Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 830 836. Small gift (rolling around to ask for votes)

This Fu Jixiang is a powerful person. He has always been polite and smiling like a spring breeze, but he uses both soft and hard tactics to show two attitudes.

Regardless of whether it is a Hongmen Banquet or not, Ao Muyang has to go to this banquet because he called Su Jinnan, who suggested that he go there.

Fu Jixiang opened the door of the big G and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation. Ao Muyang waved his hand and said, "No, I have my own car. I like to drive myself. I might hit a dog on the road."

Hearing this, Fu Jixiang, who had always been smiling, couldn't laugh for the first time. The corners of his mouth twitched twice and asked, "Mr. Ao, what are you doing?"

"What is this?" Ao Muyang glanced at him.

Fu Jixiang knew that Geng Jinhu's men had done those shitty things, but he didn't know that Ao Muyang had suffered before, so he smiled bitterly and said, "What do you mean by that?"

Ao Muyang shrugged and said, "It's meaningless. Let's go. Lead the way, Mr. Fu!"

He didn't say much. Some things were useless to say to Fu Jixiang.

Two big Mercedes-Benzes were galloping on the mountain road. This time there was a car leading the way, so Ao Muyang didn't have to worry about encountering a scam again. In addition, the person driving today was Zhong Cang, and he was still very confident in Zhong Cang's driving skills.

The two cars drove into Hongyang at lightning speed, but did not enter the city. After getting off the highway, they went straight to the coastal area of ​​Hongyang.

This urban area was still a rural area of ​​Hongyang more than ten years ago, but it was a plain area, which was convenient for development. In the past ten years, it has ushered in opportunities and made rapid progress, and has become a wealthy area in the city of Hongyang.

Linhai District used to have a lot of farmland. These farmlands became the focus of the national greening work in previous years and turned into parks, botanical gardens and forest gardens. Later, when the urban area was developed, these parks and botanical gardens were invested with huge amounts of money. Now they have become a good place for citizens to relax and tourists to play. They were not demolished, but high-end residential areas and villa areas were built in them.

So although there are not many real estate projects here, the money that should be earned by the government has not been reduced at all. On the contrary, the strong rise of Linhai District has driven the development of Hongyang's real estate market:

The gathering of high-end residential areas and villa areas has made Linhai District a rich area. The rich spend huge sums of money to enjoy a better environment and more resources. Several other urban areas have carried out a major transformation of shantytowns. Residential buildings are next to each other. The environment is not good and the resources are few, but the housing prices are low and there are many houses, which can accommodate a large number of ordinary people.

In this way, everyone gets what they need and has no complaints.

It is necessary for a city to have a rich area. The emergence of class barriers will motivate the middle class to work hard to move up, and the Hongyang government makes a lot of money by fleecing the middle class, and will not offend the lower-class people.

The Mercedes-Benz G-Class becomes less conspicuous after entering the Linhai District. The roads here are all newly planned, all wide roads with six or eight lanes. There are a lot of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Cadillac, Jaguar, Lincoln, Porsche and the like running on the road. He even saw a Lamborghini whizzing by.

"It turns out that there are so many rich people now." Ao Muyang sighed in the car.

The car finally stopped in a park. Fu Jixiang took the initiative to open the car door for Ao Muyang and said with a smile: "The banquet is here, Mr. Ao, don't think there are no big hotels here, but as the saying goes, masters are among the people, and some excellent restaurants are also hidden among the people. The next place we are going to is a private restaurant, where you can eat a lot of rare things. I hope you will be satisfied."

Ao Muyang asked: "Where is your Mr. Sun?"

"Mr. Sun Beilong is waiting for you in the restaurant." Fu Jixiang smiled.

Ao Muyang gave a thumbs up and said: "You are so polite."

Fu Jixiang didn't know whether he said this sincerely or sarcastically. He knew that this young man was not easy to deal with, so he didn't make any guesses.

The private restaurant is hidden in the park, with an elegant environment, with rushing water, green trees, birds singing and rabbits running.

Led by Fu Jixiang, Ao Muyang walked across a small arch bridge and saw an old house with bluestone and red bricks. A middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes stood at the door. He was tall and ruddy, and his eyes were bright and sharp as he looked around.

Seeing the group of people coming, the middle-aged man smiled. He strode to greet them and laughed loudly: "Haha, Brother Ao, Lao Fu, you are here. I, Old Sun, have been waiting for you anxiously. This must be Brother Ao? Young and promising, a young hero, a real young hero!"

Fu Jixiang introduced the two people. Needless to say, this middle-aged man was another aquatic tycoon in Hongyang, Sun Beilong of Honglong Fisheries.

After the two shook hands, Sun Beilong politely said that he had heard of him for a long time, and then kept holding his hand and pulled him into a box.

There were two coast guards sitting in the box, which were Su Jinnan and his little follower Zheng Liunian.

Seeing Su Jinnan, Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Hey, Captain Su, long time no see, you said you didn't miss me after not seeing each other for such a long time? Why don't you wait for me outside?"

Su Jinnan knew that he was teasing him, so he snorted and drank a sip of water, and then whispered, "Alas, I am too embarrassed to see you."

Ao Muyang snorted and smiled. Sun Beilong asked him to sit in the main seat, but he tried his best to refuse. Sun Beilong didn't really want to give up this seat, so he sat on it after refusing a few words.

After a few pleasantries, Fu Jixiang spoke first. He said, "Mr. Ao, originally, our Sun Beilong should have come to your house to invite you for this banquet, but he was busy today and couldn't get away for a while. Mr. Sun Beilong, have you finished this matter?"

Sun Beilong smiled and said, "I'm done, I'm done, brother Ao. It's a bit unreasonable that I couldn't come to your house in person, but I think my reason is acceptable to you, because I heard that your motorcycle was stolen some time ago, and I asked some friends to look for it these days. It's also a coincidence that there was an important breakthrough this morning..."

He clapped his hands, and someone came to open the door and pushed in an off-road motorcycle.

Ao Muyang took a look and saw that it was the car that was stolen when he was catching river crabs in Houloumen Village.

I have to admit that Sun Beilong is very resourceful!

Since people have sent gifts to his door and helped him wholeheartedly, Ao Muyang can no longer keep a straight face. He has to smile for emotional and rational reasons, otherwise it will be unreasonable.

With the help of this motorcycle, everyone started talking.

While the topic was hot, Fu Jixiang glanced at Sun Beilong and said, "Mr. Ao, I have been thinking about your incident just now. You said that you hit a dog while driving a car some time ago, and then you were blackmailed for 20,000 yuan?"

Ao Muyang said, "Well, it's not blackmail, after all, I hit someone's dog, so I should pay compensation."

Sun Beilong's face changed and asked, "What's going on?"

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