Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 792 796. Blue Algae Explosion (5)

This batch of cod was brought back to the village, and the village's ice bank was immediately full.

The icehouse in Longtou Village is not big, covering an area of ​​less than 500 square meters. The refrigerators used in it are all products from the 1990s and should have been eliminated long ago.

However, most of the seafood in the village is produced and sold immediately. Some of it is digested by the village fishermen, and some of it is sent to the dock market for sale. There is no need for ice storage, so Ao Muyang has never renovated it.

After catching cod this time, the shortcomings of the icehouse appeared. He planned to expand the icehouse. The icehouse in Wangjia Village covers an area of ​​four to five acres and can store hundreds of tons of seafood.

Of course, there is no need to reach that scale. The main reason is that Wangjia Village is also engaged in seafood storage, fruit and vegetable storage and warehouse leasing business, so it is built so big.

According to the market price, each fisherman's house took away a number of cod fish, ranging from forty or fifty kilograms to two or three hundred kilograms. This fish is very delicious when braised or steamed, and it is rich in nutrients and has no small fish bones. Ao Muyang thought I don’t understand why Hongyang people don’t like eating it.

Learning that he had returned with a boatload of cod, Long Deshui was upset and admitted to the hospital - this guy was also interesting. He was drinking when he got the news, and then Zhong Feilu called him.

When he learned that Zhong Feilu had almost returned with a full warehouse, he angrily picked up the wine bottle and hit his forehead with a hammer.

This is poisoned by movies. In movies, a bottle of wine is often hit on someone's head, which is all fake. Even if such a thing happened in reality, it would have to be a full bottle of beer filled with alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Where is Long Deshui? He didn't want to use the whole bottle of beer, but took an empty bottle and banged it towards his head...

An empty beer bottle is an artifact as good as a brick. This bottle was chiseled into the forehead, and he was bleeding for nine days on the spot!

The law enforcement team is about to be established again. After all, Long Deshui is a key member. Ao Muyang has to go to the hospital to see him.

Zhong Feilu took advantage of this opportunity to go to sea and wanted to have a good relationship with him. When he learned that he was going to the hospital, he followed him.

Ao Muyang felt it was unnecessary. Another reason why he went to the hospital to see Long Deshui was that the branch built by the municipal hospital in Longtou Village was put into use, and Long Deshui was hospitalized in their village.

This hospital is much more advanced than the town hospital. The doctors inside are from the municipal hospital, and the equipment is also supported by the municipal hospital. Overall, it can reach the level of a county-level second-class hospital. Of course, it is a condensed version of a second-class hospital.

Entering the ward, Ao Muyang smiled when he saw Long Deshui with his head wrapped in gauze, and said: "The doctors in this big hospital are really smart. Look, the gauze is so beautiful. Ao Fugui from our village also drank too much once before. He got drunk and hit his head on the door panel and was sent to the town hospital, where he was bandaged up like an old lady's feet. "

Long Deshui said sadly: "Captain Ao, I'm not drunk. I was, well, obsessed for a moment..."

Ao Muyang smiled at him: "I understand, I understand, it's okay. This is a small matter for you. Recuperate well and become a good man again after you are discharged from the hospital."

Zhong Feilu also said: "Yes, Brother Shui, take good care of yourself. When you are discharged from the hospital, we will continue to go surfing on the sea together. Follow Captain Ao to go surfing and travel across the sea. How cool and unrestrained."

It's okay that he didn't comfort him. As soon as he comforted Long Deshui, he burst into tears. Hot tears shed from his eyes and he choked up and said: "Fuck you, Lao Zhong, what do you think is wrong with me? I'm always obsessed with things. I shouldn't have followed you that day." You go your separate ways, I should follow Captain Ao..."

Ao Muyang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, okay, stop crying. Why are you crying? It's a joke."

"I'm angry, I'm crying with anger. Captain Ao, why did I miss such an opportunity in such a crazy way, a good opportunity to make a fortune with you!" Long Deshui burst into tears.

Ao Muyang said: "Don't cry. There will be many opportunities in the future. When the sea opens and I encounter a suitable opportunity, I will take you out with me."

Long Deshui stopped crying immediately and asked, "Really?"

Zhong Feilu hesitated and said: "Well, Captain Ao, you can also take me with you."

Ao Muyang said: "Okay, let's go to sea together then."

The atmosphere in the ward suddenly changed. Long Deshui and Zhong Feilu began to discuss where to go fishing. The atmosphere was very lively for a time...

For Ao Muyang, things in the sea are easy to solve, but some things on land are difficult to handle.

Something was wrong with Ambergris Lake. The weather turned hot very quickly at the end of May and a blue-green algae problem broke out in the lake.

The color of cyanobacteria is not blue, they are green or even red. When they bloom in the sea, it is a red tide that fishermen hear, and when it blooms in lakes and ponds, it is an algae bloom.

As long as there is water, there are blue-green algae, which is nothing more than a matter of quantity. This kind of algae is a large single-celled prokaryotic organism and plays a great role.

Generally speaking, they can perform photosynthesis and release oxygen, and they are the main contributors to the development of the earth from an anaerobic state to an aerobic state in ancient times. Speaking more closely, spirulina, the health product most cherished by the elderly today, is extracted from them.

But everything has a certain degree. Once it is overdone, it will cause big problems. As the saying goes, a small amount of pleasure can cause a lot of harm to the body and strength, but it will be wiped out. If there is less blue algae, the lake will become green and beautiful, and it can be used as green fertilizer, but if there is too much, it will not. Yes, green tide and algae bloom will destroy the fish, shrimp and crab resources in the lake!

In addition, blue-green algae can secrete toxins. It doesn’t matter if there is less. But if there is too much, it will cause great harm to fish, shrimps, crabs and humans who drink the water.

Seemingly overnight, half of Ambergris Lake turned green.

Ao Muyang received the notice and ran to take a look, and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Seeing him frowning, Ao Fugui comforted him: "If you want to live a decent life, you have to have some green on your head. It's okay, Yangzi, it's not a big deal."

Ao Muyang went to the lake and reached out to scoop up some green water. His hands were full of green water, which was sticky and disgusting.

He said to Ao Wenchang who followed him: "Go and call Professor Li Ji and Professor Su Penghui. Professor Su is still in the village, right? He is an expert in freshwater aquaculture, and he must be invited."

The old man who was watching the melons was analyzing: "We don't need experts to understand that this algae bloom problem mainly causes hypoxia in the water, right? Too much algae will consume the oxygen in the lake, and they have spread so much on the lake surface, so that the sun can't get in. The light transmittance is poor, and the algae below can't photosynthesize, making the lake water more and more hypoxic, right?"

Ao Muyang nodded and said: "Yes, what should we do?"

The old man lit a bag of cigarettes and took two puffs, and said: "The old generation all poured zeolite powder into it, but that was for the breeding pond. For this dragon's saliva lake, pouring zeolite powder will definitely not work."

As he said, he shook his head.

Ao Muyang understood all this. If there is an algae bloom problem in the breeding pond, it is actually not difficult to solve. Just pour ten kilograms of zeolite powder per acre.

But Ambergris Lake is too big, and pouring too much zeolite powder will pollute the environment!

He was worried, and Ao Mudong came up and whispered: "Dragon Head, could this matter be related to Wangjia Village?"

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