Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 821 827. Ocean Fraud (1/5)

Chapter 821 827. Ocean Bumping (15)

In the autumn of 1912, on the North Atlantic Ocean.

The Olympic, one of the largest ships in the world, was sailing on the sea, and an armored cruiser, the Hawker, was coming from behind.

The sailors on the freighter and the warship came out to look at each other. The sailors on the Olympic were looking at the advanced water warships, while the sailors on the Hawker were looking at the current international water giants.

The drivers of the two ships probably wanted to see each other more clearly, so they approached each other, and the Hawker caught up from behind, and the two ships sailed side by side.

The sailors and soldiers on the ship were about to wave in a friendly manner when an accident occurred. The armored cruiser, which was moving forward, seemed to be pulled by something and suddenly rushed sideways towards the Olympic...

If the Hawker was not a warship with a navy behind it, and if the armored cruiser had not hit the freighter with its sharp bow and punched a big hole in it without much damage to itself, the captain of the Olympic would have reason to believe that he had encountered a maritime fraud.

This was a very serious maritime accident at the time. The maritime court sentenced the case and the result was that the Olympic was responsible because he did not take evasive measures in time.

The captain of the Olympic was also a tough guy. How could he be the boss of such a big ship without a background? He immediately asked someone to investigate the matter and tried his best to prove that he had directed the freighter to evade, but he was unable to do so.

Finally, a big man in the field of fluid mechanics investigated the case and gave a scientific explanation: when the Hawker and the Olympic were sailing side by side, the seawater between the two ships could be regarded as a ditch, and the sides of the two ships became the walls of the ditch.

At that time, the two ships were sailing side by side, and the seawater on both sides of the ships was flowing backwards for the ships, but the flow rate of the seawater on the outside of each ship was slower than the flow rate between the two ships. In this way, the pressure exerted by the seawater on the side of the ship was greater than the pressure exerted by the seawater between the two ships on the side of the ship. It was under great pressure that the two ships collided.

In other words, the Olympic did avoid the collision, but the reason why the avoidance was unsuccessful was that it was a natural disaster that could not be controlled by human power.

This was the first time that Bernoulli's theorem was linked to a maritime accident. For many years afterwards, this maritime accident became a well-known case in navigation textbooks, and educated sailors and fishermen understood the reason.

Ao Muyang understood the reason, so he was shocked. This speedboat was either deliberately trying to scam or was uneducated. Something unexpected was going to happen!

Ao Daguo was also anxious after discovering the approaching speedboat. He quickly turned the rudder. In his career as a sea driver, he had encountered similar accidents several times.

During the fishing season, because the fishing ground is small, there are many fishing boats and the density is high, such things happen occasionally. For such collision accidents, it is usually the larger fishing boats that are punished because they have the responsibility to actively avoid them.

This may sound a bit far-fetched, as if a small car hit a large car on the road, but the responsibility is obviously on the small car, but the large car is responsible. This is a bit like you are poor and you are right, I am powerful and I am unlucky.

In fact, this is not the case. According to the Bernoulli theorem, the collision of two ships is a natural accident. At this time, the small boat is pushed by external forces and hits it. They lose control of the ship. In this case, to avoid disasters, they have to rely on the big ship to avoid them.

The Dragon Head was not very big, at least not a giant ship that was a hundred meters long. Ao Daguo tried hard to turn the rudder, and the fishing boat tilted slightly and changed its course.

But the small boat also changed its course and continued to hit the fishing boat.

Seeing this scene, Ao Muyang understood that this bastard was here to scam people!

After understanding this, he was a little confused for a while. What happened to him recently? Did he offend the God of Scamming? There was a dog scamming people before, and this time there was a speedboat scamming people. The God of Scamming People doesn't take the usual path.

He could see the speedboat clearly from a distance. He was very familiar with this speedboat. It was long and narrow, about twelve or thirteen meters long. It was the big airship they had been dealing with at sea these days!

Ao Muyang punched the hatch with his fist and said, "Uncle Daguo, don't dodge, you can't dodge, they are coming for me!"

It seems that a large airship is coming for revenge. He wondered if it was done by a smuggling group. The matter was more difficult, so he called Su Jinnan first: "I encountered a large airship here, and it took the initiative to hit me."

Su Jinnan immediately became energetic: "I'll go over right away. Damn, this is a mouse sending a funeral couplet to the old cat, taking the initiative to be buried with it."

Ao Muyang frowned and said, "What the hell?!"

Su Jinnan laughed and said, "I'm not educated, but that's what I mean."

"Then you can say a sleepy pillow or some messy jingle." Ao Muyang said unhappily, "I'll turn on the hands-free mode, listen carefully..."

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, the large airship successfully hit.

The Big Dragon Head was hit and trembled on the sea. Ao Daguo murmured: "Magobi, don't knock a hole in the side of the boat."

Ao Muyang didn't care: "It's okay. Anyway, it will be sent to the blue boat for repair and maintenance. If there is a hole, it will be repaired. It's better to break it and let these people replace it with a new one."

In order to reduce the damage, the Big Dragon Head immediately shut down the engine and dropped anchor.

The speedboat hit the boat and was forced to stop. A young man leaned out and shouted: "Fuck, how do you drive the boat? Don't you know how to retreat? Who is your captain? Get off..."

The height difference between the decks of the two ships was less than two meters. Ao Muyang jumped up lightly and grabbed the young man. He pulled him out with his arms and pressed him against the bow and said, "I am the captain of the ship. Who are you?"

There were five or six young men on the speedboat, all wearing sportswear and sneakers. They were ready for a fight, but Ao Muyang took the lead and they were a little surprised for a while. Generally speaking, the captain of the ship would beg for mercy first when encountering such a thing.

Ao Muyang was not used to their bad habits. He knew that these people were here to cause trouble, so he would just do it directly without any nagging.

With one hand pinching the young man's neck and pressing him against the door, he pointed at several people with one hand and said contemptuously: "What are you waiting for? Don't you want to fight? Let's do it."

The young man who led the group looked gloomy and said: "Fuck, brother, you are so arrogant. Who said we want to fight? Come on, come and see what your boat has done to our boat? Brothers, go and get him!"

He said a few words calmly, and then the young man revealed his true intentions, shouted and rushed towards Ao Muyang first.

Ao Muyang turned around and swung his tail like a dragon, and kicked the young man who jumped up in the air in the chest. With a bang, the young man who had just jumped up was kicked back, and with another splash, he was kicked into the sea!

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