Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 745 748. Pearls (2)

The weather warmed up in April, the breath of spring began to grow, and the number of tourists increased.

The mountain road was not repaired, and tourists still came by sea, but the number of people was much higher than the same period last year. It is conceivable that once the mountain road is opened, the number of tourists will explode.

At this time, Ao Muyang mobilized the whole village early, and the traditional flavor of the fishing village must be guaranteed. Every household has the responsibility to protect the environment.

The garbage boat he bought now has to go to the city once a week, and the garbage disposal fee alone is more than 200,000 yuan every month. He has made great efforts in this regard!

The town also supports the development of tourism in Longtou Village, because it can drive the surrounding economy. Most of the villagers in Longtou Village are engaged in fishing homestays, but the village needs employees to maintain the environment and public security, and these employees have to be recruited from nearby villages.

Longxiang Lake is another key scenic spot for maintenance. Except for the decline in the lake water level due to years of drought, other things such as the environment and water quality are similar to when he just came back.

Because he strictly prohibited people from catching waterfowl, the number of waterfowl in the area of ​​Longxian Lake increased. He came to the lake and saw a group of colorful birds flying up.

He had never seen this kind of bird before, it looked like a kingfisher.

There were many bamboo rafts by the lake. Ao Muyang got on a bamboo raft and moved on the lake with a bamboo pole. The general pushed the raft with his claws behind him, like a small engine.

There was another old bamboo raft floating on the lake, and an old man with his upper body naked was smoking happily.

The old man had dark and rough skin, and his chest was skinny without a trace of fat, only wood-like muscles. This muscle was not beautiful, but it was hammered by the wind and waves on the sea. Only with it can you be a white shark in the waves.

After seeing Ao Muyang, the old man put out his cigarette and carefully put the cigarette butt into the garbage bag on the raft.

This was also Ao Muyang's rule, not to throw garbage into the lake.

"Village chief, you come here." Ao Zhishui asked with a smile.

As he spoke, he reached out and took out a clam from the raft and threw it over. The clam fell and landed right in front of Ao Muyang.

This clam was the size of a young man's palm. Ao Muyang picked it up and looked at it, saying, "Wow, it's growing fast."

Ao Zhishui said, "This is an old clam in the lake. It has been growing for more than ten years. I don't think it's growing fast at this size."

Ao Muyang was startled and said, "I thought it was the batch of clam seedlings that were put into the lake last year. Shui Ye, you are really naughty. I'll go down and see how the clam seedlings are growing."

In order to prevent someone from secretly catching the cultivated clams, Ao Muyang scattered them under the water chestnuts. He planted water chestnuts to hide the clams.

So, it's easy to find clams. Just find the water chestnut paddy field and jump in.

Ao Zhishui came over with a bamboo raft and handed him another clam, which was much smaller than the previous one, only half the length.

Ao Muyang said, "Is this the river clam from last year? It grows fast enough."

"It is indeed fast enough. You can see it from inside. It grows even faster." The old man said with a smile.

Ao Muyang broke open the river clam shells. There were four or five pearls that had grown into a certain size. They were pink and white in color and round in shape. He opened the big clam again. There were also pearls inside, but they grew crookedly. In comparison, one was glittering and the other was crooked.

After comparing, he sighed, "No wonder river pearls are so cheap now. It turns out that pearls grow so fast under human intervention."

Putting down the pearl oyster, he took off his clothes and jumped into the lake. He dived to the bottom of the lake.

There were river clams scattered on the bottom of the lake. There were springs here, undercurrents gurgling underwater, clear water, and uniform mud and sand on the bottom of the lake. It was the best living environment for river clams.

They were of different sizes. Most of them opened their shells to hunt. Ao Muyang took a quick look and saw that there were pearls in each shell. They were of different sizes, but they were already able to produce.

He scanned the bottom of the lake for a while, and when he felt that the time was almost up, he surfaced and climbed onto the raft.

The old man was smoking again, and when he saw the exposure, he smiled again and stuffed the cigarette butt into the garbage bag.

Ao Muyang said: "Shui Ye, you can smoke if you want, I won't say anything, but you should smoke less. Smoking is harmful to health, and the country has written it on the cigarette box."

Ao Zhishui said: "Yes, I know that smoking is harmful to health, but you tell me, village chief, how many years do I have left to live? I am seventy this year, can I live to eighty? It is rare for people to live to eighty, isn't it difficult?"

Ao Muyang had to admit that it was not easy for an old man to live to eighty years old safely.

Now the living standard is high, the medical level is high, but the environment and food safety are worse, which leads to more illnesses among people, and the life expectancy has not risen qualitatively compared with previous years.

The average life expectancy of fishermen is lower. When they were young, they were too tired and their bodies were tossed. When they got older, problems immediately came to them.

Seeing him nod, Ao Zhishui continued, "If I live another ten years normally, how many more years can I live without smoking? One or two years? I'm eighty years old, what's the point of having one or two more years? And this is at the cost of depriving me of the last ten years of fun in this life, what's the point?"

A tourist raft passed by and applauded after hearing his words: "Brother, what you said is good. If my son advises me to smoke less in the future, I will use this set of words to deal with him."

The old man smiled and waved his hand: "Don't, brother, you are still young, quit smoking in time."

This is how cigarettes are. If you smoke, I will persuade you to stop, but if you don't let me smoke, I can't.

Ao Muyang shook his head helplessly. He didn't say anything more, but thought about how to make the business of gambling pearls with river clams.

Although this matter is related to the word "gambling", it is just a small bet, and small bets are fun. There are still many small bets in the countryside.

There are many river clams in Ambergris Lake. This thing is not delicious and it is difficult to clean up, so no one has been fishing for a long time, and there is a sense of flooding.

There are not many pearls in these river clams, so Ao Muyang mixed them with cultured pearl oysters and let tourists choose and mine them themselves.

Just like gambling on stones, the pearls found can be processed into bracelets, earrings, necklaces and the like for free. As long as you put some thought in this regard, it is still very tempting for tourists.

After all, the pearls you gambled on are the fruits of your labor, and they are real pearls. In the eyes of tourists, their value is much higher than the pearls on the market.

Ao Muyang went to the village committee to hold a meeting and asked everyone's opinions.

When they learned that the pearl oysters had started to produce pearls, the group was surprised: "Wow, pearls are produced so quickly? Isn't it said that pearls are produced by the secretion of nacre from the oysters, and then slowly grow after the flesh of the oysters is polished?"

"The mantle tissue of the mother-of-pearl oysters secretes nacre." Ao Wenchang added.

Ao Muyang said: "It's different. That's a natural pearl. This is a nucleus-inserted pearl. It grows fast, but it's not as strong as a natural pearl."

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