Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 818 822. Captured two boats (1/5)

Chapter 818 822. Two Boats Captured (15)

The telescope magnified the scene on the coast and the scene became clearer.

There were small hills on the coast, with sparse bushes growing on them. It looked like a very desolate seaside hill. Such a place could not hide a large airship.

Ao Muyang scanned the coast and said, "Captain Su, what do you see? I don't see anything here."

Su Jinnan frowned and said, "Look carefully, are these bushes not right? Anyway, I feel something is wrong. Intuition, it just feels wrong."

A coast guard who was drinking coffee laughed and said, "Captain Su, have you become a woman? Why do you start to believe in the sixth sense?"

The other coast guards laughed, but Su Jinnan didn't argue with them and continued to frown and think.

Ao Muyang checked carefully. After Su Jinnan's reminder, he also realized that something was wrong with the coast. First of all, the beach was too flat, as if someone had deliberately cleaned it.

Secondly, the bushes on a hill looked a little weird. It was hard to say what was wrong, but they looked unnatural.

After having this feeling, he zoomed in the telescope again and stared at the bushes, and then found that several bushes grew irregularly, and the branches and leaves were wilted, unlike other bushes that were lush and green.

To be cautious, he said, "Let's put down the speedboat and go to the shore to see the situation."

With his support, Su Jinnan became energetic.

The fishery boat put down two rafts with outboard motors. Su Jinnan called a few capable colleagues, and everyone got on the boat and headed for the coast.

They immediately dispersed on the beach. Su Jinnan rushed straight to a mound and immediately shouted, "This way!"

Hearing him shouting, Ao Muyang knew something was wrong. Sure enough, when he got on the mound, he saw a mud ditch behind it. A large airship with engines hanging on its tail was quietly staying there. There were many branches and bushes on the large airship, which was quite hidden.

Ao Muyang counted and found that there were seven black sideplanes hanging on the stern of the big flying boat, like a seven-tailed demon fox.

A coast guard who was flanking from the flank then shouted: "Here! Kneel down! Everyone kneel down! Don't move, don't move, kneel down and hold your head with your hands, otherwise I will shoot!"

The coast guards hurriedly surrounded from all sides. Behind a mound in the depths, there was a mud ditch with water storage. There was another large airship in it, and about six people were hiding on the boat.

Needless to say, this is a group of smugglers.

Ao Muyang looked at the few people carefully and felt that something was wrong. These people had honest faces, dark skin, and calloused hands. They looked like fishermen who ate seafood.

He raised the question, and Su Jinnan said indifferently: "Fuck, what's the big deal? Do you think that all smugglers are vicious bandits? After all, they are a minority, and most of them are fishermen."

Ao Muyang said again: "If these fishermen are smugglers, then are they too strong psychologically? Why don't they seem to be afraid after being caught?"

"Inspecting the goods." A coast guard shouted, Su Jinnan did not answer his question, and strode towards the smuggling ship.

The two big planes were covered with waterproof tarpaulins. A coast guard opened them and revealed some boxes inside, Bacardi, Crown Vodka, Chivas, XO, Martell, etc., all boxes of famous wines.

There were also more than a dozen boxes of cigarettes, marked in French and English. Ao Muyang was familiar with French. One of the boxes was cigars, and the brand was Yves Saint Laurent, which is one of the most famous cigar brands in France.

The coast guards were no strangers to these smuggled goods, but Ao Muyang had experienced them for the first time. These goods were not cheap and dazzling.

Su Jinnan threw him a box of cigars and said, "Hey, I'll give you a piece of advice. Don't forget your original intention and don't go to jail."

Ao Muyang put down the cigar and smiled, "You know I'm a multimillionaire. Why do I care about these little things? I'm just curious."

Su Jinnan found a box of cigarettes, tore it open and put one in his mouth. He said, "Well, it's best to do this. Do you know how we train new people in our team in the past?"

"How do you do it?"

"Take them to jail for a few days and let them experience the feeling of being in jail. In this way, they will be honest when they go to work. Otherwise, it's easy to be distracted in our line of work."

Ao Muyang understood that the coast guards did not have high incomes and were not as prestigious as the land police. After all, they were on the sea every day and saw few people. Most people, except fishermen, didn't piss on them.

After the two smuggling ships were discovered, Tu Xinjie was immediately happy.

He changed his sad face of the past two days and became full of smiles. After landing, he punched each of them in the chest and said, "Okay, you guys didn't bring down our team. I give you a thumbs up, Political Commissar."

"Can the Political Commissar give a bonus?" Su Jinnan said with a smile.

Tu Xinjie went up and put his arm around his shoulders and said, "Yes, yes, yes, I must give you a bonus of 200 yuan each. I, Old Tu, am the emperor and I don't need hungry soldiers."

Su Jinnan rolled his eyes and said, "You have the nerve to say that for just 200 yuan?"

Ao Muyang smiled and watched him show off. At this time, a crisp eagle cry sounded above his head, the cry of the queen.

He looked up at the sky and saw the queen circling above their heads. Every time it circled, it flew north for a distance, and then flew back to continue circling.

Seeing this, his heart skipped a beat and said, "Political Commissar Tu, Captain Su, something is going on."

"What's wrong?" Tu Xinjie asked with a smile, "Xiao Ao, do you have any new discoveries?"

Ao Muyang hesitated for a moment, then pointed to the north and said, "We'd better go over there and have a look. It seems that there are still problems going north."

Su Jinnan immediately asked, "Do you think there are still smuggling ships here?"

"Impossible, we have all searched, and searched one or two kilometers to the north, and found nothing, no traces." A coast guard shook his head.

Ao Muyang looked up at the queen again. The queen continued to circle and fly north, so he tentatively said, "Maybe we can expand the search range?"

Most of the coast guards shook their heads. Su Jinnan thanked him for reminding him to search on shore before, so he returned the favor: "Expand the search range. There are many people now, so look carefully. Lao Ao has sharp eyes. He probably found something, right?"

The coast guards dispersed and searched around in twos and threes.

There are many small mounds on the coast, and there are intermittent mud ditches between the mounds. After walking north for more than 100 meters, the mud ditches become wider and the water storage capacity increases.

Ao Muyang looked at the mud ditches and said, "This used to be a river channel. Due to the continuous drought this year, the river channel dried up and turned into a mud ditch."

The queen flew north along the mud ditch, and he walked north along the mud ditch. Su Jinnan accompanied him. The two walked north for a long distance. Suddenly, Su Jinnan jumped up and knocked Ao Muyang to the ground.

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