Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 762 766. The so-called catfish (5)

Stonefish are easily mistaken for fish of the Sciaenidae family, such as the yellow croaker raised by Ao Muyang and the thriving little brother of Tiger, the yellow croaker, which are fish of the Sciaenidae family.

However, the stonefish called in Hongyang Fishing Village are not these fish, but a kind of freshwater fish called catfish, which is a very precious freshwater fish and is extremely rare in the local market.

Ao Wenchang waved his hand and said, "I thought so at first, but I talked to the tourists and found that they were not that kind of people. They were fooled. Guess where they bought the stonehead fish?"

Looking at the ironic smile on his face, Ao Muyang's heart moved and asked, "Wangjia Village?"

Ao Wenchang nodded: "Yes, it's Wangjia Village. Damn it, these bastards use catfish to impersonate stonehead fish to deceive tourists. I came to talk to you, don't let the tourists blame us."

Ao Muyang immediately stood up and said, "Did you tell the tourists about this?"

Ao Wenchang said, "No, I came to you first after I knew about this. What should I say to the tourists? Isn't this looking for trouble?"

Ao Muyang smiled slightly: "Yes, we are looking for trouble!"

Stonehead fish, also known as catfish, does look very similar to catfish. Except for experts in the aquaculture industry, ordinary people are really easy to be fooled.

If you are fooled, it will be a big problem. The meat of stonehead fish is much better than that of catfish, and the fish roe is very nutritious.

Catfish roe cannot be eaten. Catfish roe contains egg toxins, which can be destroyed by high temperature. However, many dishes now only need to be cooked to keep the nutrients intact. They are not heated at high temperatures. In this way, catfish roe will still contain toxicity.

Ao Muyang made an urgent phone call, and then after a pause, he said to Tu Yichan: "Grandpa Tu, do you know the difference between stonehead fish and catfish?"

Tu Yichan smiled contemptuously: "I don't need to use my eyes to see, I can tell the difference by rubbing with my heels."

Ao Muyang clapped his hands and said: "Okay, then you are the victim. You will go to their stall to trade with them and deal with them!"

Tu Yichan is not a serious old man. When he heard that he could make trouble, he jumped up immediately. He didn't stay to chat, and walked out with his arms hanging: "We must deal with them. These damn people sell fakes. I hate these lawless people the most!"

Grandpa Ao Zhiming is the opposite. He is like the officials. He doesn't want to cause trouble. He likes stability the most. Stability overrides everything.

So he wanted to stop Ao Muyang and said, "Village chief, what does the sale of fake fish in Wangjia Village have to do with our village? You went to their village to fight against counterfeiting, this, this, this, this is a dog catching mice and meddling in other people's business!"

"The dogs in our village like to catch mice. Your dog also catches mice. Why don't I see you criticize your dog?" Jiang Xiaoyu said with a sidelong glance at him.

The old man waved his hand and said, "I won't bother with you, village chief, this matter has nothing to do with us..."

"Why has it nothing to do with us?" Without waiting for Ao Muyang to speak, Tu Yichan spoke up, "Brother Ming, your ideological awareness is not good. When we talked about the Syrian issue just now, we condemned the Americans together. When we talked about the female college student who committed telecommunications fraud, we also scolded the scammers together. Now that a fraud case has happened here, why don't you care?"

The old man hummed and hummed and couldn't speak. Jiang Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Grandpa Chan, don't talk nonsense, be careful that Grandpa Ming will punish you with the power of the keyboard. He is a keyboard-man, a scholar, and an English Is that what you said? "

Ao Wenchang suppressed his laughter and said, "Sister Xiaoyu, you really know a lot, and you keep up with the times."

Jiang Xiaoyu said while eating melon seeds, "Of course, I take classes online every day."

Ao Zhiming didn't understand what she said, but he knew it was not a good thing, so he snorted, "Are you talking nonsense? Anyway, it's none of our business. I think it's better not to care, so as not to get into trouble without eating mutton."

Tu Yichan shook his head and said, "No, we must go. This is related to the social moral orientation. Honesty and courage are the fine qualities of our Chinese descendants. They have been passed down by our ancestors and cannot be broken in our hands!"

Ao Zhiming ignored the few people and looked at Ao Muyang eagerly.

Ao Muyang shrugged and said, "Shovel Master is right."

In fact, it has nothing to do with honesty and courage. Ao Muyang did this for himself.

Wangjia Village has a good plan. They take advantage of the current large number of tourists to treat tourists as fat sheep and slaughter them. They plan to cheat as many as possible and slaughter as many as possible. They don't plan to treat the tourism industry as a long-term business.

Longtou Village is different. Ao Muyang worked hard to attract tourists to boost the economy. Seeing that it was very effective, Wangjia Village actually dragged its feet. Isn't this courting death?

He attracted the tourists, but Wangjia Village wanted to smash his signboard. This is absolutely not acceptable!

Besides, Wangjia Village used crayfish to impersonate big crayfish babies to cheat Longtou Village before. This time Longtou Village got the handle. How could Ao Muyang not take action when he got the chance to vent his anger?

The two villages are adjacent to each other. The old man Tu Yishao walked very fast with his old legs. It didn't take long for him to go from Longtou Village to Wangjia Village.

Fishing villages cover a large area and have many households. Unlike ordinary small mountain villages, fishing villages are large villages because they have to fight against marine disasters.

Wangjia Village has wide streets. Because there are many tourists these days, small stalls have been set up on the pier outside the village. Villagers take advantage of the favorable weather to make some money to supplement their family income.

In front of one of the stalls was a large washing basin, with brown and black fish of all sizes clinging to the bottom of the basin, motionless. The vendor behind him kept shouting:

"Come and see, come and see, don't miss it if you pass by, long-nosed catfish, long-nosed catfish, long-nosed catfish, catfish, catfish, river grouper, Xiyu, come and see, the car does not wait for customers, good fish does not wait for people, hurry up and buy..."

"Auntie, come and see, yes, this is catfish, what? It looks like a catfish? Haha, auntie, you are wrong, this is definitely not a catfish, look at the mouth and the color, this is a catfish, yes, a stonehead fish!"

Tu Yishao walked over and stared at it with interest After looking at it, he asked, "Is this the stonehead fish? Oh, where did you get it from? Can there be such fish in Hongyang?"

The vendor shook his head and said, "Hongyang has long been extinct. I got this in the Liaohe area. I finally got a batch and sent it back as fast as I could. Old man, do you know this fish? Don't think it's a catfish."

Tu Yichan said, "I've eaten it in Shanghai before. It's called catfish in Shanghai. It's delicious."

"Yes, catfish, haha, this fish has many names." The vendor smiled harmlessly.

Tu Yichan asked, "How much is it?"

The vendor held up a finger and said, "One hundred yuan a catty, a fair price, no bargaining."

Tu Yichan pondered for a while and said, "One hundred yuan a catty, it's quite expensive, is this a catfish?"

The vendor patted his chest and said, "Absolutely, it's definitely a catfish, there's nothing more ratty than this! Don't worry, old man, we fishermen in the shallows are most honest when doing business!"

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