Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 727 730. Raise a group and eat a group (3)

There are many classifications of angler fish. Just now it jumped out of the sand on the seabed. Ao Muyang recognized it as a yellow angler fish because it had dark brown net patterns on its back.

As for why this fish was called yellow angler despite its dark brown or even gray body color, Ao Muyang didn't know. Maybe the person who named it was yellow-grey blind?

In addition, the reason why this fish is judged to be the yellow angler is that the Brick Island fishing ground is not very deep, which means that this kind of fish can live in water depths of tens of meters. Other living sea areas are at least two to three hundred meters deep.

Looking at the small glowing balls outside the isolation net, it is obvious that there are several yellow anglers outside.

They don't know where they come from. They lean against the isolation net and fish out of the net. They are considered experts and can steal fish from the fishing ground.

Ao Muyang thought about it and decided to do a counter-fishing and catch them all.

Yellow angler is not very attractive in appearance, but its meat quality is good. The fish meat is rich in vitamins A and C. Its tail is full of muscles and can be eaten fresh or processed into fish floss. Its maw and fish roe are both highly nutritious foods, and the skin can be used to make gelatin. , liver can be extracted from liver oil, dried and ground fish bones are fed to dogs, which can supplement calcium for dogs.

The favorite place to eat angler fish is the Kanto region of Japan, where this fish is regarded as the best in the world. It is said that "there are puffer fish in the west and anglers in the east".

Because anglerfish live in the deep sea and rarely gather in groups, and they have no habit of migrating to shallow water areas, there are no anglerfish floods and they are rarely caught ashore.

But dealing with them is easy. Ao Muyang went to the island to get fish hooks, and then took some small fish into the water.

He started fishing on the bottom of the sea. The anglerfish used small meat balls to attract fish in the fishing ground, so he did the opposite.

The small fish hanging from the hook appeared and turned around the meat ball, and the anglerfish immediately jumped out of the sand.

In less than half an hour, fish were delivered to his mouth continuously, and the anglerfish felt very happy. Today was a really good meal.

The anglerfish has a big mouth and a big stomach. It can eat fish, shrimps and crabs. It has a good appetite. They can even eat shark meat.

Of course, this does not mean that they can prey on sharks, but they do not even dislike shark meat. You must know that shark meat contains urea, and generally those who lack courage really dare not eat it.

The anglerfish jumped out of the sand and once it bit the hook, it was impossible to get back into the sand.

Ao Muyang quickly retracted the fishing line, dragged it to his side, stuffed it into the net bag, and harvested it.

The old trick was repeated, and another fish took the bait.

This fish is very big, with a length of one and a half meters. For the yellow angler, which can grow to a maximum length of one and a half meters, it is not easy to grow to one and a half meters.

Moreover, there are several small fish on the big fish. Only the lower half of the small fish's body is left outside, and the upper half of the body has disappeared.

All anglerfish that can emit light are female fish. This kind of fish is very strange. The female fish can grow larger, while the male fish can only be five or six millimeters or at most one or two centimeters.

The way male and female anglerfish get along is unique in nature. Male fish grow in the dark depths of the sea. They move slowly, are much smaller than females, and do not live in groups. They will only go looking for them when they reach breeding age. Female fish.

However, in the vast ocean, it is difficult for small male fish to find female fish. Once they are lucky enough to encounter one, they will bite the belly of the female fish and burrow under her skin, parasitizing the female fish. The female fish will be the one for the rest of their lives. Come and keep it.

Over time, the male fish will even become one with the female fish, or in other words, the male fish will merge into the female fish's body and become a part of it.

There are still many mysteries in this research. The first thing that the male fish integrates into the female fish is the head, so the male fish should have died.

However, the male fish can still excrete fish sperm to fertilize the eggs excreted by the female fish. It can also cooperate with the female fish's physiological response. From this point of view, it seems that it is not dead...

Seeing that the female fish was covered with a manly body, Ao Muyang did not stuff it into a net bag and take it to the shore to eat, but conscientiously released it into the fishery.

The female fish with a big man hanging on its body, just like the blue-spotted grouper, can handle a species by itself. He tried to see if he could breed this fish. Angler fish are still very rare in the market.

There were seven anglerfish in total. As long as they had a big man hanging on their body, he sent them to the fishing ground. Anyway, there were plenty of sardines and tuna fry in the fishing ground, which could be used as food for them.

He surfaced with the fish that couldn't reproduce.

The anglerfish couldn't stand the change in water pressure and died during the process of rising.

Putting the fish into the freezer, Ao Muyang left the supplies for Heilong and returned with a few naughty children.

When he got home, he was going to pack up an angler fish. There are many ways to eat this fish, and he wanted to eat it in a way favored by fishermen in Guandong, called angler pot, a kind of hot pot.

Although the weather is starting to get warmer now, it is still early spring and it is still a bit cold at night, which is also suitable for eating hot pot.

Huang Anji had a large cod liver, which was a good thing for refining cod liver oil. He specially picked it up, cut it into slices, added some cooking wine, and marinated it with onions, ginger, and garlic.

Angler fish liver is also known as submarine foie gras. It is said to have the function of clearing away heat and detoxifying the skin. Because they live on the bottom of the deep sea and have no parasites on their bodies, they can also be eaten as sashimi.

Seeing that it was getting late, he called Yang Shuyong and said, "I caught an angler fish today. Do you want to come and eat it together?"

Yang Shuyong was a little nervous and said, "What should I do if people see me?"

Ao Muyang said: "He saw it, Wang Youwei probably has started to guard against you. That old man is very sensitive. You dealt with Ding Erpao and helped the villagers solve the canine distemper problem. You bypassed him and made such a big splash. How could he not think too much?"

Yang Shuyong was silent. This was true. After all, the veterinarian who came to the village came from Longtou Village. If he said that he had no intersection with Longtou Village, Wang Youwei would be surprised.

Ao Muyang said: "It's okay, there's no need to be afraid of him. Just be careful to avoid people. Anglerfish, this thing tastes very good."

Yang Shuyong said: "Okay, I'll go over. It just so happens that my kid was detained by Teacher Lu, so I said I would go to school to see what's going on."

Ao Muyang said: "Okay, by the way, bring a bottle of Moutai when you come."

"I finished it a long time ago." Yang Shuyong hung up the phone.

He cut the anglerfish into slices and prepared to put it in the hot pot. The fish meat was tight and firm, unlike many marine fish meats that were a bit loose. The fish meat was rich in collagen and very elastic, just like lobster.

Yang Shuyong's burly figure appeared at his door behind him, accompanied by Lu Zhizi and his son Yang Shizi. He kicked his son's butt as he walked, and asked after entering the house: "Old Ao, where is your kitchen knife? I want to chop off the hand of this little beast!"

Ao Muyang said: "How can you chop it off with a kitchen knife? Here, I'll give you this."

Before Yang Shizi could be happy, he saw Ao Muyang took out an axe.

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