Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 770 774. Long-term investment (3)

After hanging up the phone, Ao Muyang called Yang Shuyong: "Has Ding Erpao returned to the village? Keep an eye on him, he may be causing trouble."

Yang Shuyong said: "Don't worry about this, he can't move today. I have observed the pattern of their troubles. Ding Erpao has to go to Wang Youwei to discuss it first. After the discussion, it will take two days before he can leave."

Ao Muyang nodded. They probably needed time to team up with someone. They couldn't do the smuggling themselves. They could only do transportation. Others were responsible for the source and channels of goods.

Since Ding Erpao won't leave for the time being, he doesn't need to go to the sea to keep an eye on it.

In this way, he accompanied Lu Zhizi to take the students up the mountain.

When we arrived at school, a group of primary school students were lining up.

One moment Lu Zhizi was laughing and chatting with him, and the next moment he immediately became serious when he saw the primary school students. The rookies were trembling with fear and queued up obediently.

Ao Muyang glanced at the school and said, "By the way, aren't there locust trees around here? Why do we have to go to the wild to pick locust flowers?"

Lu Zhizi waved his hand and said, "You can't pick these locust flowers. We have bees to produce locust nectar."

Ao Muyang was stunned: "You still keep bees?"

"Natural projects are done by students," Lu Zhizi introduced.

Ao Muyang was happy: "Then don't I have honey to eat?"

Lu Zhizi gave him a pink punch and said with a smile: "What are you thinking about? There are so many good things, but there is not much honey produced, so the students eat it. I bake bread for them and eat it with honey."

Ao Muyang became anxious and said: "Don't let them eat, just let them work. Let's eat. If you show the majesty of the teacher, they will not dare to resist."

"Go out!"

Ao Muyang lowered his head and looked at the general, the head of state and the Lang brothers: "As for you, you have no future!"

Several furry children waggled their tails and continued to have fun. They can understand human gestures, but simple verbal expressions are not very good. Of course, they keep some verbal instructions in mind, such as eating, sleeping, and going to fight. .

As long as there are mountains, there is no shortage of locust flowers. There are locust trees all over the mountains. Naturally, the mountains are full of locust flowers in this season.

Even if Ao Muyang did not persuade, tourists would not pick the sophora flowers in the village. They believed that the sophora flowers in the village were polluted and the sophora flowers in the mountains were purer.

Many people, mostly villagers, pick sophora flowers in the mountains. In April and May, one of the main ingredients in Yujiale is sophora flower. This thing has many uses. It can be used as a staple food, as a dish, and even used to make steamed buns. dumpling……

Ao Mufeng was picking locust flowers. He climbed up the tree like a monkey. After climbing up, he pulled handfuls down. His wife followed below. There was a basket beside him, and he quickly filled the basket.

Ao Muyang said with concern: "Brother Feng, be careful."

His wife smiled and said: "It's okay, village chief, Fengzi is wearing a safety rope..."

"Daughter-in-law, please leave him alone and keep an eye on the basket. It's definitely up to the village chief to care about me so kindly. He most likely wants to mess with our acacia flowers." Ao Mufeng shouted from the tree.

Ao Muyang gave him a thumbs up: "You are strong."

"That's necessary, I can predict the future." Ao Mufeng said proudly.

Ao Muyang said: "You are so talented, why don't you set up a stall and tell fortunes?"

He didn't come here in vain. He took away Ao Mufeng's three-hook. This is a farm tool with three iron hooks. It is most suitable for picking locust flowers. Use it to pin a branch, and the iron hook can be twisted. Don't break the branches.

The children wanted to climb the tree, but Lu Zhizi didn't allow it. She was afraid of accidentally falling. This was a mountain, and she would never be able to survive a fall.

Ao Muyang thought it didn't matter and said: "I think back when we were in elementary school, it was so common to climb mountains and trees. It's so trivial that you won't fall down at all."

Lu Zhizi pushed him and said, "OK, you go and crawl."

Ao Muyang was frothing at the mouth when he heard this and said, "What? Aren't you afraid that I will fall?"

Lu Zhizi said easily: "It's okay if you fall. After all, adults have strong bones and will definitely not die. At most, they will be paraplegic. Don't worry, I will support you in the next life."

Ao Muyang was still a little moved: "You are such a good woman, wait, next life, not the second half of your life?"

Raise children to protect against old age, store grain to protect against hunger, raise dogs to protect against thieves, and raise cats to protect against everything.

Ao Muyang called the head of state over, then dug out its retracted nails, held its front paws and scratched an acacia flower. Suddenly, the whole flower fell down.

"Do you understand what to do?"

The head of state climbed up the tree smoothly, waving his little paws quickly, and one locust flower fell down one after another, with petals falling like flying snow.

The students cheered and scrambled under the tree.

Ao Muyang said affectionately: "Students, pick it up carefully, Uncle Xiaoyang will prepare delicious food for you."


"Can you give the school's honey to Uncle Xiaoyang?"

There was not even an echo, and the students pretended not to hear. There was a child who wanted to say something bad. Ao Xiaomi stopped him and whispered: "Don't talk, don't talk. Uncle Xiaoyang is shameless. As long as you accept his words, no matter what you say, you will fall into his routine." If you don’t, you won’t be able to climb out!”

Hearing this, Ao Muyang said angrily: "Why are these children so scheming now? Teacher Lu, what do you teach them all day long? The innocent boys and girls are gone."

Lu Zhizi stretched out his right hand and held the middle finger, ring finger and little finger. He stretched his index finger forward and raised his thumb. He moved his thumb repeatedly and made a "biubiubiu" sound in his mouth.

Ao Muyang said with a smile: "What are you doing, pretending to be innocent and cute?"

Lu Zhizi put away his right hand and blew on his index finger, saying: "You are the only one who keeps talking all day, I will shoot you to death."

After working for less than an hour, with the help of the head of state and the students using three hooks to scrape, they quickly collected a lot of locust flowers.

Lu Zhizi collected them and gave them all to Ao Muyang. Ao Muyang was a little flattered and whispered: "This is not good, we can just take a little, take it all back? This is too blatant!"

"What are you thinking, you take it all back to make locust flower cakes, and then I will give them to students tomorrow to let them taste them. Make them well and show your craftsmanship. I am doing this for your own good." Lu Zhizi said with a smile.

Ao Muyang was depressed: "Find me something to do, is this for my own good?"

Lu Zhizi said: "Look at these kids, what do you see?"

Ao Muyang looked at them and said: "Hungry faces?"

Lu Zhizi slapped him: "Be serious, they are the pillars of the surrounding villages in the future. You have to win their love. In the future, you will be the leader in this area?"

"Long-term investment?" Ao Muyang asked.

Lu Zhizi said: "Yes."

Ao Muyang thought about it and said: "But why should I be the leader? I don't plan to be the mayor or something like that. I just want to turn Longtou Village into a paradise."

"Then they are all boatmen of the Peach Blossom Land. Go and perform well." Lu Zhizi earnestly urged.

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