Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 778 782. Tracking (1/5)

Chapter 778 782. Tracking (15)

Ao Muyang attacked with great force, and the squids responded in panic.

Their tentacles lashed randomly, and some oily green-black things floated in the water. A squid saw it and immediately went over and opened its mouth to swallow it.

Ao Muyang reached out and grabbed the squid and stuffed it into the net bag, then looked around carefully.

There is a sea cucumber! A large sea cucumber!

These oily things are the internal organs of the sea cucumber. The sea cucumber has a very powerful and coquettish ability, which is that it likes to spit out its internal organs.

If the temperature is not suitable or the water temperature is too hot, it will spit out its internal organs. If it is applied to humans, it feels a bit like "I don't like you and I will hang myself in front of your house to disgust you." When it encounters a natural enemy, it will also spit out its internal organs. The internal organs of sea cucumbers are very dirty to humans, but they are full of undigested organic matter, which is a very nutritious delicacy for natural enemies. Natural enemies are brainless and usually think they have caught a sea cucumber after biting the internal organs.

When the water temperature is right, the sea cucumbers that have lost their internal organs will spend two months recuperating, and then they will have a brand new set of sea cucumbers.

His guess was right. He looked carefully around the reef and soon found a brown cucumber.

This sea cucumber is not smaller than the one found by Heilong. It must be 30 centimeters long. It lies in a gap in the reef. Its body color is the same as the reef and it is difficult to detect.

Ao Muyang put the sea cucumber into the net bag and sighed in his heart that the old ginseng nest is amazing. This is indeed a paradise for sea cucumbers.

After more than ten or twenty years of recovery, there are many sea cucumbers in the old ginseng nest.

The policy issued by the leaders of the Fisheries Bureau is very good. He allows people to catch sea cucumbers, but they are not allowed to use modern tools. They can only use primitive means to catch them, which greatly limits the damage of fishermen to the old ginseng nest.

If the state requires all fishermen not to use modern fishing boats and nets to fish, then it will take less than ten years for offshore fishery resources to return to the level of earlier years.

However, such a policy only applies to certain special occasions. If it is really implemented in full, the fishermen will starve to death and seafood will not be able to land on the people's tables.

Ao Muyang picked up the sea cucumber and found that a group of sea cucumber viscera floated out of the gap.

He looked inside and was immediately happy: there was another sea cucumber below. This sea cucumber had no brain. When it encountered a threat, it subconsciously vomited its viscera. It was originally intended to divert the enemy away, but it ended up encountering humans with brains. That was a cover-up and a superfluous addition!

This sea cucumber was slightly smaller than the brown melon sea cucumber in his hand, but it was also 25 or 26 centimeters long. He didn't know the relationship between the two sea cucumbers. They might be husband and wife. The brown melon sea cucumber on top had done something before, which should have been to sacrifice itself to protect his wife.

The couple's love is deep, Ao Muyang sighed softly in his heart. This scene really made him feel sympathetic.

So, he caught the sea cucumbers below together. Since the couple has a deep love, let's be a miserable mandarin duck. Old Ao, I will send you and your husband and wife back home!

The sea area he found has richer sea cucumber resources than the surrounding areas. Probably because the sea conditions here are complicated and there is no assistance from modern diving tools, fishermen are not brave enough to take risks, so there are a lot of sea cucumbers left.

Ao Muyang and Heilong worked for only half an hour and had already caught fourteen brown cucumbers, mainly because Heilong performed well, and he caught ten of them.

The weather is getting warmer, and summer is coming, but the sea water is still a little cold. As the saying goes, spring is hard to bear and autumn is hard to bear. It is still uncomfortable to stay in the sea water for a long time at this time.

Ao Muyang called Heilong onto the boat, and then poured wine from the thermos and drank it.

He caught a squid, which was fresh and alive. After he took it out of the net, it immediately struggled to escape.

Black Dragon understood what he meant. He held the squid with one hand and took out the fish-killing knife with the other. With a few swipes, the squid claws were all broken and the squid was cut into slices...

There were two Steller's sea eagles flying overhead. Black Dragon knelt on one knee with a pious look on his face and performed a set of actions to express his respect. Then he picked up the fattest squid claw and raised it above his head. The queen flew down and grabbed it and ate it.

"What a waste." Ao Muyang said with a distressed look on his face. He took out the small grill on the boat. After Black Dragon washed the squid claws and meat with clean water, he skewered them with a wooden skewer, spread the sauce on them and grilled them.

Squid meat is easy to cook. After a while, the fragrance spread over the sea.

The two people each had a skewer of grilled squid, eating and drinking while smearing.

The sunshine in late spring was particularly bright. A few days ago, a big storm blew and all the clouds in the sky were blown away without a trace. Ao Muyang looked up and saw endless blue.

The blue sky is boundless and vast, like a crystal lid stained with indigo covering the ocean. The sun shines down unimpeded, and the blue sea is golden!

People who eat at sea have a pair of fiery eyes, because they usually see the blue ocean, green water plants and various fish, which helps to protect the eyes. In addition, seafood is rich in nutrients such as lutein, and eating it often is good for people's eyes.

Ao Muyang and his companions have made a lot of gains, so many people saw it and drove their boats to approach.

Meng Tian, ​​who had yawned with his head on Lao Ao's legs, jumped up at the first time. He paid attention to the surroundings with vigilant eyes, and once someone got too close, he would roar.

Meng Yi, who was playing with his tongue out, found that his brother moved, and he howled: "Awoo, awoo!"

The general calmly lay on the deck and rolled his eyes. What are these two fools yelling about? At first glance, they are country bumpkins with poor vision!

The two boats anchored after approaching. Someone looked at Ao Muyang and others with laughter. Seeing that they had no objection, they jumped into the water.

Ao Muyang's palm melon and ginseng were not caught here, so he didn't mind others coming to compete.

After drinking a small glass of white wine, he stopped Heilong who was still pouring wine and said: "Okay, you've warmed up. You can drink whatever you want when you go back. Be careful if you drink too much underwater."

The black dragon smiled disdainfully, but did not refute. He honestly put down the bottle and got active, and prepared to enter the sea again.

The fisherman on the boat next to him saw him covered in tattoos and looking ferocious, and was so frightened that he rowed the boat farther away.

There are no cowards who eat at sea, but the tattoos on the black dragon's body are obviously different from those of people in society. As he moves his body, the angry dragon on his chest and the sea ghost on his back twist, and there is a faint weird feeling of crawling out of his skin.

With a pop, the black dragon jumped into the water. Ao Muyang didn't leave. He first said to the people around him: "Brothers, I have a few vicious dogs on my boat. If you want to come up and tamper with them, don't blame Poseidon if they are bitten and maimed." Your Majesty, don’t bless me!”

After warning everyone, he also jumped into the water.

Several people were floating on the water. When they saw him diving into the water, they followed him.

Ao Muyang smiled disdainfully. He knew that these people wanted to follow him and grab the sea cucumbers, but this was a very challenging job.

With his hands spread outward and his legs vigorously splashing against the water, Ao Muyang dived down: I will help you stretch your muscles!

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