Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 789 793. Hard hitting of the giant ship (2)

The Chinese didn't seem to want to put themselves in danger. He persuaded Ao Muyang earnestly: "Brother, let us go. Those Spaniards, no, those ghost guys. Those ghost guys are not afraid of you arresting people at all. You can't Kill us? You can't abuse us, right? You have to feed us well and wait for the embassy to negotiate in the future. They are not afraid. "

"Shut up and stay still, you traitorous bitch!"

Ao Muyang didn't know if Captain Pablo called their embassy. Anyway, he called the Coast Guard detachment and told Su Jinnan that foreign fishing boats had entered Chinese waters to harvest fishery resources.

Speaking of which, this is not a matter of the coast guard detachment. It should be the fishery administration ship that comes forward. However, they are a system, and the coast guard is also very interested in this kind of dispute.

Ao Mudong, who was leaning against the cabin door, curled his lips and said: "Leap, it's useless to call the police. They must have set off the nets to catch fish and fled immediately. As long as they go to the high seas, even if our navy dispatches a fleet, it will be useless."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "They can't run away."

He gave an order to Ao Daguo: "Tell Lao Zhong and ask them to find the broken nets on the ship and send them over together. And where is Uncle Qianwen on our ship? Brother Dong, go find Uncle Qianwen and bring them over." Collect all the broken nets, remember to sprinkle them with diesel and soak them for a while.”

Ao Mudong perked up and said, "Longtou, do you want to burn the ghost ship?"

Ao Daguo said angrily: "Use your brain, the leader is obviously planning to send the fishing net to their engine to entangle the oars and force the boat to stop."

Ao Mudong said in astonishment: "I'm not using my brain, but is this too dangerous? Damn it, and the thrust of the engine is so strong that the fishing net can't be entangled at all!"

Ao Muyang said: "You have to give it a try."

He had to force the Spanish fishing boats to stop, otherwise they would be wasting diesel in vain this time they went to sea.

The two fishing boats are both large and carry many fishing nets. Some of the fishing nets are damaged and have been thrown on the boat as garbage. This time the waste was reused, soaked in diesel and sent over.

It was hot at noon, so the fishing nets were soaked in diesel and dried in the sun, as if they were coated with a layer of paint and tung oil.

After collecting the fishing nets, Ao Muyang got on the saddle. The tiger dragged a series of fishing nets like a wedding dress with a big swing, and swam towards the Spanish fishing boat.

He knew that Spanish fishing boats had advanced fish-detecting radars, and he estimated that the tiger would be discovered if it approached, so he let the tiger swim close to the bottom of the sea while he went to see the situation first.

The tiger took him to swim to the bottom of the boat. Ao Muyang turned on the propeller and adjusted his limbs, like a big tuna, towards the propeller position on the bottom of the boat at a very fast speed.

As Ao Mudong said, this is very dangerous. The operation of a huge fishing boat depends entirely on the propulsion provided by the propeller. When it rotates, it sprays water to generate propulsion and draws water to generate suction.

Ao Muyang had to be careful to avoid the position in front of the propeller, otherwise he would be sucked in along with the sea water. The propeller of this ship was very big, one blade was as tall as him, and it was made entirely of fine steel. It was like a demonic meat grinder. , once he bumps into it, he will definitely be sliced ​​into pieces immediately, and there is no need for secondary processing for hot pot like this!

However, if he wanted to use the fishing net to wrap around the propeller and destroy it, he would have to send the fishing net to the front of the propeller. This process was quite dangerous.

He took a harpoon, got close to the propeller, and threw it out with all his strength, swinging it from the side to the front of the propeller.

The sea water roared, and the harpoon rolled and inserted into the gap of the propeller. The propeller like a door panel was whirring, and the harpoon made of hardwood and iron was cut into several pieces like chopsticks...

Ao Muyang took a deep breath in his heart, this thing is really powerful.

Obviously, the propellers of such a large tonnage fishing boat must have been treated to prevent entanglement. Their turning power is terrifying, and the fishing net may be torn to pieces if it gets entangled. Everything is not as simple as he imagined.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to do some treatment on the propeller first.

The fishing boat was traveling in a fixed direction, and he looked ahead. Through the panicked schools of fish, he could see the vast deep sea area as far as the eye could see. There was nothing that could damage the propeller.

Ao Muyang quickly returned to the tiger's back, and then instructed the tiger to go around the fishing boat close to the seabed and lead the group to the cod school in front.

The Spanish fishing boats are chasing the cod schools and lowering their nets. The direction they are traveling is the direction in which the cod schools are escaping. However, cods have a simple mind and will run forward in a straight line when frightened. As a result, the fishing boats can just drive in a straight line.

It would be different if Ao Muyang came to lead the team.

The cod was naturally even more panicked when they saw the tiger, but Ao Muyang had bait in his hand, and there were gold drops over there.

Under his instructions, the tiger swam to the northwest, where the water was shallower, the ocean topography was complex, and there were many rocks of different sizes on the seabed.

He chose this location where the sea water is shallow, but there is still a depth of hundreds of meters. The complex topography and jagged rocks on the seabed pose no threat to fishing boats, and there will be no chance of stranding.

So even though Ao Muyang scattered golden dots all the way, the fish schools moved in his direction, and the Spanish fishing boats were still chasing after them. However, they were a little angry. The fish schools changed directions and the fishing boats changed directions. Now Damage to fishing nets with strong inertia.

Captain Pablo looked gloomy and cursed: "Damn cod, damn China Sea, what direction did these cod change? Do they think they can escape?"

A crew member drank coffee and laughed: "Hey, Captain, let them struggle desperately..."

"Harry, you idiot, the captain is in a hurry to fill the cabin and leave here, do you really think this is the high seas?" Another crew member said with a sneer.

The crew member drinking coffee shrugged and said: "Who cares where it is, anyway, it's very close across the high seas. When the time comes, we can just collect the fishing nets and run to the high seas. If we can't be caught for cross-border fishing, then our catch is legal."

"The radar shows that there seems to be a big fish in front of us, about seven or eight meters long." The young fisherman who was observing the fish-finding radar turned around and said.

Pablo casually said: "The cod schools will attract sharks and killer whales to catch them. Maybe..."

"Killer whale?" The fisherman drinking coffee said sensitively, "Just now a killer whale smashed our raft. Damn, could it be those Chinese guys who are causing trouble?"

Pablo laughed and said: "Harry, is your mind full of Arabian Nights and Danish fairy tales? Please, the Chinese are not God. Can they really control killer whales? It was just an accident just now!"

"Maybe it's not an accident, but we have nothing to worry about. Even if a blue whale comes, our fishing boat can easily crush it, just like - Fuck!"

Before the man finished speaking, there was a muffled sound from underwater, and the huge hull trembled: "Boom!"

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