Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 743 746. Cat Tyrant (5)

It doesn't matter if he is a wild man in the wild. Ao Muyang thinks that the head of state will have a arrogant attitude. Judging from his previous attitude towards the female cat and Dahua in the village, the head of state is not a jealous cat.

But he was wrong, the head of state was like this.

Ao Muyang appeared in front of the female cats holding the skin of his neck. The head of state's eyes suddenly lit up, very bright, so bright...

When it landed on the ground, it immediately pounced on a female Garfield cat. The female cat was quite well-behaved, and she lay down quietly after being pounced on.

Ao Muyang waved his hand and started to drive away Liu Mei and Zhu Zhu: "Let's go, the next scene is not suitable for children."

"Why?" Zhu Zhu asked curiously.

Sixth Sister picked her nostrils and said disdainfully: "I'm tired of the smell. What's the point? Do you really think we are underage children?"

There is nothing special about the scene that follows. After lying on top of the female Garfield cat, the Führer did not do anything disrespectful, but instead turned around and pounced on an ocelot.

The female ocelot was bigger than him and had a bad temper. She stepped forward with a vigorous stride, turned around and roared threateningly at the head of state.

Dong Qingyin said: "The best thing is for the head of state to marry the female Garfield cat."

Ao Muyang understood what she meant. These cats were all famous breeds. Dong Qingyin would not have brought them if Yan Qingcheng hadn't called. The bloodlines of famous breed cats were very precious, and their mating partners were all famous breed cats.

The head of state's appearance is very good. Although he has not won any prizes in any competition, his appearance is domineering and majestic. If he mates with Garfield cat, Dong Qingyin will be happy to sit back and watch the results. But if he mates with other breeds of fur, That's not good.

Once cross-breed mating occurs, the bloodline of the female cat’s offspring is no longer guaranteed, and its mating value is lost.

Dong Qingyin does not need to rely on female cats to breed offspring to make money, but she cherishes these cats very much and shares weal and woe with them. She is not happy to see the cats' bloodline being contaminated.

In fact, what she currently cares about is not whether the female cats will have a relationship with the head of state, but whether they will be domestically abused by the head of state.

Ocelots are big and powerful, and belong to the ranks of wild beasts. Other cats are pet cats. When they stay together, ocelots have supreme authority.

The head of state acted as if he wanted to break his authority, which made him very unhappy, so he roared at the head of state.

Seeing this, the head of state immediately launched an attack!

Almost like a phantom, the head of state disappeared, and the majestic ocelot was suddenly overturned. It got up in embarrassment and let out an angry roar. The figure of the head of state flashed past, and it was overturned again...

In two confrontations, the Führer easily overturned it twice.

Dong Qingyin was shocked: "Oh my god, this Garfield - is this Garfield? It's scarier than a leopard!"

The ocelot refused to admit defeat. It was knocked over twice and got up twice. It was considered smart. Then it put its belly close to the ground and lay on the ground ready to fight.

Ao Muyang shook his head. The cat's intelligence is limited to cats. The intelligence of the head of state is close to that of humans. The reason why it overturned the ocelot twice before instead of biting it was to keep its body as safe as possible. Know your own power:

After the ocelot was overturned, its belly was exposed, which was its weak point. If the Führer was willing, he would have the opportunity to tear the ocelot's belly to pieces and destroy its life twice.

It's a pity that the ocelot doesn't appreciate it and must start a fight.

Again and again, the head of state probably understood this. This time, it did not overturn the ocelot again, but slowly circled around it.

The ocelot took the initiative, swaying its slender body, and shot forward like a sharp arrow.

Its speed was also very fast. Everyone felt that in the blink of their eyes, its figure had already rushed out and rushed directly to the head of state.

The head of state remained unchanged in response to all changes. The ocelot rushed forward and pressed it with one paw. He pressed the side of the ocelot's face from the front paws of the ocelot and pressed it to the ground...

The battle is that simple!

The ocelot is pampered and fights purely on instinct. Where is the head of state? It grew up fighting with the dogs in Longtou Village since it was a child. When it grew up, it went to the mountains to fight wild boars, catch hares, and catch wild birds. It has rich experience in field battles!

Coupled with Jindi's improvement in its physical fitness, the ocelot poses no threat to it at all.

This time, the ocelot was held down, and it showed no mercy. It jumped onto the ocelot's back, opened its mouth and bit the skin on the back of the ocelot's neck.

The ocelot screamed and struggled. It wanted to turn around, but the Führer's claws tore at it fiercely. The short golden hairs flew and a blood streak appeared on the ocelot's face.

This scene made Dong Qingyin feel very distressed. Ao Muyang also secretly screamed, and hurried up to drag the head of state up: "What are you doing? How can the head of state fight? Damn it!"

As soon as he got close, the frantic ocelot scratched the back of his hand with its claws!

The leopard cat's speed is much worse than that of the head of state, but its reaction is much faster than that of humans. Ao Muyang did not reverse the golden elixir in time, so he could not react even more, and this claw scratched it firmly!

At this time, the ocelot stretched out its sharp claws, which were like knives, and everyone was shocked.

Ao Muyang was also shocked. His claws scratched the back of his hand and he subconsciously pulled it back. The back of his hand hurt, as if it had been scratched by a knife, but there was no scar...

He vaguely realized that just when the ocelot scratched the back of his hand with its claws, the golden scale that he had absorbed some time ago quickly activated in his body and appeared from the chest on the back of his hand. The ocelot scratched there with its claws. above.

The golden scales were not damaged at all, and Ao Muyang's skin was not damaged at all.

Lu Zhizi felt distressed and quickly came up to hold his hand to check the situation.

Ao Muyang comforted her, "It's okay, it's okay, I react quickly."

The leopard cat attacked very quickly, and except for himself, no one else could see what was going on.

Seeing that the leopard cat was going to attack Ao Muyang, the head of state became even angrier and no longer polite. He bit the leopard cat and shook its head, lifted it up and dragged it to the side. The leopard cat waved its claws, and its claws waved faster, tearing it up and tearing the leopard cat's front legs...

The leopard cat cried miserably, and the head of state shook his head and threw it to the side, jumped into the air and flipped it over. The leopard cat wanted to get up in pain, but the head of state pinched its neck with one front paw and pressed its lower abdomen with the other front paw, pinning it to the ground, and opened his mouth to bite its belly.

This time the leopard cat was honest, and its cry gradually became smaller, from a shrill scream to a wronged meow, which meant submission.

The leader opened his mouth and roared at its head: "Ah Wu! Ah Wu!"

The leopard cat shrank, and the other cats shrank even faster. One of the Garfield cats was trembling with fear. Dong Qingyin picked it up and smiled bitterly to Ao Muyang: "Lucky is a male cat."

The most fierce and wild leopard cat was beaten into submission, not to mention the other little female cats, who were as docile as cats, and looked at the leader with eyes full of admiration!

Among them, the little male cat Lucky's eyes were the most fascinating.

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