Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 776 780. Old Ginseng Nest (4)

An electric mage, a poison wizard, two magic masters, the electric eel and the snake king, are in charge of the fishery together. The pests that slipped through the net have no chance to survive.

Ao Muyang counted the resources in the fishery, and he smacked his lips after surfacing.

He has been living off his old capital. He didn't introduce many new seafood species to the fishery last year, but this is also related to his energy. The fish, shrimp, crabs and seaweed in the fishery need the supply of gold drops. He feels tired just feeding these lives with gold drops.

Lu Hu wants some high-end seafood, and specifically asks for sea cucumbers.

Ao Muyang does have high-end sea cucumbers here, such as plum blossom sea cucumbers. This can trigger a rush in restaurants when it appears in the market, but he points to this batch of plum blossom sea cucumbers for breeding, so he can't move.

After returning to the island, he thought about it, and then said to Heilong: "Leave the fishery to others first, you come back with me to rest for a while."

Heilong nodded. He was like a soldier in Japan during World War II. He only executed orders and never resisted or questioned.

This time, we brought Heilong back not to rest, but to do something more important, which is to collect wild sea cucumbers.

The locals in Hongyang call the job of collecting sea cucumbers "Zhacan", which has been passed down since ancient times, because fishermen had to dive into the seabed to collect sea cucumbers, so there is such a name, "Zhacan".

Historically, the Hongyang Sea was a large fishing ground along the coast of China, rich in a variety of seafood, such as mackerel, hairtail, mackerel, sea bream, yellow croaker and sea cucumbers, etc.

Among them, the Hongyang sea cucumber was extremely famous in ancient times and was a tribute designated by the royal court. The general managers of the courts of all dynasties would arrange special teams to come to Hongyang to collect sea cucumbers and bring them back for the people in the palace and high officials to eat.

The sea cucumbers produced in Hongyang are large in quantity and size. Before they were caught to extinction, the local area often produced large sea cucumbers that looked like cucumbers, which were called brown melons.

Brown cucumber is the same as sea cucumber, but it refers to the largest sea cucumber. This size of sea cucumber is brown in color, with fleshy thorns on its body. It does not move much in the water and looks like a brown cucumber.

Ao Muyang is going to find brown cucumber to send to Lu Hu. Although it is not as valuable as black dog ginseng and plum blossom ginseng, it is also a precious seafood and is rare in the market nowadays.

There is a reef sea area in the Hongyang Sea, called Lao Cang Wo. It is a very famous sea cucumber production area in the entire Hongyang. Some famous sea cucumbers in history were caught there.

Lao Cang Wo is full of legendary colors in Hongyang, and countless legends were born. In the peaceful era of each dynasty, this sea area with abundant sea cucumbers was controlled by the government, and when there were changes and chaos in the court, it was governed by the largest local gang.

The ocean is a place where stories come out. In addition, the government and local forces have clashed many times in Lao Cang Wo, so naturally there are more stories.

According to the old man, Laocanwo has been discovered for 200 years. During these 200 years, high-quality sea cucumbers have been produced continuously, because this sea area has many reefs and undercurrents, which is a paradise for sea cucumbers.

In the past, catching sea cucumbers was not a simple matter. There were no oxygen tanks to use, and sea cucumber fishers could only rely on natural breath holding and diving. At most, they could dive two or three times at a time and had to float up to breathe, which was very tiring and exhausting.

In addition, Laocanwo has always been controlled by exclusive forces. Whether it is the government or local forces, they do not allow ordinary people to fish for sea cucumbers freely.

These reasons protected the resources of Laocanwo, but after entering the new China, these assets belonged to the people, especially after the reform and opening up, fishermen gathered in Laocanwo to fish. And there are oxygen tanks available. In the past, you could only hold your breath for a few minutes underwater, but with oxygen tanks, you can stay underwater for an hour or two.

In this way, the old ginseng nest, which had been producing brown cucumbers for two hundred years, encountered extinction-level salvage. At first, people only fished for large sea cucumbers, but later, there were no large sea cucumbers to fish for, and they did not want to return empty-handed, so they started fishing for smaller ones.

By analogy, in the end, fishermen would not even let go of sea cucumber seedlings, and would also fish them up and sell them to some sea cucumber farms...

Ao Muyang recalled that it seemed that only ten years after the reform and opening up, just after the beginning of the 1990s, the old ginseng nest became a stone nest.

Fortunately, the Hongyang government was far-sighted and the Fisheries Bureau controlled this sea area, and for many years people were not allowed to go to the sea to fish for sea cucumbers. After the 21st century, the old ginseng nest was gradually opened up, and the Fisheries Bureau still did not allow the use of modern tools for fishing, and at most allowed fishermen to go into the water in traditional ways.

What is the traditional way of fishing sea cucumbers? A boat arrived with people. Everyone went into the water with a gourd head. A net bag was tied to the gourd head. People hung a net bag on their waists and dived to the bottom of the sea. When they found a sea cucumber, they put it in the net bag on their waists. When they couldn't hold their breath anymore, they floated up, then rested with the gourd head and put the sea cucumber into the net bag. After resting, they dived into the water again to find sea cucumbers.

In short, modern diving tools such as oxygen tanks, snorkels, and oxygen generators cannot be used. The Fisheries Bureau allows everyone to dive and catch sea cucumbers, but they cannot do it recklessly.

Ao Muyang has never been to this sea area, and the villagers rarely come here, because there are many reefs and strong undercurrents under the old ginseng nest, and there are sea caves on the seabed. It is very dangerous to catch sea cucumbers here.

In late May, he drove a boat to bring Heilong, Jiangjun and Lang brothers to this sea area. The law enforcement boat of the Fisheries Bureau was floating on the sea, and there were several small boats floating around.

Although it is dangerous to catch sea cucumbers in Lao Shenwo, there are still many skilled and courageous fishermen who are willing to take risks here. This is why Ao Muyang did not come here to dive.

It was not dangerous for him to dive underwater, but there were too many people here. He was afraid of being discovered before, so he did not come here.

After dropping anchor for the speedboat, Ao Muyang changed the water and prepared to go into the water. He stuffed a big bone into each of the general and the wolf brothers and said, "Eat slowly, and watch the fishing boat for Dad, understand?"

The general and the wolf brothers stuck out their tongues and snorted there. The head of state did not come. He stayed at home like a wife slave who was afraid of being cuckolded. Now he was inseparable from the female cats.

Ao Muyang put on goggles and gave a thumbs up to Black Dragon. Black Dragon responded in the same way, and then the two jumped into the water.

There were outsiders here, so he had to surface from time to time to breathe to avoid attracting people's attention. This made his work inefficient. With the help of Black Dragon, his work efficiency could be improved.

The old ginseng nest was a large sea area. This sea area was full of reefs and no large ships could pass. The water depth where they entered the water was only five or six meters, and then there were hideous reefs below.

Because people dive here for sea cucumbers and ignore other fish, so other types of fish resources are abundant, such as fish, shrimp, crab, squid, octopus, seashells, kelp and seaweed.

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