Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 764 768. Shake hands and make peace (2)

If it was not necessary, Ao Muyang would not want to do this.

Wangjiacun and Longtou Village are too close together, and both prosper and lose. If Wangjiacun is cracked down, Longtou Village will also suffer damage to its reputation.

But he had no choice. Just like surgery to remove a tumor would remove the non-pathological tissue together. If he cleans up Wangjia Village now, it will cause some damage to the reputation of his village, but it is within an acceptable range.

If Wangjia Village gets too big in the future and causes problems for tourists, then Longtou Village will suffer the same consequences.

Stop the loss in time, this is Ao Muyang's choice.

Wang Youwei was not in the village, so Yang Shuyong told him that Wang Youwei kept running to the county town for unknown reasons recently, and he might be trying to find connections to manipulate his son's imprisonment.

After all, jail time can reduce your sentence.

Wang Youwei is not in the village, and Yang Shuyong, the second-in-command, is about to come forward.

He was well prepared, and Ao Muyang gave him a pass in advance.

Yang Shuyong was very capable. He quickly led people to the dock stall and shouted: "What's going on, what's going on? Who sells fake goods? Who passes off inferior goods as good ones?"

Liu Mu knew him and told him the story.

The villagers looked at him eagerly, waiting for him to rescue them. However, Yang Shuyong jumped up and kicked him to the ground. He went up and punched and kicked him, while beating and cursing:

"Are you drafting it? Ding Bangchui, you never do good things! Mr. Liu, take him back. We in Wangjia Village will never protect such a scum! You scum, where can you get catfish?"

"Don't fight, don't fight. I'll take him back and handle it according to the rules and regulations. Don't fight." Liu Mu quickly went up to hold him.

Yang Shuyong is not just showing off, he is really ruthless. After all, he is a member of the Ding Second Artillery Team, not a fellow member of their second team, so there is no pressure in the fight.

The tourists thought he was acting at first, but after seeing Ding Bangchui become bruised and swollen and hearing him scream like a pig, they finally believed it was not acting.

People in the village also went to stop Yang Shuyong: "Captain Yang, stop fighting. We are one of our own."

"Fuck Mala next door, I am one of my own with this shameless person? I am an aboveboard person in my conduct and business! And you, what have you done? Ah? Selling rotten fish and smelly shrimps? Pour it all into the sea and give it to the customers. Get a fresh one, you’ll get two if you get a fake one, give it to me!” Yang Shuyong yelled angrily.

This is indeed not acting. Like Ao Muyang, he wants the village to develop better. He has known these tricks to deceive customers for a long time, but Wang Youwei suppresses him and cannot speak out.

This time Ao Muyang came to crack down on counterfeiting, and he happened to do what he wanted to do.

Ao Muyang supported his approach, and he didn't want the deception of tourists to cause too much trouble, otherwise would Longtou Village also suffer the same infamy?

The villager selling catfish was unwilling to be taken away, and struggled and shouted: "I want to find Brother Pao, I want to find the branch secretary, it doesn't matter what you say, I want to find..."

"Looking for you Magobi!" Yang Shuyong punched with a tiger cannon. The villager was knocked several steps away by the punch, and now he didn't dare to scream.

Ao Muyang watched with cold eyes. Yang Shuyong had a way of showing off his strength and bravery to others, making people think that he had strong limbs and a simple mind. But in fact, this man was thick on the outside and delicate on the inside. He was brave and resourceful. No wonder he became the second in command in the village under Wang Youwei's pressure. Number one.

Liu Mu took away the counterfeit villagers, and Ao Muyang followed him away, while Tu Yisho had long since disappeared. His old legs were greased and he was slipping away very fast.

As he expected, this incident still had a certain impact on the reputation of the surrounding villages. However, the handling was timely, especially when Yang Shuyong ordered the stall to pay double the compensation to the injured tourists and stopped the loss immediately.

The May Day holiday is over, and the number of tourists has dropped sharply. The situation in Longtou Village is the best, with many projects, sincere hospitality, and good service attitude. There is already a signboard in Hongyang, and most tourists will come to them.

May 4th, Youth Day.

Jin Hong called Ao Muyang and informed him that he had been hanging out with Ding Erpao in the past few days. Ding Erpao's family had almost been spent. The casino was a bottomless pit, and even if the family had a mine, they couldn't hold it.

So, Ao Muyang immediately asked Yang Shuyong to send a trustworthy person to keep an eye on Ding Erpao.

Jin Hong was watching outside the village. If Ding Erpao returned to the village, Yang Shuyong would have to take care of it.

As soon as he finished doing this, Jiang Xiaoyu said, "Why is Wang Youwei here again?"

Ao Muyang was startled, Wang Youwei is here? Then he wouldn't hear what he said to Yang Shuyong, right?

He stood up and looked outside, and he was relieved to see Wang Youwei's car just stopped.

When he saw Wang Youwei again, he felt that Wang Youwei had aged a lot. His previously straight body had become a little stooped, and his big belly, which was always shy, had shrunk a little.

When they arrived at the office, Wang Youwei sat opposite him and sighed, saying, "Captain Ao, you are really good at it. I never thought that your Longtou Village would have such a powerful character like you."

Ao Muyang said: "I take this as a compliment."

Everyone in the village said that Wang Youwei was powerful, but Ao Muyang knew very well, how powerful could the people in the village be? The really powerful people have gone to other cities to make a living.

In the past, Wang Youwei could lead Wangjia Village to easily suppress Longtou Village, but that was because Longtou Village was too bad, and Ao Zhiyi, the village chief, was too bad and would only tolerate it.

The disputes in the village are nothing more than who has good connections and who has big fists and who is more powerful. In the past, Wang Youwei had the advantage in this aspect, but now Ao Muyang is even more powerful.

In a head-on conflict, Ao Muyang had Lu Zhizi, a top law student, as a consultant, and Wang Youwei couldn't defeat him. Ao Muyang always had a way to resolve the underhanded tactics, whether it was public or private, he had nothing to do.

The most important thing is that Longtou Village is monolithic and he cannot pry it away.

This time when he came to the door, Wang Youwei seemed to be submissive: "You were responsible for what happened at our village stall yesterday, right?"

Ao Muyang said: "Yes, I did it. I worked hard to run the tourism industry and create a good reputation among tourists. In fact, you also reaped the dividends. As a result, the people in your village not only did not cooperate with me, but instead played dirty tricks and deceived people." , Holding me back? This is absolutely not okay!”

Wang Youwei said: "I have taken care of this matter. Our village will not do this again in the future. If the conflict between our two villages happens, let's just shake hands and make peace with our generation, okay?"

He looked straight at Ao Muyang, his eyes were very candid and sincere.

Ao Muyang stretched out his hand to him and said: "Okay, actually we all know that the estrangement between villages cannot be resolved in a short time, but as long as the two of us restrain the people in our own villages, the conflicts will become less and less. The barriers are naturally becoming smaller and smaller.”

Wang Youwei shook hands with him and said happily: "That's great if you think so, Captain Ao. I, Old Wang, have been sorry for you in the past. Please bear with me. We will cooperate in the future to make the two villages better together. "

This was the most peaceful conversation they had had since they met.

After Wang Youwei left with satisfaction, Mr. Ao Zhiming came over and said, "Village Chief, don't believe this little bastard. He is not a good bird. You can't believe a word he says!"

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Mine too."

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