Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 783 787. Days at Sea (1/5)

Chapter 783 787. Life at Sea (15)

These turtles are large, with dark brown or even black shells, dotted with yellow and white spots. Their limbs are like oars, paddling and swimming fast in the sea. When they catch jellyfish, they open their mouths and swallow them.

Leatherback turtles!

Seeing these leatherback turtles, Ao Muyang thought of reincarnation. He wondered if they were going to the fishing grounds, passing by here and encountering jellyfish. If so, it would be a wonderful story:

He improved the offshore waters and established a turtle nature reserve. When he encountered the threat of jellyfish, the turtles helped him eliminate the threat. Scientifically speaking, this is called a win-win situation by chance. Superstitiously speaking, good deeds are rewarded and the turtles repay their kindness.

Like a child eating cotton candy, the leatherback turtles tore the large jellyfish and sucked it into their mouths.

The tentacles of the jellyfish wrapped around their bodies, but the poisonous stings on them could not penetrate the leathery skin of the turtles' heads and necks, let alone penetrate their shells.

There were not many turtles that came, but they were very big. They were all adult turtles, including female and male turtles. They tried their best to catch jellyfish when they encountered them.

Interestingly, when they swam closer, the jellyfish no longer followed Ao Muyang's direction, but swam towards the turtles, as if it was a natural enemy duel.

If it were placed in mammals or even fish, shrimps and crabs, such a guess would be reliable, but it would not be appropriate for jellyfish. Jellyfish have no wisdom at all. They don't know what food is, nor what natural enemies are. All their behaviors are based on instinct.

So Ao Muyang guessed that perhaps these jellyfish moved by feeling the water flow. He had been running wildly on the seabed before, and his body rubbed against the seawater, causing the surrounding water flow to accelerate, so the jellyfish swam towards him.

After watching the turtles catch jellyfish for a while, he waved his hand, and the tiger not far away saw it and immediately dived down. This time, the jellyfish floated towards the tiger together.

The tiger opened its mouth and sucked hard, like a whale swallowing the world, and the jellyfish entered its mouth one after another.

Naturally, the tentacles of the jellyfish will touch its mouth and inject toxins into it, but this has no effect on the tiger: I weigh several tons, I am not afraid of syphilis and AIDS, I eat sea snakes the same way, why should I be afraid of a small jellyfish like you?

When the leatherback turtles saw their food being snatched away by such a giant, they shook their tails together and changed directions, running, don't let this thing target you and eat you.

The tiger didn't stay here for a long time, and the jellyfish was just a small snack for it.

The whereabouts of cod have a regular pattern, but first you have to find a sea area where cod live, and then find the information left by the fish school for analysis. Longtou Village has no experience in fishing cod, and doesn't know where there is a cod reserve, so they can only try their luck.

Another way to catch cod can also rely on ship-borne radar. After all, cod often gather in groups, like mountains and harbors underwater, but this requires very advanced ship-borne radar, and the signal can be sent sideways or even horizontally. The civilian fish-finding radar on the Big Dragon Head does not have such capabilities.

Ao Muyang had to rely on the tiger to help him find it. The tiger ran in the water for a day, from the surface to the underwater, crossing the dimension of three or four hundred meters, and encountered many fish, but found no trace of the Pacific cod.

In the evening, they found a shallow sea area to anchor, and then Ao Muyang returned to the boat to rest. He fed the tiger beef again. The tiger worked hard today.

Zhong Feilu rowed the lifeboat close to the anchored Big Dragon Head. He shook his arm and said, "Captain Ao, I brought a serious good wine. Come to your side to have a sip?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Welcome, welcome."

Zhong Feilu was also well prepared. He brought a lot of snacks on the boat, and brought them together this time.

Obviously, he was ready to treat Ao Muyang to dinner and drinks before going out to sea. As the saying goes, a man who eats his food will be short-sighted. He estimated that Ao Muyang would not embarrass himself if he ate his food and drank his wine.

Ao Muyang's tolerance exceeded his imagination. He didn't say anything about his behavior as a follower. He just had an attitude and was casual.

During the day, the Big Dragon Head did not catch any cod, but it did catch rice fish, sea bass, sea crucian carp, etc. Zhong Feilu's boat also benefited from this and also caught some fish.

Zhong Feilu boarded the boat and saw Ao Muyang throwing pieces of raw meat into the water.

Seeing this, he asked: "Oh, you feed your killer whale with pork? This is really a big investment."

The fact that Ao Muyang kept a killer whale as a pet had long been spread in the surrounding towns.

Ao Daguo snorted: "That's beef!"

Zhong Feilu took a breath of cold air. What can you say about this? It's a big investment!

Most fishermen don't have much money. They are reluctant to use all meat when making beef buns. They have to mix some radishes, cabbages, celery, etc. in it. Ao Muyang actually used beef to feed the killer whale, which opened his eyes.

He asked Ao Daguo, "Brother Guo, how much meat should we feed them this time?"

Ao Daguo took his cigarette and said, "Two hundred kilograms."

Zhong Feilu took another breath of cold air: "One kilogram of beef is not less than 80 yuan? This is 16,000 yuan."

Ao Mudong next to him snorted, "What do you think? Ordinary people can afford to raise killer whales? We in Longtou Niu Pen not only raise a killer whale, but also a sperm whale!"

This is bragging. Whales, dolphins and finless porpoises can indeed be said to be the underwater villagers of Longtou Village. They stay in the sea outside the village for a long time, but they are not raised by the village, but by tourists.

Fortunately, tourists are rich now. When they go out to sea to watch whales, they don’t feel sorry for money. They are happy to buy some fish and meat on land to feed marine animals.

Whales and dolphins mainly eat herrings and grass carps, which are cheap in fishermen's homes, only two yuan per pound, and frozen fish wholesale is even more than one yuan. Tourists can take thirty or forty pounds out to sea without spending much money.

Ao Muyang threw away the beef, then clapped his hands and said, "Uncle Fei, just come here, why are you still carrying wine and food?"

Zhong Feilu smiled and said, "Let you taste the wine brewed by our village, a real pure grain wine. Although it is not as good as Moutai and Wuliangye, it has the taste of our fishermen and is more suitable for our fishermen's taste."

Ao Mudong led people to set up a dining table on the bow deck. The deck was washed clean with sea water. After wiping it dry, just sit cross-legged on the ground.

Ao Muyang went to cut ham, stir-fried tender beef with chili peppers, and made a beef offal soup and simmered it on low heat. There were peanuts, edamame, spit iron, mud snails and other small side dishes in the refrigerator. Zhong Feilu also brought some semi-finished products such as braised meat, pork head, and fried meat, and the table suddenly became rich.

In the evening, the sun slowly sets, and the afterglow on the boat is still a little warm. After all, it is late May and the weather is getting hot.

Fortunately, the sea breeze has already brought coolness at this time. Enjoying the sunset and the sea breeze, people feel comfortable at just the right temperature.

Everyone sat around the long table. They were all descendants of fishermen. There was no need to be polite on the sea. They each grabbed a handful of salted peanuts and edamame in front of them, and then ate them with white wine.

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