gone to the mountains to hide. A group of dogs ran down the mountain. The villagers welcomed the heroes as if they were triumphant. The general was fed a bunch of meat. Bones, eating too much and causing a bloated belly look like pregnancy.

Some of the dogs it took to the mountains were indeed pregnant. The general must not be idle these days...

The people in the village didn't care about this. The general's genes were excellent, and it would be better for him to breed with his own female dog than to have the female dog go out and fool around and not know whose baby it was pregnant with.

When the dogs came back, Ao Muyang went to the Brick Island fishing ground to pick up the head of state and Youfu's naughty kids.

When the fishing boat arrived on the island, the head of state, Youfu and the Lang brothers were waiting eagerly, so they just sang a song, "It's midnight, look forward to the dawn, the cold winter month, look forward to the spring breeze, if you want to look forward to the coming of the Red Army..."

Ao Muyang came ashore, and the Lang brothers rushed towards him.

This is the joy of raising pets. When you see them running towards you, you are really filled with joy - "It's running astray, it's running astray, run towards me, come here!"

The Lang brothers rushed towards him, but as a result, the simple pier on the seaside was uneven, and Meng Tian was about to roll into the sea if his horse stumbled forward. The situation was urgent, so he had an idea and hooked his fat brother with his claws.

Then, the brothers fell into the sea together...

After not seeing each other for a few days, Mengtian and Mengyi have grown up a lot. They are estimated to have weighed twenty kilograms less. They have begun to show the characteristics of the wolf clan, majestic, brave and full of vitality.

Wolf cubs are also experts at breaking up houses. It’s not that they have nowhere to exert their power, but their teeth are growing, their gums are itching, and the barnacles around the island have been gnawed upside down by them...

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