Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 82 82. Lake Forest

After swimming around on the lake, Ao Muyang took Lu Zhizi and slowly dived down.

Soon, Lu Zhizi's brows wrinkled.

Ao Muyang knew what was going on. When diving, the water pressure increased and the inside and outside of the ears could not maintain balance. The gradually increasing air pressure would slowly push the eardrum into the ears, causing discomfort.

If it is forcibly descended, it may cause serious consequences such as bursting of the eardrum. There is a nation in Southeast Asia called the Bayao people. They have drifted on the sea all their lives. In order to overcome this problem, everyone will have their eardrums pierced at birth!

Ao Muyang observed Lu Zhizi's expression, and after seeing her brows furrowed together, he brought her out of the water again and said, "Are your ears uncomfortable? I'll teach you two methods. The first one is called the Valsalva technique. , you hold your nose and try to blow out slowly..."

Lu Zhizi breathed a dozen times, nodded and smiled: "I feel much better."

Ao Muyang also nodded: "Okay, let me teach you the Toynbee technique. You plug your nostrils with your fingers and then swallow. This can open the throat tube, and the tongue movement will send air into the trachea to maintain the balance of internal and external pressure. , when you feel uncomfortable during the dive, use these two methods to adjust the pressure in your ear canal and respiratory tract.”

Lu Zhizi looked at him with admiration and said, "You can become a diving instructor. How come you know so much?"

Ao Muyang shook his head calmly: "Is this too much?"

This is really not much. He has Baidued a lot of things in the past two days, but he does not have a photographic memory. He can only remember these now...

Lu Zhizi gave him an admiring look at the right time: "Of course, you know a lot."

Ao Muyang raised his head and said, "I'm not being modest, these are really basic methods. Were you the former diving instructor who killed pigs? You don't even understand this."

Lu Zhizi said: "I don't have a diving instructor."

Ao Muyang wondered: "Didn't you say you learned to dive in Miami?"

Lu Zhizi: "Teach yourself."

Ao Muyang gave a thumbs up, domineering! Awesome! You rock! Three hits!

This time I dived again and everything went much smoother.

After many ups and downs, Lu Zhizi learned quickly. With the help of the submersible, she was soon able to go more than ten or twenty meters underwater.

At this depth, the sun is still bright. The summer sun is very strong and can easily penetrate forty to fifty meters. Of course, we cannot expect the brightness underwater to be the same as on land.

The water plants at the bottom of the lake were swaying, and some freshwater fish were coming in and out. When you parted the water plants, you could see the snow-white sand. There were large and small stones scattered in some places. Lu Zhizi found some water snails on a stone and suddenly became happy.

Ao Muyang came to the surface to take a breath after a while. He couldn't let Lu Zhizi notice anything unusual.

In this way, Lu Zhizi kept looking for water snails for him and asked him to take them to the boat.

There are fish and shrimps in the lake, but they cannot be caught by hand, so water snails and river mussels become the targets of Lu Zhizi.

After collecting some water snails and river mussels, Lu Zhizi was no longer so interested in diving.

Ao Muyang smiled, went over to hold her hand and led her to swim for a while before continuing to dive.

Further down, the water was deeper and the light was worse. Lu Zhizi wanted to turn on the headlights, but Ao Muyang stopped her and shook his head to signal her not to do so.

After he changed his breath several times, a trance-like pillar appeared in front of them.

At this time, Ao Muyang swam above Lu Zhizi and helped her turn on the headlight. In an instant, the halogen lamp shot out a wide yellow giant sword. The area where the giant sword passed was full of giant trees!

Yes, there are trees at the bottom of the lake. This trance-like pillar is actually a forest...

I saw tall and short trees taking root at the bottom of the lake. Their bark was dark brown, and their branches were short and sparse, but there was a green color on them. The trunks were also green in some places, as if they were growing underwater.

Some schools of carp and crucian carp shuttled among it, and from time to time, silver carp and silver carp could be seen. Ao Muyang sank into the water and stirred up the bottom of the lake. Suddenly, a big-headed catfish came out...

Lu Zhizi's face was full of amazement. She was very knowledgeable and knew that some trees could survive in the water, such as metasequoia and tamarisk.

But these trees only have their roots rooted in the water. Unlike this forest, they are all underwater, and they are still in such a deep lake. This is simply a miracle!

Ao Muyang asked her to watch the woods by herself. He floated up and took a breather, but he did not actually surface. There would be lights to guide him and he could monitor Lu Zhizi's sight.

The headlight is fixed on Lu Zhizi's forehead. If she turns her head or raises her head, the light will change its angle and position.

Looking down from above, Ao Muyang saw a school of noodle fish. These fish have bodies as long and narrow as chopsticks, and are almost transparent. They are a great freshwater fish.

In addition, there are also saltwater fish types of noodle fish, but the taste and nutritional content are not as good as those of freshwater fish.

Ao Muyang regretted that he did not bring a fishing net, otherwise he could catch it for dinner.

Lu Zhizi also noticed the school of noodle fish. She slowly reached out and the fish thought she was also a tree at the bottom of the lake. They were not afraid and slowly passed by her.

This scene was very beautiful, and Ao Muyang felt regretful. It would have been nice if he had an underwater camera. It would be great to take such a photo.

Lu Zhizi looked at the small fish passing by and was filled with joy, but suddenly, the small fish became panicked and disappeared in a rush.

She was wondering when a dark shadow fell from above her head, hugged her from behind and moved her several meters across the water, while a hand groped around her waist.

Lu Zhizi was shocked. She turned her head quickly and saw that it was Ao Muyang who was holding her from behind.

This made her heart sink. What was he going to do?

Ao Muyang held her sideways and stretched out his hand to touch her waist. Then he pushed her away and raised his arm. The yellow light shone on it, and the sharp knife in his hand shone coldly!

In addition to the knife, the light also shone on a fish. Lu Zhizi looked closely and found that the fish was very big, about one and a half meters long, and it had a cylindrical shape like a torpedo.

Its body was pointed and long, its head was pointed and long, and its mouth was also pointed and long and big. In comparison, its scales and fins were very small. It was silver-white in color, with only some gray-brown on its back.

This was the first time Lu Zhizi saw such a big fish in person, a big fish that could grow so big in fresh water!

The big fish was very fast and arrogant. After it appeared, it shuttled quickly. It was not afraid of Ao Muyang and Lu Zhizi at all, and actually swam around them.

The distance was very close, and Lu Zhizi saw the sharp teeth in the fish's open mouth. The teeth were not big but had hooks, and there were several rows, which was very scary!

Taking advantage of the moment when the big fish swam past him, Ao Muyang swung his arm suddenly, and the diving knife slashed across, cutting a wound on the big fish.

Suddenly, the fish blood flowed out!

The big fish was not as ferocious as a shark. After it was injured, it swung its tail and disappeared quickly.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang took Lu Zhizi's hand and took her up slowly. He completed this dive in three stages and returned to the surface.

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